January is red month over at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, so I am playing in the red scraps this month.
Red Log Cabin Loonie block
Last year Julie hosted a log cabin loonie quilt along and I enjoyed making those blocks so much that I am continuing this project into 2019. You can get the cutting instructions at Julie's blog if you want to try one. The log cabin blocks are make with 1" strips and measure 4.5". When you put 4 blocks together, you get this great block which is 8.5". The red block joins 4 other finished blocks from last year, but it is awkward to take a good photo of 5 blocks, so here are 4 of them. There is also an orange block just out of view. What are you sewing with your red scraps this week? Hop over to the weekly link up to see what other RSC'ers are up to.
I'm impressed that you have so many light fabrics with red in them. My reds all look pretty much the same which makes for boring RSC blocks. I've started too many other projects, but these little log cabins will go on my later list. Pat
So sweet. I love ❤️ the rainbow collection so far.
I love these log cabins and just so happens one is on my list for the year! Yours are so pretty!
Very pretty color combinations.
I like these blocks - is this quilt along still going on? Sometimes after I see you posting blocks for awhile I think I should have started too :)
that is a wonderful block and great in rainbow colors
Love these blocks, they're so cute. Going to be a lovely rainbow quilt.
Looking good, Kathy! I haven't tackled my RSC reds yet since I'm in the middle of two other projects that need to get done soon.
The looney log cabin blocks are so precious!
I'm impressed that you have so many light fabrics with red in them. My reds all look pretty much the same which makes for boring RSC blocks. I've started too many other projects, but these little log cabins will go on my later list.
Those are so pretty! I like the way you used low volume fabrics with a bit of red in them for the light sides of your blocks.
what pretty log cabin blocks--nice bright colors--
have fun putting these together!
luv, di
I finished my Looney Log quilt top but am considering making another AFTER I get it quilted. A Rainbow Cabin looks like a wonderful idea.
Beautiful blocks. I love log cabin blocks (but now is not the time for another project!).
I started two(I think) scrap colour of the month blocks...maybe I should dig them out and add to them this year!!
You seem to have an endless supply of scraps.
These are looking great
I love the log cabin block! Putting 4 small blocks together to makes a great block!
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