The treadle time is really adding up!
A few scraps added here and there while cooking supper and doing household chores not only makes me feel more relaxed, but eventually all the effort becomes a finished quilt!
I now have 50 strips pieced... here's the pile.
If there are approximately 10 scraps per strip, that's already 500 little bits that are on their way to being part of a quilt!
It always amazes me how little chunks of time can really add up to tons of progress on a project! Great job Kathy.
This is going to be beautiful - look at all that color!
I am so curious about the treadle machine you use. Do you use it for the "fun" of it, or do you find it really easy to sew on? I have my mother's treadle and it is very similar in appearance to yours. I would like to get it overhauled, but not sure where to take it. I wonder if I could do this myself with a little Internet search. The mechanism is probably fairly simple.
Very well organized - good for you!!! My sewing area is upstairs so it is not as easy for me to just sit down and sew for a few minutes. But I have started to keep my embroidery downstairs to I can pick that up when I have a spare 15 minutes or so while cooking, talking with hubby, etc.
Lots of scrappy goodness in your post! It's so great to have a project at the ready... that's how my leader/enders turn into straight sewing. I really need to get one of my UFOs that is still in piecing mode set up near my machines for quick sew time.
This looks like fun. I'm looking forward to seeing this quilt come together.
Shattered is looking good too. Such a good way to use up those small pieces and bits of pretty fabric, scraps that I can't bear to throw away.
I have to break up my chores with little snatches of sewing, too. Keeps me sane. : )
You have accomplished so much with your treadle moments!
You and I are treadling the same thing! I have 200 +/- of those 4.5x10" strips made. What are you planning to do with yours? I am thinking about cutting diamonds or triangles from mine.
You are making strips like Bonnie on Paper, it looks like. It would make a great border too.
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