Quilting Woes
After bragging yesterday about finding the perfect machine quilting combination of machine, needle, and thread, I started having problems. I broke a needle! I very rarely break a needle. These are strong needles made of hardened chrome plated steel, so when they break there is a loud sound and it's scary!
I calmed myself down, replaced that needle, changed the quilting foot and vowed to slow down.
another broken needle |
But then I broke a second needle!
I have quilted so many quilts and never broken a needle, so it was shocking to have TWO breaks on one project! I reminded myself that this quilt has a lot of intense piecing in it, and lots of bulk at the seam joins. I decided to have more respect for my poor old machine trying to power through the big lumps of fabric where blocks join together.
I pushed through the frustration, slowed to a snail's pace, and finished quilting the blocks.
Then for the border quilting, I stitched a zigzag quilting line on both sides of the accordion pattern. It was very tedious with the walking foot, with so many twists and turns of the quilt each time the direction changed. So I switched to the free motion foot. Ahhhh... delightful! My accuracy declines when I'm stitching straight lines with the free motion foot, but I am willing to sacrifice perfection for enjoyment! It's just so much fun when you have the perfect combination of the right quilting foot, needle, thread, and speed.
The quilting is finally done and I have 2 days to make the binding, get it attached to the quilt, and hand stitched down to meet my May goal for OMG.
Oh the drama!
These are the lovely medium blue fabrics that were leftover from the quilt that will become the binding. There will be approximately 300" of binding to hand stitch by friday. It's possible that I might reach my goal if I work on it every moment that I'm not working or sleeping!
Good that you solved your needle breakage problems; this is a beautiful quilt--love the color combo hugs, Julierose
Great that the needle problem is solved and congrats on a job well done. Beautiful and the binding will flow on even if a day or so late...;)
How frustrating, great that you figured out the problem. Those blues will be a nice binding against the zigzag border.
I feel your pain!!!!!!!!! If you start today RIGHT NOW and start binding it all day, eat supper, go to bed, the get up at 5AM and you just might finish by midnight tomorrow night! LOL Sorry about all the issues. Hugs
I slow down now too as my machine is having a few age issues (who isn't, lol?)
Congrats on getting through it
I guess the needle breaking was from the heavy seams then? I think if I remember right that is when I have had some breaking needles too - I don't machine quilt very often but I know I have had some broken needles
Very frustrating for you, but I'm glad you sorted it out!
Oh no, broken needles! Glad you got the right combination of feet, thread and needle. I know you can do it. Happy bonding time.
I broke two needles on a quilt last week, too! So, so frustrating. And as you said, scary, too. I worry about a piece flying up into my eyes :( Glad you were able to finish your lovely quilt, though!
Very unusual to break two needles. You can get it finished...I know it!!
It is so fun and relaxing to machine quilt when you get into that good rhythm. I'm with you - better to find that good zone with free motion and enjoy!
I am glad you got it all worked out and are ready for the final stage. I agree that having fun with the quilt is better than perfect stitches.
I bet your machine was too busy admiring the beautiful quilt to do it's job properly:)
Those blues are so pretty together. Will make a wonderful binding for your quilt.
Breaking needles is never fun and is also so startling. Congrats on preserving.
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