Sunday, September 25, 2022

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party!

I am definitely looking forward to some slow stitching today. How about you? I hope you will take some time today to relax and to put a few stitches into your project. 

Last weekend I enjoyed a little quilt retreat with my friend Louise. She was finishing a mystery quilt and here she is hand stitching the binding. This was a Super Bowl mystery quilt from 2014. We are not talking about the fact that all of the quilters have finished their quilts, except for me! We are not talking about how I can't even find my unfinished quilt top! 

Louise wanted to add some hand stitched ribbon embroidery to her quilt to help her to like the quilt more. It's such a great idea to add hand stitching to a project for a little more interest! Here she is studying the stitching reference book and making up her own design.

I have never tried silk ribbon embroidery, but it seemed a lot like regular embroidery only using ribbons instead of floss. It's a whole new stash to invest in! It's so pretty - I must try to resist!

And what was I working on? I was dreaming of starting a new project of course! I joined up to the free online Bee Happy Embroidery workshop with Clever Poppy that starts Sept. 25th. Here are the floss colours I'll be searching for in my stash. 

And just look what Louise made for me! 
My very own Slow Sunday Stitching water bottle! What a wonderful surprise!

Here's the link for you to share your hand stitching with us... hope you will join in!


The Cozy Quilter said...

That embroidery workshop looks like lots of fun but I’m sad to say that I don’t have time right now to participate. Hope your 2014 mystery quilt shows up so you can finish it!

CathieJ said...

That embroidery workshop looks like fun. I would love to see Louise's quilt when it is all finished. Have a great week!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

The ribbon embroidery looks amazing - that would definitely add a lot to a quilt! Enjoy that embroidery workshop today - I bet you'll learn a lot!

Chantal said...

I love how ribbon embroidery looks but like you said it's another stash to invest in and where on earth will I store it? I am slowly returning to my paint brushes and I'm starting to enjoy that again so I think I have enough hubbies with quilting and weaving. The water bottle is a wonderful gift. I'm sure you will bring that one along to all your quilting retreats and such. Enjoy! ;^)

Turid said...

Oh, that water bottle. Super fun.

Angela said...

Oh, give the ribbon embroidery a try! It works up quickly and is ever so pretty.

Sarah said...

Those ribbon embroidery flowers look lovely! Never tried it before, but your comment about a whole new stash made me smile!

Kathy S. said...

Oh the silk ribbon embroidery does look tempting. It's beautiful. Nice water bottle. I didn't know you were on Instagram. I sent a request today @Snider9505. Happy stitching.

Jenny said...

How did your friend put your name on the water bottle? She certainly is very clever to manage that, and what a wonderful personal gift!

Vivian said...

That ribbon embroidery looked beautiful! It is a technique I always wanted to try. I have books (plural) on it but have never taken the time to dive in. Your friend has the right idea, I need to find a project that needs a little embellishment. Maybe even plan to add some to a quilt label!