Even though it is such a busy time of year, I find myself avoiding Christmas shopping and procrastinating my "to-do" list, and gravitating instead to some calming hand quilting. I am rationalizing it by reminding myself of the importance of staying well, and being relaxed in order to stay healthy and fight off all the germs and viruses that are in abundance at this time of year.
These are the benefits I'm hoping to experience with some slow stitching and relaxation...

*Decreased heart rate
*Decreased blood pressure
*Diminished respiratory rate
*Lower pulse rate
*Decreased oxygen consumption
*Decreased blood lactate
*Decreased muscle tension
*Reduction of cortisol
*Reduction of noradrenaline
Doesn't that sound like what your body needs more of? Okay then, go get your stitching, take a deep breath, and invest some time in improving your health.
Here are my tools all ready for another "health improvement session"! I have my ruler and frixion pen to mark stitching lines, and the thread colours needed for this quilt.
This is the star block I'm hoping to finish today on my winter quilting project. I am really enjoying working on this quilt. See the wide range of scrappy background fabrics in these blocks? Even though I made this quilt top 19 years ago, it's still my favourite kind of quilt. And I am very happy with the square in a square design I decided to quilt in the centre of the small stars.
And to further enhance your relaxation while you stitch, here's my favourite Christmas song this year. I hope you enjoy it too!

We would love to see what you are stitching by hand while you relax today. Link up your blog post below and share your project with us!
Keep calm and stay healthy....good advice! Lovely Christmas song, they have beautiful voices and it sounds as if it's unaccompanied!
Yeah it is incredible that 2015 is almost finished. Enjoy this season slow stitching, you are doing a great quilting. Love the music, beautiful song. Merry Christmans!
I enjoyed listening to that Christmas song this morning. I like the square in a square design you are quilting. Such a pretty quilt. Enjoy your relaxation. I realize that I am going to have to break out my crocheting, because I don't have any small projects right now and I do not want to make a visit to the store for supplies. Merry Christmas!
Enjoy your stitching / going to listen to the song now :)
Enjoy your stitching / going to listen to the song now :)
Fabulous song to ring in the morning.. thanks for all you do in blog land and the expertise and encouragement you offer in each post... Have a blessed Slow Stitching Sunday Kathy! Kathi
Hope you get lots of time for a relaxing health improvement session today. Hopefully I've had my nasty virus for the holiday and I can enjoy the rest of it. Pentatonix is a big favorite around this house. Their version of Mary Did You Know is one of our favorites.
Great lists reasons to slow stitch, I myself have noticed a decrease in blood pressure whenever I do hand stitching. I love the idea of quilting the small center of the stars. Have a wonderful Christmas.
How lucky we all are to recognise the benefits of this pastime/hobby. So many people say they don't have the patience to do this sort of thing, but I believe firmly that people should take the time....maybe not for stitching but for something that slows them down a bit
at this time of year especially we need to take a breath and slow down
Great words to live by. I took time to go to a make and take yesterday at the knit shop, and I sewed and had lunch with friends on Thursday. I think years like this one where Thanksgiving falls so late in the month are especially crazy because there's a lot less time to accomplish everything. I'm going to stitch a little today, too. Take care and have a Merry Christmas.
Hi Kathy--really nice post at this hectic time of year; your star is lovely...hugs, Julierose
I went out in the wee hours this morning and got what little that was left on my list DONE - out of there before the crowd even showed up. Just a gift certificate to pick up tomorrow and I am finished. Now to those bindings.
Kathy, your star block is beautiful.
I still have some shopping to complete, and then I will be able to relax! Have a wonderful holiday!
Calm and healthy, that's me today.
That is a very beautiful song... Very calming
No slow stitching for me this week.... I did get all of my Christmas cards done this weekend. I send out over 100 cards to friends and family. Love your square in a square quilting!
Decorating finished, cards are done, shopping will be finished Monday. But there are three family gatherings I host--Christmas Eve, Christmas day brunch and day after Christmas. No relaxing yet, and no slow stitching this week. : )
I love your star Kathy, the quilting is perfect. I really need to follow your lead and just breath...my head is spinning - it's no fun!!!
Pentotonix is a great group. Watched a show about them on Netflix last night. Such a great sound..
Pentotonix is a great group. Watched a show about them on Netflix last night. Such a great sound..
Kathy, I have found a song I wanna share on my blog... can you email me HOW you implant a video in your post so I may do the same with a "Happy Christmas" song I found??? Thanks for being so inspirational :) Kathi
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