Scrappy Saturday - Almost Squared Away
Progress has been made on getting the Squared Away blocks into a quilt! The alternate square fabric was chosen by the majority of votes of blog reader's comments last Saturday. Overwhelmingly the vote was for the swirly grey fabric. I cut all the alternate squares and the setting triangles. Bonnie Hunter has a great resource for figuring out the size of setting pieces to cut for on point layouts - click here.
Here is the layout I came up with. It's a late night photo so the colour is incorrect, but you get the idea.
If you want to make your own scrappy version, the block patterns and tutorials are still available on Angela's website - click here.
See the owl interloper on the bottom right of the quilt? (She is not a Squared Away block pattern, but is a Tiny Tuesday Pattern)
Does she stand out like a sore thumb or is she a sweet surprise? Much debate occurred between my quilt friends about whether the owl could stay with all her pieced friends in this quilt, or whether she should be evicted since she really is the "odd owl out".
In order to be included in this quilt, she had to be altered from a straight set owl to become an "on point" owl. She really wanted to stay in this quilt, and she makes me smile, so she was altered accordingly and gets to stay!
I have packed up all the blocks to sew together at my winter retreat. All the thinking has been done for this quilt (except for the borders) so it will be the perfect retreat sewing project.
Hop over to the RSC weekly link up and see more green projects.
Today is support your local quilt shop day and I happen to be teaching a machine quilting class at my local quilt shop to celebrate! I rarely buy quilting things on line because I do not want to lose the local shops where we can go to see quilts, pet the fabrics, and get quilting supplies. We have lost so many in the last few years, and maybe I am fighting a losing battle. But still... I try! We don't want quilt stores to become extinct! Please support your local quilt shop if you have one, not just today, but in the majority of your purchases when you can.
Beautiful. I love surprises like that. An owl never makes any damage, and your owl is so cute.
I love the owl! Such a nice addition to your quilt. Always wonderful to see block collections evolving into finished quilts. Enjoy your retreat and your quilting class.
That's a great layout and so much fun to keep your little owl on show...
The owl is definitely a keeper! Congrats on all the progress so far. Hope the quilting class is well attended and lots of fun.
I kept my owl, but I also did my own darting bird and the fish block - so she is not the odd block in the quilt.
I love the owl, glad you're keeping it in the quilt.
I didn't know it was National Local Quilt Shop Day - I guess I never pay attention to it because I have none! I have to travel one and a half to two hours in any direction to get to one :( have fun at your retreat and shopping!!
I love the owl. Definitely a sweet surprise! How great that she gets to hang out in your lovely quilt. Have fun putting this together at your retreat!
I’m so glad you kept that sweet little owl! I think she adds a great bit of whimsy to you (awesome) Square Away quilt. Have fun at your retreat!
Thank you for reminding me about LQS day. My "shout out" goes to Karen's Quilt Shop in Sequim, WA USA. Lots of variety in the fabrics available and several classes or clubs to keep me occupied. Enjoy all the activities at your retreat!!
Quilter after my own heart when you said/wrote the following.
"it made me smile so I am keeping it"
"pet the fabric"
Your Squared Away blocks are looking just great in that setting and with the gray background! I love the surprise of the owl in there - he makes me smile, too!
I love the owl! He stays :-)
Local Quilt Shop Day is a new one to me, but I'll mention mine - Beginnings Quilt Shop in Hendersonville, NC. Todd and Kathy are wonderful, helpful, supportive of the quilting community, and great to work with for events like my QOV Sew Day coming up on Feb 1.
Little Owl is perfect for this quilt, so good to hear he gets to stay!
The layout you have chosen looks great. The owl is definitely a keeper. I enjoy finding surprises in quilts and the owl is a wonderful surprise.
We have lost a lot of quilt shops here but a manufacturer opened a store not far from me so there are now 3 within a 12 minute drive. I also make a trip of it and visit the 2 stores about 75 minutes from me several times a year. I combine that with a walk at the heron reserve or a visit to the tulip festival or just lunch out with a friend, and a visit to the yarn store. I guess I am lucky and hope it stays that way.
Yes lets support our local quilt shops, Ultimate quilt shop in Oshawa and Quilters Cupboard in Uxbridge are @ of my favourites
You had me confused because the little owl is from the 2019 Tiny Tuesday blocks not Squared Away. My owl is staying in the TT quilt along with the tiny Storm at Sea because, 1: they are really cute, and 2: they took forever to make. I'm fortunate to have 5 really good LQS within a 40 minute drive. A 6th is closing this month because the owner is retiring and the shop is attached to her home, so new ownership is not possible.
The Wise Owl gets Squared Away. Hmm... Might be too long for a quilt name! I'm SEW glad that she was allowed to stay. Unexpected? Maybe, but delightful, too.
My feelings about supporting LQS are that I cannot afford even one yard of fabric from them. I buy online from the cheaper stores, shop JoAnns with coupons, buy shirts from thrift stores and gratefully accept scrap donations from friends. I sure wish I could afford to buy even one yard and I sure used to support local quilt stores with my hard earned dollars, but I simply cannot believe the price inflation that's happened. Your encouragement to support them is a kind thing but I need to state that there is another reality some of us have to accept. I hope your LQS is appropriately grateful for your kind support.
Your owl block is much too cute to be banished from this wonderful quilt!
Love your owl! He looks great in your quilt. And I didn't support my local quilt shop today (mainly because I didn't go to one), but I did support my local cross-stitch shop!
Your little green owl is adorable, I'm glad she got to stay.
Love your owl!
I'm so happy you decided to keep the owl in the quilt. He fits in perfectly!
Awesome owl! I loved sewing him up last year. Glad he's staying. Your quilt looks grwatr, have fun at retreat!
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