I am so lucky to be spending the weekend at Ted and Deanna's in the Great White North. Deanna calls herself my Northern Blog Stalker! It's the perfect way to recover from the busyness of the summer.
I have a few blues ready to sew another little log cabin loony block. But I'm distracted by the reveal of Kevin's mystery quilt and want to get sewing those blocks.
We have enjoyed relaxing walks in the forest, and playing in the creek. Now it's time to get to work in the sewing room. I've already sewn the V blocks for the last step of the mystery and took a photo of them by the creek. It was a little breezy but none of them fell into the water!
This week I needed to add the "verify that you are a human" step for commenting on my blog, which I don't like to have to do myself when I'm visiting blogs, but the spam is out of control, and sometimes adding another step is enough to discourage a spammer. Sorry about that but hopefully it will be time limited.
What are you sewing on the last day of August?
I keep removing the spammer thing on my blog as I truly hate it. Especially the thing with pictures, sometimes you have to click 4 or 5 times on stuff before it let's you leave a comment. Prove you're not a robot isn't quite as bad. I've had a few days of spam lately. Seems from my blog walking most are getting Chinese characters. At least I think that's what it is, but I don't know why they've not been filtered out by blogger. Sounds like you're having a nice time there playing and working! Sorry to see the summer coming to an end myself. It's my favorite season of the year.
Sandy's Space
I used to get a few arabic comments on my blog that were irrelevant advertising.
I have half my purples already sew together today. Windows open to let in the cool air and crickets are singing outside. None in here yet.
In my settings I was able to only allow new comments for a couple of weeks. Seems like most of the spam gets left on older posts, so that seems to have done the job for me. It's a pain in the rear staying ahead of all the spammers and con artists!
What a nice setting and pretty parts for your next log cabin block! I wish I was up there to dip my feet in that brook and listen to the relaxing sound of the water trickling. I'm lucky and have not had to deal with the spammers lately.
Looks like a lovely place to sew, and great friends to sew with - perfect! I'm enjoying seeing how Kevin's mystery is turning out on several different blogs, and I bet yours will be a great version of it!
What a lovely getaway! And your log cabin block is fabulous! I will love seeing more!
Nothing like a fun retreat with sewing included! The scenery for your walks look peaceful and wonderful. Enjoy!
Beautiful scenery. I'm quilting charity quilts...
Such a lovely place to walk, phew thank goodness your blocks didn't blow into the water. I am supposed to be cutting fabric for One Block Wednesday blocksbut am distracted by blogs to read 😁
What a lovely place to relax for a weekend! Enjoy! I've had a big influx of spam and can't decide yet how to deal with it. Annoying though.
Loved your post especially the picture of the bridge overlooking the stream. The log cabin looks great. That is the next quilt on my list and it is for my hubby. He wants it done in the traditional way, meaning more or less reproduction fabrics. I have pulled the fabrics over the past several weeks as I was working on other projects because I want a huge variety in fabrics. But back to now, your post also touched me as we have reserved a cabin in the White Mountains in NH for a few days two weeks from now and I absolutely can’t wait. I have already cut out a project to sew and have it packed. A cute one done with yellows for a youth girl for a donation quilt in my local area. On our trip, we always sit under a covered bridge up there as we both are readers enjoying the remains of summer while out young dog enjoys the water. Then hubby watches TV or reads as I keep my Bernita singing. And we have two favorite restaurants we visit while there. I should have the lap size quilt done by the last day we are there, or at least hoping. Aren’t these small trips quite refreshing? Back home now, its outside work and machine quilting a small quilt for a great grandson’s first birthday which is the day before we leave for the White Mountains.
I'm glad you got to go to this beautiful place Kathy. Good luck with the spam.
I get it. The spam thing is ridiculous and very frustrating. I don't understand why they are interested in my little blog.
I have also received Arabic spam comments and find it frustrating.
Your blue log cabin block is great.
Enjoy it with a relaxed week end. :-)
I love that log cabin layout. Your next blue shade fabrics are pretty. I hate that spam too. They don't even write complete sentences. sheesh
adding the "I'm not a robot" did not help with the spam on my blog. I moderate comments, but it's such a pain to have to remove them from my dashboard. It was the only way I could keep them from posting automatically.
Looks like a lovely getaway--and I am glad none of the blocks fell in the water. :)
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