If you are a Mom, I want to wish you a very Happy Mother's Day!
I enjoyed a lovely visit with my daughter yesterday, and will be visiting with my son and my Mom this afternoon. These are the chocolate covered strawberries that I will be eating today while enjoying my slow stitching... yum!
I have to admit that the mothering issue I have been worrying about this week is that the staff at the Toronto Zoo are on strike. I can't help worrying about the baby animals there and wondering who is taking care of them. It really is none of my concern and I'm sure they have made arrangements for care of the little creatures, but this is the kind of thing that weighs on my mind, and why I NEED my slow stitching to calm myself down.
I found this great article on managing the intrusiveness of world news and social media over at Raptitude. I will be reflecting on these ideas today and figuring out how I can worry less, and relax more.
This is what I am stitching today. It's the last hand embroidery block for my Life is Beautiful project. I finished the heart at the top of the block and most of the angel on the left this week. Today I'll be stitching the angel on the right.
What are you stitching by hand today? Link up your blog post below and share your project with us. As always I will try to visit all of our stitching links. If I'm able to leave you a comment (and I'm not able to do so on any Google + blogs) I will. And I encourage you to visit the link before and after yours, and offer some words of inspiration and support.
An InLinkz Link-up
Happy Mother's Day, Kathy! I celebrated last weekend when my daughter was home. Today will just be a relaxing day at home with some sewing and maybe a bike ride, if the weather cooperates. Take care and have fun stitching your angel on the right!
Happy Mothers Day too! Our daughter called and talked to me last Sunday, she thought that was Mother's Day! Last evening our oldest son called chatted, then we both talked to the grands individually. We are so blessed to have nice children. Enjoy your embroidery today. I can't watch national TV news or listen to news on the radio, too depressing.
happy Mothers Day to you too, Kathy! :) I was snuggled between two twin granddaughters last night ...which sort of turned to squished at some point !:)
Happyiest of Mother's Day--going to be with my daughter and her family today
for luncheon visit. Saw my son yesterday and his youngest daughter..best gifts of all --family...hugs, Julierose
Happy Mother's Day to you Kathy. I am enjoying browsing through the blogs that joined today as I do every Sunday. I always try to comment on several of them as I know how much I enjoy seeing comments on my own blog. My son and daughter are unable to be with me today, but I will see my daughter next week and spend some time with my own mom. Enjoy your visit and your stitching.
happy mothers day to you Kathy - those chocolate covered strawberry's look terrific
Happy Mother's Day to you too.Enjoy your day and I find that there is just too much quilting and stitching that needs to get done to worry about other things....naive maybe but it keeps me going!! Have a great day
Happy Mother's Day to you too! Have a lovely day. We're on the road, but my oldest texted me yesterday...just in case he forgot, I suspect. Either way...always good to be remembered.
Oh my how wonderful do those chocolate covered strawberries look! I'm sure the animals at the zoo will be taken care of and you know what they say a problem shared is a problem halved (or something like that lol) which means hopefully all the people who read your blog will take a little piece of your worry, so you can have a wonderful Mothers Day!!
Wow, Kathy! I am reading the Raptitude article, and the article that he recommends, and find them both informative. I cut back my social media use a long time ago, and I am glad that I did. I could cut back more, yet, and live more in my real world! I might even get more stitching done! :)
Happy Mother's Day!
Thanks so much for the Raptitude article...wow! Great stuff. I already knew I didn't like Facebook--does anyone find it as depressing as I do? I find I've been happier in general since deliberately spending more time away from my computer. I've also gotten a lot more quilting done!
I always enjoy coming here on Sunday to see what people are working on. I try to comment on every blog so they know that someone cares about what they are sharing. That's what blogging is all about.
I love your slow Sunday stitching as it makes me slow down and enjoy hand stitching of all types. I enjoy visiting the blogs that link up as they offer so much inspiration.
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