It's "the most wonderful time of the year", but also the worst when you happen to have a diagnosis of chronic Startitis.
Here is the definition from the Urban Dictionary:

At the beginning of a new year, many quilters have inspiration to start new quiltalongs and invite us all to join in.
YES... OF COURSE I want to join in the fun!
But how am I going to get more hours in my days to actually have time to sew more projects!?!?
*Sandra told me about Anina's Temperature Quiltalong which looks like a fun challenge.
*Cindy is hosting a year long BOM called Garden Sunshine.
*There are 2 bloggers that are offering Harry Potter Quiltalongs - Lorna at Sew Fresh Quilts and Kelli at I think it needs stitches.
*Barbara Brackman has created another interesting project called Stars in her Crown, which is a 10 week paper piecing quiltalong starting in January.
*The Fat Quarter Shop is running a Threadology Quilt Along.
*Sindy has 2 great BOM's going on for 2019 and I especially like the Hen Party.
*You can find some links to other quiltalongs at Busy Hands Quilts and at Seams To Be Sew.
What is a vulnerable, helpless, quiltaholic to do?!?
Well, I'm going to start a new project today, that's all I know for sure! LOL
What new projects are you going to start to welcome the new year?!?
If by chance I have missed a new Quiltalong, please let me know in the comments below. I am excited to start the new year with lots of new projects!! No wait... don't read my blog post from yesterday!
Bwahaha!!! I read this post immediately after your previous one. Still laughing!!!! I am excited about the temperature quilt...make sure you mark down the highs and lows each day in case you decide to play along 😁
Oh my goodness, I have it too! The goal at the end of the year was to finish an old UFO, but somehow two new quilts got started instead! And I haven't even thought about the BOMs yet!
I have a few new projects planned for 2019 too. I hope to clean up my sewing room today and get some projects organized, both ufos and new projects....
I'm lucky in the fact that I rarely feel like doing quilt along's because I have enough ideas of my own that I am working on - thank goodness for that, I think - at the moment- the only "along" I'm doing is Bonnie's mystery quilt. Happy New year
Darn you - I went to look at Barbara Brackman's to see what she is doing and that one looks interesting! we will see
I’m wrapping up quite a few projeccts, and so I have a list of new ones, but I won’t be adding any more “volume,” if that makes sense. Here’s my thinking on it. We start new projects because starting something new is like falling in love all over again. It’s a wonderful feeling! I can get the same thrill by starting a mini...something I can finish in the same week/month that I start it. That way I get the thrill of starting something new without adding any more projects to the list of ongoings.
Trying to resist …
Happy new year!
I want a clock with 15 hours too, please. (if only ... sigh!) Barbara Brackman's quilt-along sounds so much fun. My PP skills are not very good though. It might be a good place to practice. Thanks for sharing all these QAL. ;^)
So there's a name for that affliction. I have two weeks to decide what projects to take to FL/TX with me (and prep for them, too). And RSC starts a new year will red today. Oh boy. I should get busy, but leaving for brunch at a quilter friend's house in a few minutes.
Startitist. Yep...I have that too, somehow thought it was natural for us crafty people. I've got some stuff though so tucked away, I don't even remember what they are, or where they are, lol. I just started a new afghan the other day by grabbing the first hank of yarn my hand came across. I suppose I should look around and see if I have appropriate amounts of yarn to go with it, lol.
I admit I did chuckle when I read yesterdays post! There is a hand pieced quilt along Starting Monday Jan 7 from Kristin Esser of Simple. Handmade. Everyday and Patty Dudek from Elm street quilts.
Hehehe.... I finished binding on 2 of 3 quilts so I get to start something new ..... that's how it work's right?
Yes, I'm having a horrible flareup of Startitis! I hope there is never a cure :)
LOL, that resolution didn't last long. I'm reading this post just after your last one with all your UFOs. I say, whatever makes you happy and have fun is OK!!
You can start new projects and still work on old projects, you just don't finish as many old projects (or finish the new ones). Enjoy your startitis, it's not fatal. Good luck with both sets of projects.
Nope! I’m not gonna do it! But I will follow everyone’s progress! Good luck!��
Ha Ha--I was behind on blog reading so I just barely came from your last post. But don't worry--I know you too well, and I didn't believe a word of it! LOL
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