Sunday, May 23, 2021

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party!

Why not pick up your project and put in a few stitches today? That's exactly what I'm planning to do. 
I abandoned the knitting project I showed two weeks ago. I'm having trouble fixing that error and it's just too frustrating. I think I'll need to rip out the whole thing since I can't seem to restart the pattern correctly.
And so, of course I started something new 😄

This is my new knitting project and it's coming along well so far with no noticeable errors.

I also wanted to show you the gift I won for participating in last month's One Monthly Goal link up. This is a starter kit from Paper Pieces and has everything you need to start an EPP project in one container. It's perfect for a take along project during the summer.

What are you hand stitching this week? Do you have some take along projects ready for summer?
Link up your blog post below and share your projects with us!


Sarah said...

Shame you couldn't correct your knitting error, very frustrating! Nice prize you won too. Have a great day.

maggie fellow said...

congrats on the win - sometimes we have to wait until the frustration is over to fix something.

The Cozy Quilter said...

Good morning! I always have a project or two to take with me for a car ride or to do while I wait somewhere. Lately, I even stitch while attending virtual meetings or church services! I wonder if anyone would notice me doing some knitting or hand sewing in church when we get back to in person services? I can sympathize with the knitting errors. I’m pretty good at the knitting but need some practice at correcting problems. Have a great day.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Awesome prize, perfect for you! Have fun this week. I still have not begun the kitchen stitchery. I really don't know why I am procrastinating now.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Looks like you won a lovely EPP kit. Have you selected a project yet, happy stitching!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your win from One Monthly Goal looks handy and fun to play with! Enjoy your new knitting project - sometimes we just have to start over with something else!

Ivani said...

oh yes, sometimes is easier restatart than looking for where is the problem for correcting, I know what you felt. The new knitting piece looks pretty. This gift is just perfect for you. I am glad to know you won.
Happy Slow

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

what a nice win you got. I have only one short trip planned and I'm sure I can find something to take along. I have a knitting project that I am getting close to finish but I too had to rip out stitches to a certain point because I kept messing up - maybe that will be the project to take along

chrisknits said...

I am working on baby hats for our expectant grandbaby! For your prize winning, check out this pillow pattern to use your hexies for.

Jayne Honnold said...

You mention take-along projects, and that is exactly what I have posted about today. Hand stitching is great for car trips when someone else wants to do all the driving. Have a great week!

CathieJ said...

Love the gift that you won. So sorry the knitting error stumped you. You new project is pretty.

Karrin Hurd said...

I had to rip out one of mine too. I just couldn't figure out where I was. I finally started putting a piece of washi tape to keep track of where I was, and then move it down as I finish a row. Great prize!

Maggie said...

Great news on the win. Now it will create even more beautiful projects. Enjoy your week.

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Wow, what a great prize!

Sherrie said...

Hi Kathy,
Sorry to hear about your knitting project...I've ripped out half a crochet afghan before because of a boo boo. Hope you have fun with your gift. Looks like lots of goodies. Have a great day!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Congrats on the fun goodies you won. Hope you can fix the yarn project.

Flickenstichlerin said...

What a nice gift to win, congratulations.

Miaismine said...

Congratulations on your gift! It's a great one that's for sure! Funny, another blogger was writing about having to rip out a bunch of seams to finish a project and how glad she was that she did so. Not a few day later, I had to rip out 2 feet of a crocheted shawl project. And now you with the dishcloth! That's three projects. We're done! :) Your new dishcloth looks pretty!