Sunday, September 22, 2019

Slow Sunday Stitching Announcement

Welcome to the weekly party where we celebrate the art of hand stitching! 
And today I have great news - I am planning the very first (hopefully annual) Slow Sunday Stitching Retreat Day! It's short notice because a day lease just became available at my favourite facility so I took the opportunity to scoop that up for us! 
If you enjoy hand stitching you are cordially invited!

It will be held at St. Brigid's Villa in Guelph, Ontario which is a beautiful facility on the outskirts of town. 
Here is a photo I took on the way to a  retreat there last year in late October. (Hopefully we won't have snow in early October, but you never know!) As you can see it is in the country at the end of a long lane. There is a beautiful work room with lots of windows all around and I just know that amazing things can be created here!
Mostly we will be working on our own projects and there will also be some tutorials to learn new skills. Of course there will also be a show and share time to be inspired by our creative stitching friends. 
Let me know if you are interested in coming or if you have any questions about the retreat. It's all about taking time away from your busy life to rest, to renew your energy, to take some slow stitches and enjoy being around rejuvenating creative energy! I can hardly wait!
Today I will be finishing this fun little Gail Pan embroidery. Sorry about the washed out photo... it's sunny here this weekend! The variegated thread gives an "interesting look"... I'm not sure if I like it yet or not!

What are you hand stitching today? Link up your blog post or instagram below (you can find me on instagram at ssskat7 and use #slowsundaystitching).


Sarah said...

I will be with you in spirit if not in person! I just wish I lived closer (in the same country would be a start LOL) I like your variegated thread.

Gretchen Weaver said...

I'l also be with you in kindred spirit but not physically. Like Sarah said, we wish we lived closer. I also already have a commitment for that Sunday. Take lots of pictures!

Created by Kathi said...

I shared your retreat on my blog post... hope you get LOTS of takers on your retreat day too!!! Wish I wasn't so far away!!! Kathi

Chris said...

I'M IN! ! ! ! It's only a half-hour from here.
Question: If I brought a carload of fabric and scraps, do you think anyone would be interested in adopting it?

Frances Meredith said...

A bit for me, but hope you all have a great time.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Wonderful news, congratulations Kathy. How I wish I could be there!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Darn - would come but a little far from Texas! Besides I will be in the middle of cataract surgery! Darn! Have a great turnout! Thx Kathy for the Slow Sunday Stitching!

Ruth said...

I'd go to your retreat if you were in New Jersey. It would be such fun. Have a grand time!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Sounds like so much fun, take lots of photos to share with us!!

Jill said...

Another slow-stitching kindred spirit that wished I lived a bit closer. Sounds like an enjoyable day. Looking forward to a post afterwards.

Deb A said...

I'll be joining you in spirit! Too bad my flights are booked to head home on Oct 4, Ontario isn't too far from VT.

Karrin Hurd said...

Oh how I would love to join you in person, but I will be with you in spirit. Sounds like great fun!

Jenny said...

Oh, how wonderful, it sounds like great fun. But as I live so far away, the other side of the world in New Zealand I will have to decline. I'll be looking forward to reading all about it though, in your lovely blog.

Chantal said...

What a great initiative! I would love to join you but the 6 hours drive one-way doesn't feel like much fun. Hope you take plenty of pictures as I am sure it will be a success.
(Chris: I would be so happy to help you with your "burden".)

Little Penpen said...

I sure would love to be there! Enjoy... take lots of photo's!

Angie in SoCal said...

Wish I lived closer. I'd go. Know you will have a great time.

Miaismine said...

Ohhhhh! Sounds like a fun event! I'll be thinking of you here in New Mexico! Your embroidery is lovely!

Rose Prairie Quilts and Farm said...

That would be so wonderful but I'm a little too far. I know you'll have fun.

Anonymous said...

The retreat sounds lovely! But you’re a bit too far from me (2000 miles or so). I like the effect of your variegated thread on your embroidery piece. Thanks for hosting!

Kate said...

Oh a retreat sounds like great fun. Hope you get lots of interest and the chance to meet a lot of your bloggy followers. It's too far for this stither unfortunately. Maybe you can host a remote stitch along the same day?

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Have fun at the retreat.