Sunday, August 04, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching - Olympics

Welcome to the hand stitching olympics! 

You get a bronze medal if you take out your project today and put some stitches in!

You earn a silver medal if you stitch on more than 1 project!

And you get a gold medal if you actually finish a project!

Congratulations to everyone who is a hand stitcher in 2024 - you all get participation awards! 🤗🤗

I finished a couple of things this week - gold medal for me! 

The hand stitched binding is completed on my Dancing in the Stars quilt. This was the 2023 Scrapdash mystery quilt project for the February Super bowl. I added a top and bottom border to make it a rectangular quilt, instead of a square as the pattern called for.  
Finished size: 48" x 57"

It was made all from stash and scraps and I am so delighted with how it turned out! Yah me!

Well, and also yah for Roxanne who quilted it for me! Can you see the lovely quilting pattern she created?!? It perfectly matches the theme of the quilt.

This week I have also  enjoyed participating in an instagram challenge organized by Katie @thenaptimestitcher. The challenge is called #Stitchthesummerolympics and a different stitching challenge is issued for each day. 

During the first week I have finished 3 cross stitched pieces!

1) First I completed Mini Strawberry Sampler (a lovely free pattern given to us by Melisa at  Pinker'nPunking Quilting and Stitching). It measures 5" x 3.5" on 14 count (beet dyed) Aida cloth. I will fully finish this in the same way as I have finished the squirrel sampler, and the pumpkin sampler. I just adore these little wallhanging projects, and can't decide which one to start next! It will be apple season soon, so maybe I'll start the mini apple sampler? Or maybe the sunflower sampler?

2) My second project was started for the "Stitches and Pages" group hosted by Katie the Novel Stitcher. The novel we read was "Funny Story" by Emily Henry, and we always pick our own stitching project to work on. 

I stitched a design from the "Really Cross Stitch" book by Rayna Fahey. This one is already framed and sitting in my office tea room as a tribute to our infectious disease experts who brilliantly navigated covid days and helped us to survive the covid era. Some of our clients did not make it, and it was tough going for us for a couple of years. 

The Stitches and Pages zoom meeting was lots of fun as we discussed the book and our projects. The next book will be posted next week - click here to see the possible choices if you are interested.

3) This Wild Whimsy Bear pattern was started on our annual family camping trip and was finished during the first week of the olympics. It was stitched mostly with Classic Colorworks threads on 14 count tea dyed Aida cloth. I plan to finish this for a Christmas gift.  It measures 4" x 3".

I also wanted to mention in case you missed the World Embroidery Day celebration for July 30th on Sarah Homfray's Youtube video. I enjoyed seeing the video clips submitted by stitchers around the world showing their embroidery.

(And P.S. If you are interested in having your name in the draw for the Fat Quarter Shop mystery quilt kit, you need to leave a comment on my youtube channel and I will pick a winner at the end of August)

And that's what I've been up to. I'm a tiny bit obsessed with the olympics and plan to be in my stitchy chair every evening this week watching the highlights of the day. Are you watching the olympics? Are you hand stitching so much your hands are sore like mine?!? Link up your blog post below and share your projects with us.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


The Cozy Quilter said...

You won several gold medals this week! Beautiful quilt finish and lots of cross stitching too! Good to get a head start on Christmas gifts now when they are hand sewn. The bear is really cute. Gail at the cozy quilter.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your Dancing with the Stars quilt is gorgeous, Kathy - it just glows! Looks like you're having great fun stitching with the Olympics, too. So fun to see what you've been working on! Enjoy your stitching today!

maggie fellow said...

the quilt is lovely and I do enjoy all the stitching projects

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Wow, you have been busy! I'll be putting some hand stitches in my Jewelry Christmas Tree, but I will not finish today. Silver medal for me!

Rebecca Grace said...

Dancing in the Stars turned out beautifully, Kathy! It's a gold medal winner for sure! I love the idea of handing out Slow Stitching medals. I'm afraid there is no chance of a gold medal for me, but MAYBE I could pull off a bronze. My problem is that I stitched down the last of my prepped applique rosebuds last night and it takes a lot longer to make each little bugger than it does to stitch them down. Can't we add a fourth medal for those who spend time working on prep for hand stitching today, like maybe an Iron medal? It would be ugly for sure but better than nothing!

Michelle Suzanne said...

Oh Kathy, I’m starting out of the gate with saying I totally love your Thanks Science cross stitch. I love it so much, I may need to put it on to do list. All of your projects are beautiful. I guess I get a bronze, because I have one project I’ve worked on every evening. :D

Deb said...

Congrats on the Gold Medals, the Dancing in the Stars quilt is beautiful, all those cross stitched pieces are so sweet I love the Bear.

Jill said...

An inspiring post on many levels with your completed hand stitching projects and encouraging to others to go for a medal today. I'm happy with a bronze.

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

Love your finished quilt. So sunny and happy looking. And your little stitches are darling. The 'Plague' one made me giggle - not to my taste, but I do like the humor of it.

I'm only getting a bronze today, maybe a silver, but the gold is totally out of reach. I'm happy just to have time to stitch today.

CathieJ said...

I won't get any medals today as my toddler granddaughter is here for a visit until tomorrow so crafting is on hold. No needles need to go missing. I love the little stitcheries you have been working on. Enjoy the Olympics.

Karrin Hurd said...

Great work on all your projects! I love that one with the rats. I am enjoying watching the highlights of the Olympics every night. Waiting for tonight's to come on in an hour!

Lee said...

I have been enjoying the Olympics! Participant for sure! I love the Science finish and your bear!