So I got out the blue scraps and starting organizing which pieces might be good for which project. 1" pieces are for Loonie Log Cabins and Omigosh, 1.5" are for Economy Paths, Shoo Fly Shoo and Wishing Rings, and 2.5 is for scrappy sprouts, and larger pieces are for Arrowheads.

Here is a handful of goodness!
All 112 pieces cut to make four 3" Economy Path blocks. It doesn't look like much, but it was a couple of hours of work sorting and organizing scraps, and then cutting them into small pieces.
The sewing part is the most fun for me, but as with all fun things in life, it went way too quickly and before you know it, the blocks were done and more cutting was required.
Here are the blue blocks for August and they will join the collection which you can see here.
Hop over to visit the RSC weekly linkup here.
What pretty blues you have --my dear!!!!!
I like blue more and more these days--all shades--
my love of pink might be taking a back seat!!!!
luv, di
Lots of lovely blues there, cutting sometimes seems to take ages, but it is well worth the effort for the wonderful blocks you make.
You'll appreciate having all those blue scraps organized! I love your Economy Path blocks!
Here's hoping that the organizing, cutting, and sewing those BLUE blocks for the RSC helped "clear the air" in your sewing room!
So many beautiful blues. Hope your sewing room isn't feeling so "blue" any more x
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