Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Practice the NO!

There has to be a line in the sand my quilty friends!

I have been practicing my "NO" when it comes to new projects. 
Shocking, but true!
NO more new projects until I finish a few of the ones I have in progress that I really like and that need to become finished quilts!

I said NO to Yankee Notions, even though I really love Barbara Brackman sampler projects. My favourite was Votes For Women ... you can still get the patterns here.

I said NO to Bloomtopia quiltalong, even though I love the colours, and adore the backing design.

I am saying NO to all the AQS quiltalongs, although there are great prizes to be won.

I said NO (maybe) to the 2 colour quilt Grandma's Attic quiltalong at Quilt Doodle Designs. It's so darn cute and could totally be made from scraps. 

I said NO to the Out West quiltalong at Pat Sloan's blog, even though the theme is western movies, which is one of my guilty pleasures.

What I hope I say NO to is Moda Blockheads #3 that started on January 15th. 
Moda Blockheads III 20202
I first heard about round 3 starting from the Bear Creek Quilt Company. What is appealing if I were doing it (which I'm probably not) is that you choose your block size! 

What about you? Are you practicing your NO?


helen said...

Yes am skipping blockhead this year still have 1 block to do from last year. Am trying to sew my stash and complete ufo’s. Big list of to dos I will see how I go!

Jill said...

Good girl! It is hard to resist such fun quilt alongs, bit you have plenty of nice projects already started. You’ll have a huge sense of accomplishment as you finish each one!

Quiltfiend said...

I must say I needed Blockheads 3 to get me stimulated to sew again. I spent that past year too ill to sew anything. I am now on the road to recovery and even tho I have many UFO's I will be doing BH3.That said I congratulate you on your will power.

Unknown said...

Yes, I am saying NO to all you have noted. I am in the process of finishing the quilt tops already waiting for me. (lots). I love to make my quilt tops. Good luck to everyone with this issue.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Good for you - I am saying NO this year as well for the same reason. Although I can't promise not to play in a new bag of scraps/

Deb A said...

I wish you good luck on this very difficult decision =). So.... how many do you technically have to 'finish up' before you will allow a Yes. Curious minds want to know ....

Chris said...

NO. I am not practicing the no. I said no for nearly 2 years to a new quilt but am saying yes to the Ella Maria Deacon quilt even though I have not actually cut any fabric or taken a stitch yet and it is in month 5 already. And just for the record, I did say no to all the ones you mentioned and a few others.

Shelina said...

I am trying to say no too, but you are making it difficult with this list! The past few years, we have had so many beautiful quiltalongs and challenges that it is impossible to do them all. Plus, what about the quilts we come across in patterns and books and elsewhere on the internet that are on our bucket list? I wish you much resolve and success in saying no.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I totally understand how relieved you feel getting the problem quilt finished!! I am trying to get my feet back on the ground and going forth. There are some of the BOMS and BOWs that are interesting, but have not made a decision. Hugs and good luck on getting on top of those UFOs. Hugs

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Hard to say no when there are so many fun things to do, but you are right. You should only say yes to those that really speak to you and that you can finish.

piecefulwendy said...

After having a year of saying yes far too many times (that includes Moda Blockheads 2) -- I am saying no more this year. I want to be able to quilt things that just pop up, and not have to be on a schedule. I am doing a few QALs, but much fewer, and I'm being far more choosy about which I do. So far, so good -- but it's only January :-)

MissPat said...

Hey, you left out Carole's Scrap Dance Twist. I'm saying NO to new projects including starting any new RSC blocks until I finish some of the ongoing one. And I should have stuck to my NO for Frolic, but I gave in and now I;m way behind because I'm away from home for 10 weeks. I did start a baby quilt for our neighbors who just had a second son, but after that I'm on a mission to finish.

julieQ said...

NO! I am not practicing the NO! Hahahahaha! Really and truly, I am working on a lot of older projects, but I love to mix in the new stuff too to keep it all fun and fresh!!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

good for you! I have 10 projects going and I am saying no until I finish at least half of these - 10 is too many for me

Mary said...

Yep, saying no! I am slowly getting my Quiltville Mystery parts made. Then I will get them all to the right size, dogeared and sorted. The sort is tedious but so necessary for this one. Clips and pins, whatever it takes. Another Snowy day in Nebraska for me. My home for 18 months.

Bonnie said...

Thanks for the great list of quilt alongs being offered this year. Giggle, giggle! But, yep, I'm saying NO to them. The only commitment I'm making is to Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I, too, need to focus a bit more on existing projects. Maybe this will be the year to make up the dog blocks from the 1990s. GULP. That is a heck of a long time ago!!! Be Strong.

Dolores said...

After viewing a whole lot of quiltalongs and the projects, I saved some of the blocks or instalments. I'm not a fan of the regular samplers that people are posting as quilt alongs. I can find the blocks I want to make in the size I want to make on my own. I love unusual samplers though - those with different sized blocks. I finally had a long talk with myself and started looking at my own 'to do' list of family quilts that I really do want to do and those UFOs that are hanging about. I came to the conclusion that I will work on whittling the list down while saving this year's quiltalongs for when I have the time. There is a wonderful spring blackwork stitch along that I may just do though, at Lesley Teare's site. It looks manageable. Twin grandbabies are due soon so they also take priority in the knitting category.

karen said...

Well, I for one, DON'T BELIEVE YOU! You're the only quilter I know who is weaker than I am & I predict you start all of them. So there!

Sarah said...


Jeanne said...

Well, I didn't know about the Pat Sloan one, but now I do. Sigh.

audrey said...

Good for you! It's more fun to join in a QAL when the list is cleared up a little. So hard at times though I have to admit, I'm so in the habit of saying NO now, that I hardly ever say yes. Might have to re-think my stance.:)

Lisa J. said...

No , not very well.

Chantal said...

Don't listen to Karen. She doesn't know the new 2020 version of the stronger you. You can do this, Kathy. Yes, you can!
This year it is easy for me to say no. After working for three years on 365 Challenge quilt, I want to play by MY rules. I don't want to download block patterns and to follow instructions anymore. I want to have FUN. I want to finish something. I had only one finish last year! I need to have the pleasure of finishing something. I'm sure you understand me. I say this and yet I started the Stars with Cecile sew-along ... but only because I wanted to play with my new templates, hahaha! So enjoy saying NO! Good things come to those who say no too. Enjoy! ;^)

Janet O. said...

Must be something wrong with the links on my computer. I was so sure I was on Kathy's blog, but she wouldn't have written this. :)
I have been saying NO for a long time now--and I still seem to have an endless supply of UFOs! But I support you 100% in this new effort to say NO. I am getting great joy out of sewing what I choose to sew, not what someone else is telling me to sew. No deadlines, unless I choose them, and SOOO much less pressure.

Deanna W said...

You have just given us all the ideas for some things to do or try...or say NO to!!! haha Good luck with getting other things finished, that is what I am trying to do also.

Carole said...

I'm practicing Maybe! I have been working on reducing my number of UFOs but I also understand the need to work on something new. It's a fine balance. For me, I guess it has been easy to say no, I haven't really found anything that I felt I had to start! lol We'll see how the year progresses! Cheers!

maggie fellow said...

I need more practice ...

Julierose said...

I am not a SAL gal for the most part; it's hard enough for me, after reading blogs, not to try to make everything I see!! ;^000!
hugs, Julierose

Marti said...

Back in December (like that was so long ago) I decided that I wouldn't start any new quilts in 2020. So while reading your list of No's, I was nodding my head (even though I am downloading the clues for Grandma's Attic BOM) in total agreement, and then, Wait. What? a Western BOM? I love all things western. That one is going to be hard to resist. So I just downloaded the first clue and I want to start it right now. But I'm resisting.

Karen said...

No, I am not saying no. Is that practicing my no? I am not doing any of the sew-alongs that you mention but others with friends keep popping up. I have the Block Heads book from the 1st year and have not made it though a friend and myself have plans to do a scrappy version.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Yes, I said NO to the RSC20, since I just have too much on my plate, and need to finish those things first.