Monday, October 01, 2018

Save The Bees Block #3

Save the Bees - block #3

It's time for the reveal of the next block for the Save the Bees quilt.... drum roll please... 
it's bee hive hexies! 
Click here to see Jacquelynne's block and get the instructions. 

There are many ways to sew hexagon blocks, and for this block I used the hand piecing method. I enjoy all types of hand stitching and host a weekly linkup for hand stitchers called "Slow Sunday Stitching".  Because I enjoy it so much, I am always looking for opportunities to incorporate hand work.

Hand piecing the hexagons

These blocks were a delight to piece together! I chose a few golden honey fabrics for my hexies, cut freezer paper templates and ironed them to the back of the fabrics. Then I traced around the freezer paper with an air erasable pen to get my stitching line. 

Then I removed the templates, and with right sides of the hexagons together, I stitched on the drawn lines using a running stitch. It's such a relaxing way to sew the seams together without sewing any Y seams. This photo shows the first 4 hexagons joined together. I finger press the seams as I go along and don't use the iron until they are all sewn together. There are so many bias/stretchy edges that I don't want to risk wonkiness developing at the ironing board!

Appliqueing the hexagons to the base

When all the pieces were connected, I folded under a  1/4" edge all the way around, and thread basted with large stitches. This gives a nice crisp edge to stitch, although you could also use needleturn or other applique methods.
Then I appliqued the whole section of 8 hexagons to the base fabric.

Cutting away fabric from the back of the block

The last step was to remove the excess fabric behind the hexagons. This makes it easier to quilt with one less layer of fabric. But safety is crucial here. My advice is to go slowly and make small cuts, being very careful you only cut the background fabric and not your hexagons! I make a tiny snip and place my finger as a barrier between the backing and the hexagons. When the cut is larger I put my whole hand in there to prevent any accidental cuts.

If you press the seams carefully where the hexagons are joined it will form another tiny hexagon. Here is my block from the back. Those tiny hexie shapes made me smile :)

I am excited to visit the other featured bloggers to see how they made their block this month. It's so fun to see the variety of techniques and fabrics being used in each of the  projects. Here's the line up of blogs to visit: 
Remember to enter the draws being held at each blog when you visit. The terrific prize this month is the Valori Wells collection of Aurifil thread. Everyone knows I adore Aurifil thread and just look at those vibrant colours! If you enter at each blog, you have 8 chances to win one of the thread boxes (one prize per winner). The draw is open to quilters in any country, so be sure to enter before midnight of October 7.
To win my draw for the thread box scroll down to the end of this post and click on "comments". Draw is now closed
Leave me a comment telling me how you feel about hexies. Do you make and collect them? Are you addicted to hexies? Are you trying to resist their charm? Have you made hexie quilts? Do you dislike hexagons? I do like them, but not as much as my friend Debby does - click here to see some of her collection. 

To see even more photos of Save the Bees blocks being made, hop over to Jacquelynne's Facebook Group
⬡⬡⬡ Happy Hexieing! ⬡⬡⬡
Save The Bees - my  first 3 blocks on the design wall
Linking up to Design Wall Monday.


Mary said...

Oh how cute! I have this one in the
Gotta make later category. Too many deadline projects and Stuff happening around here... printing the pattern, thanks!!

Darlene B said...

I made one small hexie project and really enjoyed it. I just have so many projects in the works right now, that I cannot start another one!! I'm sure everyone can relate to that :)

Unknown said...

I have started collecting hexies made from my scraps!

Sew Happy said...

I am not into hand pieced Hexies. For this BOM, I am doing this as a fusible applique. Actually I was thinking they were hand appliqued not pieced together first. Time to practice.

Linda said...

I love hexies! I have done some EPP, but prefer to machine applique with them!

Sandi said...

I like hexies as a way to quilt while I'm allowing my hubby to take his afternoon nap-get to keep right on sewing

Judy D in WA said...

Fabulous blocks but I am not going to start chasing those bees, chasing squirrels keeps me quite busy. ;)
Cutting the backing from the hexies is quite scary. And slow is the secret to success.

mangozz said...

I am addicted to basting hexies. I made hundred of them, but I don't like sewing them together so much. I did make the front panel of a sewing kit with hexies. I haven't finished it though.

Jennifer said...

I love the color of your block! It is perfectly butterscotch and reminds me of bees for real. Thanks for sharing your applique method.

Kathleen said...

I love hexies, but haven’t succumbed to them yet. I went for Lucy Boston and La Passacagalia!

Barb said...

I started a hexi Halloween project that I want to complete--had trouble with the thread being too thick!

Anonymous said...

HI,love your projects! Love Hexies too;love them on pillow tops! Thanks for your blog+giveaway!

BlessOSU said...

I'm not a big fan of hexies, because I am not a big fan of hand sewing! Your method has me interested. Can't wait to try it and see what turns out for me! Thanks so much for sharing your blocks and time with us!

Anonymous said...

bcarlf said...

Still a beginner and too hesitant to try hexies so far, but I do so admire everyone being able to so all that hand work. I think I need to take a class!

Sarah in NF CT said...

I love hexies and would use epp to make them. Hexies are a big thing in the Crazy quilt world these days too. Currently I do not have a hexie project in rotation. sarahsgiftnship(at)gmail(dot)com

SandraC said...

Your blocks are looking wonderful! While I enjoy English Paper Piecing (which is how I will probably do this month's block) I don't think I have ever fallen into the Hexie trap.

Unknown said...

Hexies should have proof read before posting.

Anita Jackson @ Domestic Felicity said...

The honey colored blocks are superb! I love yellow! I've yet to try hexies, so here is my chance!

Unknown said...

I've never used hexies in a quilt. I've only sewed a few together just practicing. I'm anxious to try Block 3!

Teri said...

To be honest, the hexies intimidate me but I'm ready to face this challenge. I've never sewn hexies before and this is my first quilt. Every block has been a great learning experience and I'm learning so many new techniques. said...

This is the first time I've ever done hexies. I made my templates from thin cardboard but I couldn't sew through them so I just made & sewed by hand like you did. I learned this from doing applique many years ago. It is very satisfying to do it that way. Your hexies look delicious

VA said...

I didn't think I would like making hexies, but they really are addicting! I have a project that I work on in the car or while waiting at appointments. Progress is slow, but it's still progress!

Barb D said...

hexies used to scare me, but, someone in my quilt guild demonstrated how to make them, and I actually enjoyed making them--need to practice to get even stitches!

JHM said...

I have never made Hexies before. So I am excited and terrified to give them a try. LOL
Which is why I join these block of the months so that I can try new things.

Patricia said...

I have hand pieced a Lucy Boston Patchwork of the crosses, an elongated hexagon. loved every minute of it but now hexies are in the catagorie of been there done that

Susan said...

I like all the designs and variations I have seen done with hexies. I myself have only made one Grandmother's Flower Garden block for a sampler quilt. I didn't mind sewing them by hand.

Unknown said...

Now I have a better idea about sewing hexies - my big box of hexies cut from vintage flour sack fabrics inherited from my Great-aunts are not so intimidating. I think they will be a great road project. Aurifil threads would be a good compliment to all those different fabrics.

Kathi Stitches said...

I have never made hexies before, I am excited to learn to make them.

Karen said...

I like hexies. I have a fall quilt that I pull out each year that is made of hexagons. Only they are bigger and assembled by machine. I do some hand stitching too, so this block might get done.

Sharon Quaintance Treece said...

I didn't like hexies when I first did them a couple years ago, but I have made so many now that I love doing them for a little piece of quiet time. just set and relax and hand sew. <3

Elizabeth said...

Yes, I enjoy making hexies. I enjoy all handwork projects. I have made a few hexie projects.

Beth said...

I like making hexes; I often forget how much until I get back to working on them. I have a long-term grandmother's flower garden with modern fabrics I've been working on for a few years. I'm very picky about the floral fabrics that goes into it, so I work on it as I find new fabric that fit my specific requirements, and each time I think, "Oh, I should do more of this!".

Mary said...

I have never tried hexies yet. It always looked like so much work but I may give it a try now.

Unknown said...

I have only played ed with heroes one time and can’t really tell you how I feel about experience! I’m excited to play with them again!

Gretchen Weaver said...

I enjoy the handwork involved in making hexies, I think it is so relaxing and you end up with a beautiful project! I love aurifil thread too.

Unknown said...

I have little experience with hexies, so am not addicted as a few of my friends. I have enjoyed the relaxing time of handwork...hoping to see the aurifil thread in my mailbox. lol

janie said...

I love hexies and the look of the quilts but, no time for hand sewing.

Deanna W said...

I love hexies. I am and have been working on a quilt top for 5 or more years.(is that possible) They are great projects that you can work on anywhere and in small amounts of time. Your bee quilt is coming along. I visited my daughter this past weekend and the bee quilt I made her was on my bed. So many memories as I pieced it for her.

Memaw said...

I have done a half hexi quilt from Missouri Star using their template. I liked that and look forward to trying this one.

Donna Pfost said...

I like doing the is a nice change of pace!! :)

Suzy said...

I haven't made hexies since I was a young girl still in school. I wanted to make a quilt called "My Grandmother's Garden". Now 40 plus years later, I'm looking forward to making them again. I have always liked the look. :)

Camille said...

I have made hundreds of hexie flowers. Now I am painstakingly stitching them together. I had oodles of fun making the flowers but find stitching them together is tedious. I am on row 6 of 15 so the task ahead is lengthy.

Laurie said...

Believe it or not, I have never made hexies. I am new to quilting and I do like the look of hexies. This block may help me decide how I feel about making them.

Unknown said...

I have never made Hexies so it will be interesting to give them a try

Lee said...

I love the fabric you used! I am looking forward to making some hexies!

swooze said...

I made two blocks with Appliqué he ie flowers which sent me to the store to buy a paper punch to make more

Mathilde said...

I'm presently being sorely tempted by hexies and this block is a fabulous introduction to the technique!

Kathy E. said...

I have long admired hexies from afar, but haven't taken the time to get addicted to them! I think I would, as so many often do. I even have some papers to make them...someday!

Paula said...

I love hexis! I've made a 30s reproduction grandmother's flower garden quilt, which I'm hand quilting, a batik Martha Washington's flower garden quilt (still in progress), and a UFO using 1/2" hexis. I have several more planned, but I made myself a promise not to start another one until these 3 are complete!

GranChris said...

I love hexies. They are addictive.

jrquilts said...


Judy1522 said...

I am not honestly sure how I feel about hexies as I have not made any yet. They seem like a good take along project for riding in the car.

Unknown said...

I love hexies as they are a great travel project to keep the hands and mind busy.

Sharon Aurora said...

I like hexies, but they take so much time to assemble, so I don't do very many.

Julie in GA said...

I love hexies, but don't enjoy stitching big sections of them together--too awkward! I have a rainbow hexie project that has been in progress for over 5 years.

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

In all my years of quilting, I've never made a hexie! I like the way they look, but don't really do hand stitching - maybe by machine!!

Sue D said...

Fabulous. Love the honey gold color. I love hexies!

lauraluvsloons said...

I love hexies but have not finished a small project I started with them. I'm addicted to the FMQ on my DM part of quilting.

Cheryl said...

I love the look of hexies, but this will be my first time to make them, so the jury is out still on how much I will like the process! LOL!

MissPat said...

I've made a few hexie flowers, but right now I'm working on stars made from EPP diamond shapes. I enjoy it, but my hands get cramped while stitching. It's interesting to see how each participant is using a different method for the hexies.

Jan Snell said...

I also love having a hand stitch project on the go at all times. I have made two hexie quilts. One has fairly large hexies; I started this with fabrics my grandmother sourced for me. She passed away in 1993 and I promised I would complete the project. I finished it one and a half years ago and love it and the memories. Then I made a pink and white hexie quilt for my granddaughter when she was born; it is her quilt at Grandma’s. I have always liked hexies and seem to have accumulated a pack or two of the papers so I see more hexies at some time in the future. Keeping with the ‘grands’, perhaps it is for the next granddaughter or great granddaughter. One never knows with this passion for quilting and family.

april dawn said...

Oh I adore hexis. And my favorite way to sew them is by hand. I don’t do epp. I have a stack of hexi flowers that I’ve done over the years. I like to take them on the plane when we travel.

Carol said...

I find English paper piecing with hexies very relaxing.

cjmont said...

i love making hexies. your color choices are spot on for honey.

Unknown said...

I like hexagons more than circles but they still make me cringe because they remind me of Y seams. I did hand sew a mini quilt full of hexagons then put buttons in the center to make it look like flowers.

Susan Stanton said...

I think hexagons are lovely, but I've never done one yet!
yoyopattycakes at hotmail dot com

JANET said...

I haven't made one yet, but there is one near the top of my list! Soon!

Anita said...

I haven't made my block of hexis yet but anxious to try the paper piecing!

Joy said...

I must admit that hexies have never grabbed my interest before this quilt along. I have english paper pieced pinwheels, and I did do one block of english paper pieced hexies in a sampler quilt. However, with the bee theme of this quilt they are just divine. It's all about the design.

Jollygirl said...

I like hexies but can't do much hand sewing anymore.

Sarah said...

I'm in the hexie camp. Love them!

Susan L. said...

I love hexies! I do prefer to do traditional pieced ones, because they are fast. But, there is a great sense of accomplishment from doing EPP ones.

Unknown said...

I have a hexie quilt made by my great grandmother! I have never made them, but am anxious to try. Hand sewing is very relaxing to me.

Unknown said...

I do enjoy hexies. I made an I Spy quilt for a grandson a few years ago that had 330 hexies on it. I used EPP to make the quilt top. Right now I am working on another EPP quilt that has 2" 6-pointed stars separated by 2 " hexies. This will be Queen sized so it is very long term. Nancy A:

Linda Bick said...

I adore hexies, make them paper pieced all the time!

Debby said...

I used to think they were old fashioned and a little boring but have seen so many exciting hexie quilts in the past few years that I now love them. Debby at rsvp15atshawdotca

Tina said...

I enjoy hexies. I am working on a wonderful hexie quilt that may take me a few years to do but it will be so wonderful when it is finished.

Quiltgirl said...

My first attempt at hexies. Could become my new sewing addiction.

Amanda said...

I'm on the fence about hexies...worked on quilt of all hexies years ago; it is currently an unfinished project. individually worked up pretty quickly but overall took forever and I lost interest

Unknown said...

I have made 2 queen sized quilts with hexies using this technique. I made the first one about 40 years ago and just finished the second one last year. I have had people tell me i was making them wrong because I wasn't doing the EPP method, so I am glad to see someone else doing it this way.

eileen said...

I just finished piecing a hedge flower quilt, 2 years in the piecing ! Now to quilt it, hope it goes faster !

Vicki H said...

I love hexie projects, but have only made a mug rug using them.

Mary Lou P. said...

I enjoy working on smaller hexie projects at the end of the day while sitting with my husband and reviewing our day or watching television.

Knittingdancer on Ravelry said...

I love hexies.

Carline said...

I love the Save the Bees project. I think I could actually finish that one. I love the look of hexes but some of the projects I see take thousands of them and I can just see another UFO happening in my life. Thanks for the opportunity to win the thread and see a doable project.

Unknown said...

I love this project! I tried my hand recently at EPP. It turned in to a table runner. I'm fond of it, but I can see LOTS of room for improvement. I have arthritis in my thumb, so I was a little leary of being able to do it, but it was fine. I'm looking forward to this project and EPP hexies again. There are not as many, so it should go quickly. Enjoy!

Glenda X said...

I am a beginner quilter SO this will be my 1st hexie project. They look really cute but also a bit intimidating. Wish me luck!

Lisa England said...

I think Hexies are cute, but I haven't made any.

MomW said...

I've never tried hexies - could be interesting!

Carolee said...

I absolutely love hexies! EPP hexies are so much fun!

wendy said...

I love hexies! I always have a small project along with me.

Cindy Shelley said...

I am not a big fan of hexies with Y seams. I have done a one block wonder quilt, but there are no Y seams. You still get the hexie look.

Unknown said...

I am currently making a quilt with hexies! I may never finish it at the rate I am going!

Teresa H said...

First time doing Hexies! Challenging my patience but so far so good!

Sally H. said...

I love hexies! I'm making a Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt right now. So fun!!

Unknown said...

I have only done hexies one time when I was learning to quilt (from a Leisure Arts book)it was a learning experience but they did pique my interest. I am gathering 1000 hexies to make a charm quilt :)

SkiWheel said...

Personally I'm not a fan of making hexies, though I love seeing how others put them together.
I'm not good with hand sewing and any hexies I have done come out rather rumpled looking!

Gammy T said...

I love the look of hexies, but due to arthritic fingers, the challenge seems like too much for a large project. I purchased a small kit that uses about a dozen hexies to make a cute applique, and I'll start there and see how it goes!

Pam said...

I finished a hexie quilt a friend of mine started when she was having chemo treatments -- I lost her in 2011 --- I finally got her quilt finished this year. And hand quilted it.

Shelina said...

I think hexies are really pretty, but I haven't really tried making them. I don't know why because I do like handwork, but piecing seems intimidating.

Jayne said...

How can anyone not like hexies?

Unknown said...

Have done hexies before with plastic templates. Enjoying learning a new way to do them.

Unknown said...

Wasn't too excited about hexies until I decided to finish my Mom's Grandmother's Garden quilt which she started in the 1980's or 90's. Now I'm hooked!

Bev said...

I do like hexies and have made a vest with them. It was fun and great to wear in the 1970s!

Kreativity for Karolina said...

Still a little confused on hexies. But not ready to give up just yet.

Kits Corner said...

I got addicted to hexies when I took my first class at my LQS I love taking them on many of our long road trips, airplane trips they are so easy to just stuff into my tote bag. Every fabric store I stop at when I look at the fabric even if it's for a different project I try and see if I can also use the leftover fabrics for my hexies!

Vanessa said...

Hexies are so much fun! I keep my tin in the car to work on when I'm not driving.��

Marti Morgan said...

I like Hexies, haven't made any yet, but I like them.

Unknown said...

I love hexies! I love making them and collecting them and will continue to do so until I have enough for a scrappy hexie quilt!

Chandra Cox said...

I love to make hexies. I hope to make a scrappy hexie quilt eventually.

Estie said...

I don't make many hexies, but it sure was fun to see how they can be done in many different ways.

nanainbfb said...

Thank you for making the comment line accessible. I have noticed in some of the others it is not. I love the Aurifill thread and the giveaway - anyone would be lucky to receive it. I also love your wonderful quotes, and sometimes a gentle reminder is all a person needs to change their mood. Thank you for brightening my day.

Unknown said...

I love your hexie block! for me EPP scares me!! I'm going to attempt this block soon though and it will be my first.

LG said...

Hexies are challenging and not something I enjoy doing!

GloJean said...

I haven't gotten into the hexie craze yet - too many other things going on.

Edie said...

I love Hexies. Lol I haven't actually finished anything with them other than blocks, but they are fun. I have a wall hanging that is about 7/8th. done, but my hands hamper me at times. Love reading your Sunday slow stitching. Will have to get back at it even for 10-15 minutes at a time. Thanks for the draw.

Faith Creech said...

I haven’t made many hexies. I need to try making some.

faithdcreech at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I live he is because I keep bees! I live seeing but haven't made hexies before because I k ow they will be addictive and I need to get some other projects finished first! ;)

Unknown said...

I love hexis because I keep bees! I love sewing but haven't made hexies before because I know they will be addictive and I need to get some other projects finished first! ;)

Kathy Langston said...

I have made hexes but I’m not a fan of this process. Kathy Langston

Linda said...

I just love hexies!! I recently finished piecing a small wall quilt top and loved every bit of it. It was my first hexie project and I'm totally hooked.

Dix in Canada said...

I haven't sewn any hexies yet …. my sister is addicted!

Diane' said...

I love hexie's but not epp. I sew my hexie's on the machine or by hand like any other piece work.

Susie H said...

I love EPP hexies: so portable and instantly gratifying. I must admit that I doubt I'd like a huge project of hexies though. I think it would be too bulky for me to handle. Let's just keep it simple and I'll be happy!

Unknown said...

Have never tried them yet. But I think I'm going to, seen so many neat things with hexies.

kitblu said...

I haven't tried hexies but I am willing and interested. Right after Cathedral Windows.

suesinger said...

I love hexies in any form

Carol Andrews said...

I really love hexies and taking it further;doing OBW's with pieced hexies! I have been working on. Grandmothers Garden with hand pieced 1 1/2" hexies for a while in between my other projects. I get to do my hand sewing while DH is watching tv at night or while we are in the car travelling.

Martina said...

I love hexies all over!

Jan Ward said...

I’m liking hexies more & more... haven’t had a lot of them, but I’m getting there. Seems like I’m drawn to them tho! 😜. I remember my Grandma doing a large hexie block quilt... I was hoping I would get it. Haven’t seen it since I was a teen. But... life, sewing & hexies goes on! I admire & respect your hand sewn way of doing them. Thanks for this extra chance to win some needed thread.

Pam K said...

I have never made a hoxie so I have no idea, I think they intimidate me a little bit!

MidwesternWoman said...

Hexies are my go to travel project. Easy to carry, no matter how tight the space. They are versatile, and can be used so many ways!

Sumac said...

I love hexies! especially EPP ones

Naomi said...

I have glue basted a bunch of hexies and then given them away - I never know what to do with them! I don't want to make enough for an entire quilt.

Thea said...

Hexies are fun to make - I am not stuck on them but don't run away from making them either - I think they can add a lot to a sampler quilt to have a block within it that has hexies!

Sheila R said...

I had just made my first set of hexies for my guilds raffle quilt, fun!

Rilene said...

I have friends who are addicted to hexies. I plan to try them to appliqué on a wall hanging I`m currently making.

Sherry said...

I have made a few hexies for small projects but want to do more in the future.

Unknown said...

I just started quiltning and havent tested doing them jet. I seams so mutch fun and I'm gonna test doing them soon. I've started a baby quilt for my grandchild and I'm learning so mutch. I havenst started to search for things like threads jet. We have outhers here in Sweden but wannt to test these threads becouse so many seams to love them and thats making me intreaged,
I'm whising you al a great weekend. Hugs from Sweden

Jill Chapman said...

Haven't completed any hexies yet. I have my templates and the fabric cut out to make them. Jacquelynn Steves has a great tutorial on how to make hexies. A few weeks ago I bought a partially completed quilt top someone had started using hexies. The stitching was completely done by hand. The gal said it was a bigger project than she thought it was going to be and didn't want to finish it. I grabbed it! I plan to do something with it. (I got it for an unbeatable price $1.00)

Beckahn11 said...

I have never done hexies before! This will be my first go at it.

Rita Lynn said...

Hexies are something I like to do when I have to wait while running errands, Doctor visits and such.

Unknown said...

Hexies were the first quilt project I tried as a child. My grandma had some pattern patches that I still have 40-something years later. All I finished was a pot holder! I love what people are doing with them now so, maybe someday a whole quilt.....

Danni N said...

I don't dislike hexies, I just don't see the allure of them. I don't mind them, but I don't seek them out, either.

Created by Kathi said...

I LOVE Hexies... however I haven't stitched any yet... BUT I do have a fun Rooster project by Violet Craft I saw on a episode of "man sewing"... it will be my first hexi-ish project and I am MEGA excited about doing it even though the pattern finishes at 20" square it is 8 full sizes sheets of cardstock FULL of pattern pieces... some traditional hexi sizes about the size of this QAL and some odd sizes for the rooster itself :) Thanks for the chance !!! Love your tutorial showing how you do your hexies.. mine will be all by hand too <3 Kathi

Happy said...

I have never made hexies before, but I am being drawn in!

CathieJ said...

I love the look of hexies, but I have to admit to being intimidated by them. I have a couple of projects picked out that I want to try, but I haven't yet.

Unknown said...

I live in Australia and have joined the save the bees bom am enjoying doing the quilt thanks so much

beccaauen said...

i love your patterns and the thread

Chantal said...

I have to get back to my Quilt of the Century and finish it. Your projects are so pretty; love the fabrics you used. Gorgeous! ;^)

Terry said...

I always keep a baggie with hexies blocks, matching thread, needle, and scissors in my car. I love seeing a quilt slowly grow from time that would have been wasted.

Joy L. said...

I'm just starting my first Hexie project. I enjoy hand work and think my project will be a great one to work on while watching tv.

Unknown said...

I enjoy working with hexis. Have done several projects. Finishing a large hexi quilt now. Good take along project

Val's Quilting Studio said...

I LOVE hexi's!!! BIG, small, tiny.....LOVE THEM! (They are so addictive aren't they!)

Sherill said...

I go in spurts with Hexies. Sometimes I concentrate on them and then not touch them for months.

Marilyn said...

I like the look of hexies and will try them someday. I'm still trying to master squares.

Jill said...

Hexies are something I admire from others and personally not yet motivated to make some. I do like your method though of hand stitching them. I think it is easier on the eyes than whip stitching hexies with stiff paper temples on the backside.