Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Retreat Preparations

It's time to pack up for spring quilting retreat. 
It's always challenging for me to decide which projects to take. 
new project cut and organized for sewing
My friends take great delight in making fun of me over my project selection agony, but truly... it's a very hard decision!
I started a new project and precut ALL the pieces so that I can sit at sew at retreat... no thinking required!
There are so many options since I have piles of UFOs, and I want to take everything, but that is not realistic. Even at quilt retreat, there are still only 24 hours in the day.
I like to have a variety of projects because a quilter can never predict what she might feel like working on, right?!?! 

baby quilt ready to sew
I am taking 3 quilt tops to piece (LOL probably only 2 of them will see the light of day!), some candlemats and a tablerunner to machine quilt, my hand embroidery project, my Blockheads II to make more blocks (I have finished 26 of the 52 blocks), and of course a small quilt to finish the binding.
How do you decide what projects to take to a quilting retreat?!? 


Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

I took more than I thought I could finish to the last retreat, and ended up getting so much done that I almost ran out of things to do!!

gailss said...

Oh....looks like a fun retreat and have fun!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I wouldn't have the slightest idea what to take - I have never gone to one LOL - but I guess I would stick in a hand project or two so I would be able to switch back and forth and one for the machine too. I have read so many that say that they make sure to have a machine project or two all cut out and ready to go.

MissPat said...

I always wind up taking more than I can get to, but that's better than running out. Just went to a retreat and for once accomplished some of the things I intended including piecing the two small quilts for Hands 2 Help. Those two are now quilted and I'm working on sewing down the binding. Have another retreat to prepare for in June.

Needled Mom said...

Have fun.

Shelina said...

I haven't been to a quilt retreat, but I have been out of town on a business trip where I had to decide what to take. Like you, I chose a variety of projects, and tried to find ones that wouldn't require too much thinking.

Marie said...

Now I don't feel so bad about what I pack!

Jenny said...

Have a wonderful time!

Mary said...

Best to take more than less! Good variety saves the boredom. You should have a nice few days of mindless stitching from those bags.

Janet O. said...

I have only attended a couple of "open sew" retreats--and I love them. I dedicate the time to making good progress on UFOs I want to finish. My retreats are only 3 days, so I take a large project and a small project for each day. I may or may not spend time with all of them, but I have options and I don't feel like I lack variety. I may throw in a handwork project to do in my room at night, but I usually end up reading.
Enjoy your retreat. I'll be interested to see what you choose to work on while you are there.

Karrin Hurd said...

Have a great time! Will look forward to seeing what you get done!

Sue said...

Wow! I think you are worse/better than me. I took 2 projects to mine last month and worked on both. As you say...you don't know what you'll feel like doing on the day! :)