I have been sewing a few Maverick star blocks here and there since April of 2014. That's 5 and a half years of collecting little pieces for these scrappy 6" blocks! These blocks have seen a lot of my life and hold so many memories.
This is my Sweet Baby Jayne 1964 Singer Featherweight sewing all my stars into a quilt top. There were a lot of seams to match and many pins were used in the top construction. But I was surprised at how well it came together considering the blocks were made on many different sewing machines over several years.
And then it was time for the big reveal. I hung the quilt on the clothesline at my friend Deanna's house for the photo shoot.
Do you see my friend Barb's whale block also hanging on the clothesline to the left of the stars?!? It makes me smile that the whale looks so small swimming beside the stars!
I'm not going to share all the secrets about the lengths to which a crazy blogger would go in order to get some good quilt photos from the right angle, but let's just say a ladder was involved! And bless their hearts, Deanna and Ted never rolled their eyes or talked about me being crazy (in front of me anyway!) when I asked if I could borrow their ladder to climb up to the shed roof!! LOL

Hop over to the RSC link up to see more scrappy projects.
Kathy I love your Star quilt! You do so well on scrappy - this one is really special - not overly done - just perfect!
You certainly do like to do long-term (and small pieces) projects. Glad to see this one get to flimsy stage. When I say the first pic I thought, "that clothesline must be accessed from a porch or deck". And then the pulley appears in the photo from the shed roof. The clothesline we had when I was growing up had a pulley and I remember many a day of hanging wash and pulling it later.
A very nice Rainbow finish. Funny to perch up high for the photo-op. I like to see my Quilts Verical too. Looking at them hanging in a Quilt Festival makes me Sew Happy! Day 2 coming up. Granddaughters are coming to pose with their Quiltin Grandma Camp Creations. I haven't started the Shoo Fly Challenge, yet!
WOW! That quilt is amazing! It has been so fun to watch the block collection grow on this one and it just makes me smile to see it as a top. Love the action photo too!
I love all those little stars! Such a cheerful, happy quilt.
Your rainbow of wonky stars is wonderful, Kathy! What a great long term project, and to have it together in a flimsy must be a really good feeling!
Oh, that photo is too funny! Great action shot :) And I love seeing those myriad stars all together and ready for quilting. Super flimsy!
Such a happy looking quilt, full of colour and gorgeous stars! So pleased you didn't have an accident climbing the ladder and onto the shed roof.
The stars are beautiful! Making pictures is also an art!!
So fun and scrappy. Totally love this one
Such a fun, happy, scrappy quilt. I love it! I applaud your persistence in getting such a good photo. (PS I wouldn't have any problems climbing up the ladder but getting down is a whole different thing...glad you made it ok!)
What a great flimsy - beautiful, bright colors! It's been fun watching the blocks appear over the years! You must feel a great sense of accomplishment to have them all stitched together now!
Congrats on getting your Mavericks together!! LOVE that one little PURPLE Shoo Fly. Have fun digging for MORE scraps!
That is quite the action shot of me!! I was actually stalking...you know doing my job as your northern blog stalker...guess I need more practice!!
Awesome to see! Really really great!!!
Great timing - this has been on my TO DO list for a long time and even tho I've made several, I LOVE how they turn out. thank you for the reminder with your lovely project. I esp. love the photo with your neighbor lady dancing about the quilt, trying to keep it settled. She's having fun - have you tried to get her to get addicted to quilting?
OH yes.... she is quite addicted to quilting :)
This is so gorgeous - love every little scrap!
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