November was a total bust in terms of UFO accomplishments. I was just too busy with other projects to finish my Deckade the Halls quilt.
I did get all the blocks sewn together and it's now ready for some borders.
My December UFO goal will be to cuddle up under this finished quilt before Christmas!
To see more December UFO goals, hop over to A Lovely Year of Finishes.
That was a fun quiltalong. My version is hanging up as of yesterday!
That is a cute quilt! Good luck with your goal.
Love those Gingerbread Men. My favorite is the center one.
This i going to be a great quilt to cuddle under!! Good luck on meeting your December goal!!!
At least you made some progress, every step completed is one step closer to getting off your UFO list.
Oh, I hope you make it! All I did with that one was save the patterns. : )
What a perfect goal for December. This will be such a lovely quilt to cuddle under as the Christmas season draws near.
You made progress and it's no longer in pieces, so thumbs up for that!
How lovely, great progress, you will be able to cuddle up soon.
A very cute quilt--perfect project to get finished for December!
Enjoy this one getting done. I need to make the changing of the Season quilts for my beds. It's December! Good to have one goal. I am still juggling my few goals. One day, one block at a time...
Enjoy this one getting done. I need to make the changing of the Season quilts for my beds. It's December! Good to have one goal. I am still juggling my few goals. One day, one block at a time...
Good luck on finishing this cute quilt.
Oh, good luck! It's precious!
This will be a lovely quilt for cuddling with a cup of hot chocolate! Best of luck!
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