Sunday, September 01, 2019

Slow Sunday Stitching

Hello stitcher! 
Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party where we hope you will get lots of inspiration and encouragement to help you on your stitching journey.

This weekend I am visiting my friend Deanna who is a regular contributor to Slow Sunday Stitching. Today we will be celebrating hand stitching in her gazebo while we listen to the creek that runs along her property. I will report about what we get up to in next week's Sunday post, but I can show you what we worked on today. This quilt is a wedding gift and although you can't see the design in the photos, Deanna is quilting 4 hearts in those open blue spaces.

Do you notice how she moves the thimble to different fingers? In the photo above the thimble is on the middle finger and she is quilting towards herself. In the photo on the right, she has quickly moved the thimble to her thumb in order to quilt away from herself. I have never quilted with my thumb before and it never even occurred to me to do so! It happens so effortlessly you have to watch carefully  to see how Deanna moves that thimble around. What fun to be able to watch a slow stitcher doing her thing in real life!

What am I working on today? This is the next embroidery block for the Happy Little Things BOM that will be revealed very soon. I will also be doing some hand quilting on the Friendship Album because how can I not work on that with I'm with my friends!?!

Here is Deanna's dog Belle supervising slow stitching at the creek. She is such a sweet dog and is keeping watch for bears and other creatures while we hand stitch outside. The only creature we've seen so far is a chipmunk, so there was no need for her assistance!

What are you hand stitching today? Link up your blog post below and share your project with us so we can encourage you to keep going!


Gretchen Weaver said...

Have a wonderful time with your friend! Having a problem with the link up. Will check back later to see if it's just me. Happy Stitching!

Julie in GA said...

That looks like a fabulous place for some outdoor slow stitching!

Jill said...

A lovely spot to spend a day slow stitching. I can almost hear the water bubbling over the rocks. Uh....bear? Oh my. Good thing you have a four-footed furry friend to send a warning if needed. Enjoy your day with your friend.

Sarah said...

Enjoy your slow Sunday stitching!

QuiltGram said...

OMG I can just imagine sitting and stitching in the gazebo listening to the bubbling of a creek run by. But for today, I will settle on sitting in my lawn chair and finishing hand sewing my binding on as Mike mows the lawn. Somehow, some mechanic needs to change the lawn mower sounds so that it is more like a babbling brook. Don’t you think that’s a good Idea? I do. But on to something this post brings to mine. I used to hand quilt all of my quilts eons ago. And I would also hand piece some quilts. For longer than I can remember I have done everything by machine. That was until about six months ago as I kept reading a few posts about Slow Stitching Sundays from more than one blogger. Well, over time, it made remember my roots. So, I have added a Tumbler quilt that I have longed to make “some day” to my list of things to do. I started it a few months ago tho I ended up working on it on “Tuesdays. And I added a quilt for our recently refinished bedroom to make and for this one I will use a polyester batting and hand quilt it. I had wanted to have a quilt done with polyester batting for the soft look. This on is planned to use at the end of our bed. So you see, you bloggers so reach out and physically touch others in many ways. I sincerely appreciate all the time and energy it takes to make and maintain a blog. Thank you bloggers and may you have a truly happy weekend and happy quilting.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

What a gorgeous spot for slow stitching, Kathy and Deanna. And under the watchful eye of such a beautiful dog too!

Karrin Hurd said...

How great to have a gazebo to stitch in and listen to the sounds of the brook. We are still hotter than anything here which makes sitting outside challenging!
Thanks so much for providing this outlet for us to link up, I really appreciate it, it is the highlight of my week!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

What a fun weekend you must be having! Enjoy your stitching in those beautiful surroundings!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

when I quilt at my frame I have a metal stick on thimble on my long pointer finger and a leather stick on thimble on my thumb and I do in all directions too and the stress is divided up among the two fingers

Deb said...

Enjoy your visit and stitching.

Little Penpen said...

What a beautiful place for slow stitching. I would love to watch your friend quilt.

Lyndsey said...

That looks a beautiful and tranquil place to sit and stitch. I wish I could get used to using a thimble but I get in a right mess when I try. I end up using the wrong finger to push the needle!

Karen said...

Listening to running water in an outdoor setting is so soothing. And the addition of hand quilting makes for a peaceful day.

CathieJ said...

I quilt with different fingers, but never my thumb. I may have to try that in the future.