Sunday, June 25, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the Slow Sunday Stitching weekly linkup party! If you like to stitch things by hand, you have found your people! Each week there are stitchers around the world who share their projects and slow progress to encourage and inspire us.

June has been a  busy month with weddings and other celebrations. I knitted a little dishcloth to give to my niece and new husband in their wedding card. Giving money just seems so cold (although I know that young people need it) so I had to make something to put in with the money. I finished knitting the cloth on the way to the wedding!

I was so happy to have found a blue Sudz yarn that is close to the colour of their bridesmaid dresses. You can't see the colour match very well in these over exposed photos, but trust me, the blue yarn is a very close match to the blue dresses! 

I also finished "the early bird" stamp #6 for Spring Stamp Collection by Melisa at Pinker 'n Punkin Quilting. I love these tiny blocks featuring blue birds. This is the first time I have made long stitches (the lines from the sun) and I hope they stay put! I know it is already summer, and I'm still working on my spring projects, but that's okay - I'm enjoying making each stitch! Next up is stamp #2 Spring Planting.

What are you hand stitching today? Are you finishing any gifts for celebrations?


CathieJ said...

I love the idea of adding something homemade to your money gift. Those photos from your niece's wedding are beautiful. The "early bird" is really cute. Enjoy your stitching. Thanks for hosting the linkup.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It looks like it was a beautiful wedding, and I love the blue of the bridesmaids' dresses! Your face cloth is perfect as a little gift that matches, too. The Spring bluebird is adorable! Happy stitching today, Kathy!

Angela said...

Very thoughtful addition to the gift!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Such lovely wedding photos and such a gorgeous knitted dishcloth as well. Love the color blue fibers that you used. Aaah your Spring stamp is adorable, Kathy.You immediately brought a smile to my day. Thank you. Have a lovely day.

AnnieO said...

A finished handmade gift has only one deadline to meet--and you did it. Sweet wedding pics. Your bluebird is darling. Small projects can be really satisfying.
Happy Summer!

Karrin Hurd said...

Lovely wedding pictures, and blue washcloth!