Sunday, May 02, 2021

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party! It's time to get out your stitching project, a cup of your favourite beverage, and enjoy some relaxation.

Some Covid humour
Some Covid Humour

My friend Celeste told me it is 'World Laughter Day". We could sure use more laughter these days as we are half way through (hopefully!) our 3rd lockdown. After a year of covid we are in a worst state than ever here in Ontario, so we need some relief and a good belly laugh is almost as good as some slow stitching time!

Covid Weekends
We are staying "safe at home" and waiting for time to pass until we can get some vaccines. My parents who are in their 80s and are the first group to be vaccinated have received their first vaccines and are hoping to get their second ones in July. 

Ontario Covid cases

Scary times.

What else is there to do but stitch the time away?

I have been repairing my granddog's bed. He likes to eat fabric, so I hand stitched the hole closed and sewed a new bed cover yesterday. This Kong dog bed is supposed to be tough and durable, but Max can and will chew through anything.  At least he keeps us entertained while we wait to see what will happen with covid.

What are you hand stitching today? Tell us a joke and/or show us what you are hand stitching and cheer us up. We hope you will link up your blog post below and share your project with us.


Sarah said...

I am hopeless at jokes but yours made me smile! Glad your parents have had there first jab at least but hopefully you will get yours soon. Take care! Xx

Gretchen Weaver said...

At least the freezing weather is gone and the temps are warming up. It feels good to be outside and see green grass and the spring flowers.

CathieJ said...

I didn't realize that Ontario was in it's 3rd lockdown and the cases had spiked so much by you. With India in all the news lately, it is hard to keep track of everywhere else. So glad your parents have their firsh shot. I hope you and your family can get vaccinated soon. Try to keep smiling. Hugs.

linda said...

Scary times indeed, we are just coming out of our lockdown but I can see cases in my area starting to rise again already. I'm glad your parents have had their first jab, hopefully you won't have to wait too long for yours. I have just started a CAL and am loving it, nice easy crochet. Have a peaceful Sunday.

Created by Kathi said...

My honey is the jokester... he def keeps me laughing too! I love that about us... Hope you are able to get under control this crazy virus with so many variants too!!! Stay safe until the vaccine reaches you... glad it got your parents for a first shot!!!
Hugs! kathi

The Cozy Quilter said...

We all could use something to make us laugh these days. That grand dog of yours gets into all sorts of mischief. Good thing he’s so darn cute!

Ivani said...

It is sure scary. Glad your parents got their 1st shot. Did they received AstraZenica/Oxford? This is the one I got and my 2nd vaccine will be also in July. The world needs vaccine for all.
It is difficult to be light in the midst of so much sadness and uncertainty, I have tried to occupy the mind as much as possible making my crafts.
Be strong and take care of yourself. All of this will pass.

maggie fellow said...

We are getting back to normal in Indiana.My hubby and I are not vaccinating yet, Most of my friends are vaccinated. Our mask mandate is lifted but still advised. Gardening and quilting are great stress relievers.

Chris said...

My husband and I are in our late 60s and we got our first jab 3 weeks ago. We got the Moderna because that is what they were giving at that location at the Paris Fairgrounds. I will be putting in a few stitches on my Anniversary quilt blocks today but mostly will continue to work on completing yet another course. So close.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

We are cautiously venturing out with vaccinated friends, doing some driving events where we are in our own car. Our state is doing well with getting the vaccines out, but our problem is people don't want to get it. And we will not get back to normal until at least 70% of the population does. But we do have most of our senior population done, and working on the younger ones now.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I'm sorry the vaccine rollout is so slow there, and hope this lockdown is the last of it for you, Kathy! Thanks for the memes to make is laugh - that's always good for the soul!

Chris said...

On the Lighter Side
1) No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats..
2) When your Mum is mad at your Dad, don't let her brush your hair.
3) If your sister hits you, don't hit her back. They always catch the second person.
4) Never ask your 3-year old brother to hold a tomato.
5) You can't trust dogs to watch your food..
6) Don't sneeze when someone is cutting your hair..
7) Never hold a Dust-Buster and a cat at the same time.
😎 You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.
9) Don't wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts..
10) The best place to be when you're sad is Grandma's

Linda M @ Pieceful Kingdom said...

Oh wow! Stay safe. We have been fortunate and hubby and I have been fully vaccinated two weeks tomorrow, and kiddo (a first responder) has been fully vaccinated since early February. Everyone 16 and up in the USA can get a vaccine, and now fewer people want them :( I wish we could send some your way. Take care and stay safe.

MissPat said...

I'm so sorry the vaccine distribution in Ontario lagging behind. It was very chaotic in NY at first, but now we're awash in vaccine and they're begging people to come in. The problem now is those who refuse to take it and the people who have no way to get to the vaccine sites. Keep the faith, things will get better.

PS: for some reason I'm now getting your posts a day late.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I am so sorry that Canada is so far behind in getting people vaccinated most of my family and we are fully vaccinated now but still being very careful as there are so many that are not getting vaccinated as they do not seem to think they need to or are untrustworthy of it. I'm not much on jokes I like hearing them but can never think of them of hand

Maggie said...

The science proves vitamin D is helping against this culprit and it is good for our mental health. Quilting is a great therapy and it is free. Going for a walk in nature is a boost to feeling great, pets the bonus. They do the simplest things that cracks us up and makes us laugh. Our cat has a few quirks, special rituals she started in the last year with each of us. This granddog knows he needs to keep you on your toes. Clever mutt!

Angela said...

Yes, could definitely use some laughter. This lockdown has made me feel like it is never going to end.

Deb A said...

Wow, I did not realize what your numbers were but knew you were on lockdown. It must be frustrating to see other places back to 'normal' or acting that way anyway. I too wish we could send up some of the shots that those in the US are refusing to get. Technically tomorrow I will be 2 weeks after that 2nd shot and hubby was a few weeks ago. Wishing the vaccine rollout to be smooth up there for you all. Love Chris's list of things. Happy stitching and thank you for all the positive encouragement over the years.

Faye said...

I'm glad the vaccines are getting started! Keep busy to avoid killing those you live with! And what better way to keep busy than stitching. Sending best wishes your way. X

Robin said...

I'm so sorry you are facing a lockdown AGAIN. As a quilter I have been so grateful to have a pastime that doesn't require me to go outside or away from home. If you're like me you've got enough projects and fabrics to keep you busy for a very long time. The internet is such a blessing. Hope things get better for you soon.

Anonymous said...

Very scary! I hope Ontario’s numbers come down soon. I am giggling about the map for weekend plans.


Miaismine said...

Loved your joke! I'm so sorry COVID numbers are so high! I will add Canada to my prayer list! Kathy, I've said this before and I'll share again in hopes that it encourages you. Your link up party is one of the highlights of my blogging life! I started following you even before I started blogging! On the Slow Sunday Stitching link up I found kindred spirits who like to slow stitch, a rarity in my life! I've learned so much from the other ladies and from you! Thank you for hosting this link up so faithfully!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

The 2nd shot is supposed to be 3 weeks after the first shot. I hope your parents get the 2nd shot long before July. I've already had both shots. Sorry I haven't been commenting, but I haven't read any blog posts for about 6 weeks now. Trying to catch up.