It went into the UFO closet last year because the pink just became too much for me! I'm sure a little girl would love all that pink, and even though I like pink, this much pink is hard on my eyes to work on!
This quilt combines two types of blocks started in two different classes:
1) quarter log cabin blocks made in a class with Bethany Garner. The fabric pieces were cut with scissors and pieced in a free from way.
2) strips sets made in a class with Cinzia Alloca.
This quilt layout just needs a little TLC to make some major progress, but it is competing with The Bear for time in my brain.
Suggestions are welcome!!
Hop over to the AHIQ link up and see all the wonderful improv quilts being made.
oooooh.....this looks amazing!
Well, I can always come up with a suggestion or two... I think these are two different quilts. All the high contrast pink and white strip sets would look great on their own -- sort of architectural. And then the quarter logs are the start of something new!
Since it was put in the UFO closet, does it have to remain a pink and white quilt? Why not step away from that, add maybe some green and yellow to put it more into your comfort zone, finish it and gift it. Or put those fabrics back in the stash and make a potholder out of the block. ;)
Good luck with your decision.
If too much pink bothers you, add in some more greens, yelliw, and oranges like those in the quarter log cabin blocks ... I like the pink/white blocks that have narrow inset colorful strips of squares- maybe more of those in the other strip blocks? Lots of potential here!!!
Reading your blog always cheers me up. You show such exquisite works. Again, I am going to suggest you add another contrasting color....such as the lime I see a little bit of in there.
You could always add more of the white for more negative space--the hallmark of modern quilts--sashing the blocks to make them fit together.
It's definitely pink. Looking forward to seeing what direction you take this project.
T could be two separate quilts. It I do like the medallion you're setting up. That would give you easy areas to add alternate colors, either within current pieces or as additional narrow rounds. Lovely blocks. I'm glad you got it out again. Thanks for linking with AHIQ.
I agree. Since they are not stitched all together, just build on the log cabin medallion with cross cuts of some stripes. I like the one with the tiny square of lime in the strip. Bring in the central colors and make a nice 40x40 quilt.
I think it would sing if the green and orange were allowed larger supporting roles!
Here's what came to me as I looked at the picture...take the stripey blocks and slice them once in an improv way and insert a strip of another colour.
I like these blocks a lot. If I were putting them together I think I would slice some of the pink and white ones so that they were narrower and then,as other people have suggested, add in some of extra colours from the log cabins. I might add a few more log cabins around the place for good measure too. Very interesting to ponder this- thanks for linking up!
Yes, it sure is pink. I like it as it is right now but I think I would add in more half log cabins in same colors you have now and maybe different sizes and put them where you have the blank spots around the edges right now. Whatever...have fun!
Never too much Pink. Hahaha. Add in more of the Block colors as sashings and get it done so you can sew colors you enjoy more.
Oh I love this! Wonderful centre and the contrast then with the varied pink and white strips, super.
Love the look of this .... very happy ❤️
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