Sunday, July 18, 2021

Slow Sunday Stitching

It's Sunday... time for some relaxation and slow stitches.

This week I have been mending a 10 year old quilt. My granddog Max loves quilts to snuggle in, and to eat. He isn't allowed to be around quilts these days except under strict supervision. He chewed a few holes in some quilts and I have taken an interest recently in doing those repairs. 

I have learned quite a bit about mending quilts from reading Carole's blog posts at From my Carolina Home and felt ready to tackle the repairs.  This is a smaller rectangular patch that I am appliqueing on the backing over a hole that goes right through the quilt.

And here is a fussy cut piece that will fit over a larger sized hole.

Once the holes are patched on the backing, I'll work from the front, add small pieces of new batting and applique a new patch on top.

What are you hand stitching today? We'd love to see your projects, and hope you will link up your blog post below.



The Cozy Quilter said...

That Max is a bum! Good thing he’s so gosh darn cute!
I’m glad you are able to fix the damaged quilt. Carole has some wonderful repair tips on her blog

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I wouldn't let a chewing dog anywhere near my quilts either - I no some pets are good but others are bad - I have seen cats run their claws back and forth on a quilt and it makes me feel sick :) I will work on my quilting and knitting for handwork but continue a letting machine work to and get another block prepped to work on

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Your repairs are spot on, they'll make those quilts usable again. Thanks for the mention!

ButterZ said...

Wow, that’s a tough project. You would have been heart broken when this was chewed. Good on you for repairing it instead of tossing it out.

Little Penpen said...

I had a little dog that loved quilt batting, but he never chewed the finished quilt. 😊 good job on mending them with appliqué!

Angela said...

That was nasty! I have had my granddog over this past week and he also was being a big jerk. Nothing as important as a quilt was ruined, thankfully!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Lucky Max to have you to fix his mistakes! I'm glad you've figured out how. Have fun with your Sunday patching!

Ivani said...

Oh My Gosh! I have a quilt to be repaired by the same reason. You have inspired me to do that. Happy slow stitching Kathy!

maggie fellow said...

good luck with the patches

CathieJ said...

I have tried Carole's tips for repair also. This looks like a good solution for that quilt.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

How interesting , Kathy . I will have to check out Carole's tips. Thank you so much for sharing and for the hosting the link party

AnnieO said...

Well that is a labor of love indeed! Max is very lucky you're willing to add such beauty to his blankie!

Sarah said...

The little devil! Just as well he's a much loved pooch!

Miaismine said...

Oh wow! Your repairs are so well done! I'll have to watch my pooches more carefully when they snuggle on my quilts with me!

Karrin Hurd said...

Wow, you have your job cut out for you. One of my granddogs chewed a hole in a special cushion I had made my daughter. Happy stitching!

Goofin' Off Around the Block said...

How how sad that must have been to see that hole. Glad that you were able to find a solution and learn some new techniques. Happy stitching! -Andrea

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I started the embroidery of the map of Olde Treadleonia today, but haven't done a blog post (been trying to catch up on blog reading).

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

My dog loves fabrics I've noticed. I have to be careful of whatever I'm stitching and he also loves hems. So I bought him a couple soft toys to play with and gnaw. So far so good. With your skills you are doing a wonderful job with this repair.

Deanna W said...

Bad little Max...good thing he is a cutie!! might be what saves him! If a patch makes the quilt useable again why not...just add to the patchwork of the quilt.