Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Small, Smaller, Smallest Blog Hop

Welcome to the blog hop celebrating small projects. I adore miniature quilts and working with tiny pieces. One of my favourite patterns is Omigosh by Sue Garman. I have been making a colour block version of this quilt for a few years.

For this special blog hop I decided to use only the double nine patch blocks from the Omigosh pattern. These blocks are made from 1" squares, which finish at .5" when sewn into the quilt.

Here it is laying on the floor in the kitchen...

Quilt statistics: there are 1,845 tiny 1" squares in this quilt and it measures 49.5" square.
I learned that it is hard to photograph a quilt with so much white in it and still be able to see the quilting. I quilted a diagonal grid using coloured threads in the double nine patch blocks and white thread through the white alternate squares. 
I eyeballed the double 9 patch stitching, but marked the line to stitch across the open white squares using a hera marker. It doesn't leave any residue on the quilt but just makes a slight indentation in the fabric to follow. I marked each line as I came to it... mark, quilt, mark, quilt, etc.

Here is the fun label that I made for the back corner using up a few more 1" squares. My quilty friends decided it should be called "Scrap Rescue 911".

Thank you to Carol for organizing this wonderful blog hop experience! And as a thank you to YOU the blog readers, I have made 2 small mug mats to giveaway. Leave a comment below and your name will go in the draw to win one of these tiny double 9 patch miniature quilts. Mr. Max is so sweetly displaying what you can win! Just look at how he has his paws crossed... OMG I love that furry guy (except when he is a quilt eater!)

There is the list of miniature quilt makers who have made special small projects to share with you today:

March 7

Kathy’s Quilts (that's me!)


sewyouquilt2 said...

Love your quilt and mugrugs. Do i dare? Have plenty of those size squares hee hee

SandraC said...

I made an Omigosh a few years ago. The part I didn't like was putting the four-patches on point. There was a weekend that my family was away and I took the opportunity to finish all of them as to be done with them. Love the quilt though!

Dorian said...

Wow, great little 5 patches! They are so tiny. You did a great job.

jrquilts said...


Karen McMahon said...

I love your quilt! Thanks for the chance to win.

The Cozy Quilter said...

My goodness Kathy! What a lot of small pieces! Beautiful results!

Debbie said...

Beautiful and love your label!

Martina said...

Oh what a wonderful quilt! Great work and your mug mats are just so sweet! Your Mr. Max too of course!

vincenzo126 said...

Cute! Cute, cute, cute, cutecute! (And wonderfully nimble fingers as well!) Thank you Kathy!

Jan Snell said...

I could hardly wait to see what you made. It is exquisite.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Oh, mercy, that is a lot of tiny squares!!

Carolyn said...

Your quilt is beautiful! You continue to amaze me with all your wonderful projects. Love your blog.

Julierose said...

Your quilt is beautiful--lovely finish..Mr. Pug is a perfect guardian for those adorable minis...hugs, Julierose

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Oh I love it!!! There is nothing like a scrappy quilt anyway, but a mini is just adorable!

Cathy44647 said...

This looks like a fun leader/ender oroject! Thanks for the giveaway op!

krisgray said...

So pretty! This blog hop is so much fun. 9 patches are my favorite and the OMG quilt has definitely been on my radar. After seeing yours, I may have to get started cutting my scraps to size.

Jacqui's Quilts said...

Absolutely LOVE your little quilt! Makes me want to run over to my little squares drawer and jump right in LOL. But, I will discipline myself and continue my UFO's LOL. Hope I win one of those sweet little mats. Max looks so proud to be guarding them :-). Jacqui VMS

Lorna McMahon said...

What a beautiful quilt! Love those tiny squares. A lovely way to show off those bright scraps. And the quilting is such a compliment!

Diane H said...

Fabulous quilt and it's great to find so many fun blogs on this hop.
Lovely to meet you and the so cute Mr. Max and I look forward to now follow along via email laura84watt@gmail(dot)com

Deanna W said...

I've said it are crazy...finished 1/2"!!!!!But oh so simple and pretty. Who needs the newest pattern on the market...I will take scraps and a nine patch pattern any day!
Loving those mug rugs and you cutie Max!!

Christine said...

Beautiful work as usual, Kathy. I love the scrappy and I admire your use of 'small'.

Christine from Ontario

Carol Swift said...

I can't even imagine sewing those teeny tiny squares. Seriously, they are the cutest little blocks and rock my brain as I think of sewing them together. You really met the challenge of the smallest! Thank you for hopping along with us and sharing your sweet small project! :O)

Kathy H said...

Wow! Amazing quilt. And those pieces are so small. I love it. Thanks for sharing.

krislovesfabric said...

Beautiful quilt, great use of small squares :)

Sally Ann said...

love these little use of the squares Kathy! love the full size quilt as well!!

Cathy said...

How cute. I fear my breathing would blow away squares that small before I could sew them together. After blowing away I wouldn't be able to see the squares that small to gather them back up again. Scrap Rescue 911 is a great name! Congrats to you on rescuing all those scraps!

Rozz01 said...

I love nine patch and this would definitely be a challenge. The mug rugs are adorable - did you have little elves helping. rozz01(at)cox(dot)net

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

so many pieces make for such a lovely tiny quilt!! love it

chrisknits said...

What a sweet quilt! I love the inspiration quilt for your project.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I had a feeling this was were you were going with all those 9's. It is just lovely and proves that those bits usually thown away can truly make a gorgeous quilt.

beaquilter said...

Oh wow! this is SEW cute and SOOOO tiny!

Sue Green said...

I love your quilt and Sue Garman's patterns. Thank you.

Lisa J. said...

Just beautiful Kathy! I don't know how you do it! You are the mini queen for sure.

Kathy L said...

Mr Max is very sweet!! Love your quilt.

Nancy A: said...

amazing quilt. love it, but can't imagine the time and work put into it!

Louise said...

I'm so impressed with your tiny, tiny blocks! So precise and wonderfully scrappy, Kathy! And this is a classic pattern to show off your mad tininess skills :)

As much as I'd love a mug rug, please don't enter me into the drawing. I don't have a good shipping address for 3-4 months. Good luck to someone else, though!

Vicki H said...

Oh, I love your quilt. I have saved many scraps that small but haven't sewn them yet. I think my sewing machine might eat them instead of feeding them through. Now I am inclined to give it a try. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.

Kathy E. said...

1" squares? Holy cats, my eyes would be cross-eyed! Mr. Max would love my Miss Sophie as they are both furry little sweethearts.

Sherry said...

Oh my gosh! That is amazing! I hope to do one someday.

tink's mom said...

Please don't take this the wrong way, but you are insane. That said,Your quilt is amazing. I'd love a chance at one of those sweet mini rugs.

Janet O. said...

Be still my heart!

Charlene S said...

Beautiful! I would be honored to own those but they would not be used. I spill to often.

Barbara said...

Fabulous job! I’ve made some of those small blocks, and so I know how challenging it is to work with small pieces. Yours is beautiful. I love the Irish Chain. I think it’s my favorite pattern.

Unknown said...

What lovely "small" blocks. I would love to win one. Thanks for all your blogging. I look forward to reading your blog every day.

Creativeblonde66 said...

Wozeers, you must have so much patience all those tiny tiny tiny pieces. Looks amazing. Love it 😍

KatieQ said...

The quilt is lovely. I love all of the tiny 9 patches. I have never worked with anything that small so I am completely in awe. Thanks for sharing.

Needled Mom said...

OMGoodness....those are tiny! Tiny, and absolutely beautiful.

Ivani said...

OMG Kathy it is gorgeous!! Congratulations!!!
1845 1" squares...this is incredible. Your guilty friends were smart, it is a great name for this mini.
Mr Max is so cute and charming with his paws crosssed.
I 'll love if I win one of those pretty mug mates.

LJ said...

Yikes! 1,845 tiny squares?!! You are a marvel. It's a wonderful quilt and even if photographing it was hard, it was totally worth it. Perfectly wonderful quilt and pattern.

Calicojoan said...

Wow wow wow, is all I can say. I love a good scrap buster, and those 1" squares really fit that now don't they. Now you have my mind going...I hate throwing a thread of fabric away.

Pamela said...

Oh my goodness, I love your quilt! Makes me want to make one as well, I tell you this tiny sewing is a disease! (but please don't tell me there is a cure)

Quilting Tangent said...


mangozz said...

I love miniature quilts and yours are adorable!

Paula said...

Love your quilt! Ive been cutting scraps into 1.5" squares and this just may be the project I need.

Kwilty Pleasures said...

Small but mighty.

Darlene said...

Beautiful quilt, Love the small scale.

Deb A said...

Oh, My Goodness... those are teeny tiny! Love the 911 Rescue quilt with all those amazing pieces of fabrics. Great job... and I really need to clean up my sewing room and find my herra marker! Thanks for the reminder I have one =)

Patty said...

This is awesome!

Shelina said...

He has his paws crossed that I win! This is such a sweet quilt - teeny tiny squares!

Corrie said...

What a sweet helper you have in your last picture. Those blocks are too precious - what a project!

MaryBeth said...

Your quilt is just amazing! It's simply gorgeous!!

linny said...

Your quilt is beautiful, & I love those little mug rugs, great for scrap busting. Not forgetting how cute Mr Max is.

swooze said...

I think you need 911 lol. So adorable! How long did it take to make your quilt?

Anonymous said...

I love your Oh my gosh quilt! I'm not sure I could sew 1 inch blocks!! well done.
elaine in Fairview Alberta stenbraaten at hotmail dot com

Farm Quilter said...

AMAZING!! I have never worked with such small pieces and your quilt is beautiful! Great way to rescue your scraps and create a quilt of beauty!!

Sue McQ said...

I have had this quilt pattern for some years and recently brought it out, again! Your work is awesome. Max is doing a fine job supervising.

Mcirishannie f/k/a quilt til you wilt said...

I am in awe if your beautiful work!

Amy said...

That quilt is pretty amazing. I would have probably gone crazy with all those tiny little squares. They might have had to call 911 for me. :)

Jodi - usairdoll said...

Such a beautiful quilt! A quilt like this is on my bucket list. Love small piecing. Your label is neat. Thanks for a chance to win a darling mug rug! Cute doggie!

Deonn said...

omigosh is right! Such teeny cuteness, Kathy! I love the Irish chain look of this fun quilt - looks like your cute quilt inspector likes them too. Adorable.

Mary said...

I almost forgot to check out your day of the Blog Hop!! Cute, cute, cute!! Love your project and your quilt eating pup, He would have been put out like Fred Flintstones Cat at my house.

Carla said...

Such a beauty of a quilt. I've made little patchwork and it's not even close to as pretty as yours. You must have a secret. Mr. Max is precious too.

Mary Ann said...

I admire your patience. I do not think I could do that. But I sure do love it! Thanks for sharing with us and thanks for the opportunity to win the coasters displayed so wonderfully by Mr. Max. :)

allthingzsewn said...

Fantastic job, I would be afraid to use it. Your fluff ball is a cutie.

Jill said...

All the many small squares equals a big accomplishment. I think I too shall use a hera marker when I qulit next. Mr. Max is one cute model.

Susan said...

Beautiful quilt of tiny pieces - well done!

Danette said...

He does look so darned cute with his paws crossed! Love your small nine patches!

Marian said...

WoW Kathy, that's an awesome project. I can't even imagine doing that myself, but it is really beautiful. I learned myself about taking a picture of something you have hanging in a window, I had to take mine down because the "light" was taking away from the picture and you couldn't see my shamrocks. LOL I gotta get that figured out.

Kim said...

This is amazing! Love the quilt.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I finally ordered the Omigosh pattern, and it arrived the day before we left for Alaska. Not sure when I'll get back to that quilt. It's been the background on my phone for about 8+ years now.

Beth said...

Wow--1 inch squares? I was just cutting 1.5 inch squares, so I suppose I could cut smaller squares from the scraps that don't measure up to my 1.5 needs and plan for an Omigosh, too...

P.S. Love the crossed paws. Could there be a cuter pose?

Deb from Frugal Little Bungalow said...

WOW just WOW ! :)

Carol said...

I love that double nine-patch quilt and the little mug rugs. Great way to use scraps! I need to make one soon. Thanks for sharing.

Nancy said...

I keep seeing the Oh My Gosh quilt around blogland and love it but I'm not sure I would have the patience to make it. I love your little 9-patch blocks in this post. They make a beautiful! said...

Wow the quilt is awesome.

Barb said...

Wonderful Nine Patch quilt! love those little blocks.