That was before I went to a Treadle On event. These people are serious sewing machine collectors. One person, who shall remain nameless, admitted to having well over 200 machines. And when they talk, it's almost like another language that includes lots of code, and numbers. I tried hard to keep up, but there is so much to learn!
So I went to the meeting with one machine needing repair and came home with two more machines needing repair. Here are all three of them in my trunk. Gorgeous, right?!?
My 1920's Federation at the top.
My very first Pfaff in the middle.
And my first White Rotary.
I don't even know how that happened!
And since then I somehow collected another machine or two. Sewing machines collectors know exactly what this is, and it's not luggage!
It's another "acquisition"!
Look at this beauty! It is a "Domestic"! I love that brand badge! The Domestic Sewing Machine company was bought out by the White Sewing Machine company in 1924 (Alex Askaroff), so it really is a White machine. I wondered if it was a Singer 15 clone since the body looks exactly like my Blue White. I consulted with vintage guru Cheryl, and she confirmed that it is a class 15 machine.

Just look at the gorgeous engraved face plate! We all know that beauty is only skin deep (wow that's pretty) but the big question is... does it even work?!?
The hand wheel is quite stiff, and I don't know yet if it even sews. I am doing all the tricks the Treadle On folks have taught me and I am optimistic about it's potential. I have big plans for this "Domestic Goddess", so stay tuned!
Beautiful! Hope they love their new home and are soon sewing along!
Love sewing machines--and will admire others collections
Yes....gorgeous!! HOW FUN!!!
Domestic made machines for department stores too, along with White. I have several old machines, all on display. Just enough to be interesting, but not so many as to create more clutter.
Beautiful machines, I'm partial to the old vintage ones myself..Hope they serve you well.
Oooh, how exciting! So, how many's that in your collection now...not far off 200 either?!?!? I saw a lovely fiddle base one a week or so ago, it had a 'shuttle' rather than a bobbin, was filthy and didn't work...and cost £50, i.e. $75 in a CHARITY SHOP (thrift store?) . Does that sound expensive to you - I nearly fainted!
I'm drooling on my kleycoard., Lucky you got to go to a Treadle on event! I WANT a Treadle but a few others have come along the way while I wait. Bonnie Hunter is a Machine Magnet. She finds them like nobody else, I know and they all work!
I'm not the one with 200 machines!!! I do admit to having 37 on the first floor (bet you couldn't find all of them, either). Have fun playing with your new machines. I'm sure there are more out there, that you'll have to bring home ;)
Well I don't have 200 machines but I do have a few vintage machines and I love them , there isn't anything quite like sewing on these gems . Your new additions look wonderful !
At one time, until recently actually, I had a small collection of 5 Featherweights of various colors, a Singer treadle, a green vintage Singer which I call Martha Stewart green, two other vintage model black Singers, a brown Singer 301, and 3 modern machines. I sold a few and kept the rest. I have no place to display them and they just take up space that's a premium. But I love them still.
It is very easy to accumulate more machines then you need! I need to take stock of my machines and decide which ones I want to keep and which ones I want to sell. I will probably just keep the ones I use and keep a couple I just like to look at.
I would love a treadle, but don't want to sacrifice that much space to another machine, so I am thinking I should look for a hand crank, instead.
Do you have a number in mind of how many machines will be enough, or is there no such number? : )
A great collection you have , love the vintage machines I have a singer featherweight which sews the most perfect seams. In total I have a bernina, new home, embellishing machine and an overlocker ( which needs a new home as I never use it) along with the featherweight.
That face plate is gorgeous indeed! :)
You've been bitten by the machine collection bug. Have fun with it!
Beauties, every one.
Love your new acquisitions! Hope you can get the black beauty into good stitching shape.
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