Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party! We invite you to settle in for some relaxation, visit our inspiring stitchers at the links below, and take some time to put a few stitches in one of your favourite projects.

I seem to be alternating between 2 hand stitching projects - the Gail Pan's "I Stitch Club" embroidery BOM, and hand quilting blocks for my Life Is Beautiful quilt. It seems I get bored with one project and switch to the other from time to time. This week I have put stitches in both, so I'll share the "quilt-as-you-go" block I am quilting. This is an alternate block with appliqued circles. I am quilting a straight line horizontally and vertically, then quilting around the centre circle, then quilting on the drawn chalk line (which is traced around a saucer from my kitchen cupboard that happened to be the right size!)
What are you hand stitching today? Please link up your blog post below and share your project with us!
An InLinkz Link-up
This change in the time has me up very early this morning! Alternating between projects keeps life interesting! We have some outside work lined up for this afternoon to be followed by some stitching later. Take care!
Enjoy your slow stitching time today!
I really enjoy having multiple projects to be able to switch back and forth between ... variety is the spice of life, right?! I also really love it when common household things make themselves useful in my craft ... like saucers being the perfect size for a quilting template! That always makes my day! Enjoy *your* slow stitching day! :)
it is always nice to alternate between two projects I think. I have EPP to do today and making binding for a quilt top just finished with the hand quilting
I love the different reds in your Life is Beautiful blocks! Now that I'm doing more hand stitching, I'm noticing that I like having a choice of things to work on, too. Thanks for hosting us, Kathy!
Kathy, thank you! You have inspired me to pull out my embroidery. Embroidery was my first needle art as a teen. But life and quilting took over. I went to the LQS and bought several books and patterns. However, I have obviously had this idea before because I decide to pull out my embroidery supplies and found I had some from my MIL, mom and grandmother and had 7 pillowcases printed and a dozen quilt blocks. I have now organized supplies and projects and am making steady progress. I have already completed two pillow cases and have started tracing new projects. However, with everything organized, I am looking forward to ongoing slow stitching. Thank you! Jan. Janice.snell@gmail.com
I like to have at least two stitching projects to work on so I can change off when I need a break from one. I look forward to seeing your progress on the Life is Beautiful quilt. Its a rainy day here so I plan to get a full day of stitching today,
I switch between multiple projects, both in quilting and knitting. I like your pictured block.
I like having multiple projects to switch from too!
In the links, I see more and more people are doing embroidery. I wonder if you, personally, had something to do with this new trend, like spreading inspiration every Sunday. I look forward to seeing Life is Beautiful finished. Enjoy the slower pace. ;^)
It's nice to switch between projects. Both of yours are lovely!
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