Sunday, August 25, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

Hello stitcher! Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party where we hope you will get lots of inspiration and encouragement to help you on your stitching journey!

I started a new knitting project this week and challenged myself to try a new stitch from the Leisure Arts Kitchen Bright Dishcloths booklet. 

I was desperate for a distraction while at the hospital with my Mom this week. It was not an ideal learning environment, in fact is was quite  stressful - the long waiting hallway in the local ER where the elderly and sick wait for hours on end for health care while lying on uncomfortable stretchers . (**Sorry I should have mentioned that Mom is home now and feeling much better!) But I started this project anyway and couldn't know for certain if I was knitting the pattern correctly or not! But I do love the Estelle Sudz 100% cotton yarn and it did help to pass the time.

Many cross stitch projects were worked on this past month and I especially love the caribou I finished. This guy is part of the Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery SAL called Arctic Animals. The next step is stitching puffins, so I'm excited to start on that this week.

I recorded a video to share the projects I hand stitched in August. To see the video on my youtube channel click here. After I filmed the video, I realized I actually had quite a bit of  progress on many projects, so that felt great!

Today I will be hand stitching the binding on my Laundry Basket mystery quilt from 2021. It always feel so good to be nearing a finish!
What are you planning to hand stitch today? Are you starting new projects? Finishing some treasures? We hope you will link up your blog below and share your journey with us!


The Cozy Quilter said...

I hope your mom is feeling better now. I have been in your situation and it is not fun. Stitching or knitting while waiting is a good way to keep calm while you wait to see a dr or test results. You’ve done lots of stitching in August! I like the stitch pattern in your dish cloth. The caribou is really cute.

Jill said...

At least you had something to stitch while being with your mom during her long wait. Been there done that. I’ve watched part of your video. Love the daily calendar idea. TY! Since I couldn’t wait ‘til January to record stitching, I found a similar calendar that began July 2024. Logging daily stitching adds up. :-)

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Oh, no, I hope your mom is OK. I'm going to work on my Christmas Broken Jewelry Tree today.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I'm so sorry to hear you had to be in the ER with your mom, Kathy. I've had to do that, too, and it's no fun at all. I hope she's doing okay now. Your dish cloth knitting sounds like a good distraction, and such pretty yarn! I'll go check out your video, too. Have a relaxing Sunday!

Deb A said...

You have gotten a lot done in the last few months! I was watching your video's on Friday. So sorry to hear of the ER visit with your Mom. I hope she is doing better.

Rebecca Grace said...

Oh, Kathy -- is your mom okay? Is she home now or still in the hospital? We have had two family members hospitalized in the past three months, first my father-in-law and then my husband, still very fresh so that as I read your words I smell the hospital disinfectant and I can hear the beeping of the monitors and the moans of patients. Sending you extra hugs today. Your little caribou is delightful and those crocheted dish cloths are the best! My grandmother used to have them, though I don't know whether she made them herself or purchased them at her church's annual craft bazaar. I'm looking forward to seeing those puffins!

Sarah said...

I’m sorry your mum is not well. I’m off to look at your you tube!

Angela said...

I am glad you had a distraction while waiting with your Mom. That is tough. The yarn is gorgeous.

CathieJ said...

I am glad that your mom is feeling better. I remember those days sitting with an elderly parent. It is so hard and you definitely need some kind of distraction. I like the yarn you are using for your dishcloth. I need to check out your video.

Robin said...

I enjoyed watching your video today. I, too, don't like to stitch on black. I like the look but not the stress to my eyes. You sure have a lot of projects but your enthusiasm for all of them is fun to feel. I think I'll go look up the Book of Days so I can get me one.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear about your Mom, Kathy. I hope she is doing much better and I wish her the best in her recovery. A distraction is always nice when under such circumstances. Such pretty fibers you are knitting with and your stitch is so cute. I wish you a good week . Hugs

Kate said...

The ER is never a fun place to visit. So glad your mother is back home again. Hopefully she is feeling much, much better. Congrats on all the progress with your stitching stuff.