Friday, October 16, 2020

Mystery Progress

Everyone knows I am a total "mystery quiltaholic". On occasion (usually due to a state of project overwhelm) I can say 'no' to a new mystery, but not very often! 

I currently have several mysteries on the go in various stages of production and am pleased with the progress I made this week. First I finished trimming down the HST blocks from the September step for the Meadow Mist mystery quilt called "Morewood".

Then I started sewing the October step and sewed half of the blocks incorrectly. I wondered why I didn't have the needed strips and cut more, only to realize I did have the strips already and didn't read the instructions correctly. UGH! I'm blaming COVID brain! Luckily I could fix it by trimming and didn't waste all the fabric for 30 blocks!

It was fun to sew with these bright colours and I look forward to working on this project in the dead of winter. I label everything as I sew each step or I become totally confused working on a project over several months. Some of the numbers are blurred so I don't give anything away on this mystery. These are some of the pieces and parts for the mystery that are going back into their project box to wait until the November step is posted. This is the most fun a quilter can have in COVID times! LOL


Julierose said...

I really like watching mystery quilts evolve on other people's blogs--but I don't make mystery quilts--I have enough problems following patterns where I know the outcome !! But that's just me;0
Have fun hugs, Julierose

ButterZ said...

This is looking interesting

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

It is hard to appreciate just how small those miniature blocks are really. You are doing some lovely stitching to get those teensy seams straight. I, like Julierose, enjoy watching others work through mystery quilts. These colourful blocks will be fun to work with esp. when we are all in winter white.

Shelina said...

I didn't know there were that many mystery quilts going around! The background fabrics are so pretty and the bright colors. Your blocks are pretty and look like they would work well together! I am glad you were able to fix the error without too much sacrifice. I am making yellow and white HSTs too but not for that project.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your bright colors with the black and white background fabrics! It will be fun to see your progress!

Florida Farm Girl said...

I always want to know what the finished quilt will look like, so I don't do mystery quilts. I love the colors that are being used, especially all those black on white prints. How do you even find or collect that many of them?! I have a ton of fabric but I'd bet I have no more than may be one or two of them.

Jenny said...

I'm also one of those who dont do mstery quilts. What if I make all the pieces then dont like the finished top? What if my chosen colours dont work out? Too many worries so I dont even start. I certainly can admire quilters who take these mysteries in their stride, like you Kathy, and all the others who are more adventurous than me!

Deanna W said...

In your defense, those instructions were a bit off and others made the same mistake. I was in a discussion with a group on facebook who said it didn't matter which side the Not background piece went on...of course it is going to matter!!

loulee said...

I'm not very good at mysteries! I like to know what I'm making. LOL
This one is going to be very bright and colourful.