It's the dreaded IOP - Indian Orange Peel. You can read the blog posts about it's journey here if you've somehow missed out on this drama.
The quilt was started in 2010. It has been on my secondary design wall for most of the years since then. It is dusty, parts are falling off the wall, and I'm just tired of it. I have even pinned some of my Life Is Beautiful embroidery blocks on top of it. UGH.
Perhaps I should cover it up with a seasonal covering like I did in 2013?
Or here's an idea... actually sew it together and finish it!
My friend Jacqui, who took the original class with me, has finished her quilt top and you can see it over at Treadle Quilts. It is gorgeous!
To see more beautiful design walls with projects that are actually being worked on, hop over to Patchwork Times.
Some projects just have to marinate for a bit before they get finished. This one will get done when it's time. (Yes this philosophy is why I still haven't done anything about my oldest UFO for a few years),
LOL Kathy!! That's why I had it on my spare bed pinned to the sheet I used at the class...I could just fold it up and not look at it for awhile :-). Once you decide to work on it, you'll find it's not half as bad as dreaded! Maybe we should schedule a play date and I can come over and help you get going! I actually took it along to a two day sewing spree with two friends and that really kept me going and then I was well on my way and could finish it off. Good luck and hang in there! If I can finally do it...you can too :-).
IOP is too amazing NOT to finish -- so much color and movement and history ... Maybe 2016 will be it's year!
Some quilts you just have to dive in and finish off once and for all. You have put too much work in already to give up now. What is the step that has you stuck? Is there any way to get past it? Think of how wonderful it will be to have that quilt off the wall and finished up! Good luck
Get a move on, Kathy, lol! :) Your friend's is lovely ; now you have to catch up :)
What a shame you have fallen out of love with this - it looks gorgeous to me and definitely deserves to end up as a quilt!
I like that quilt!
"Chompers" will not rest in pieces....sew it up and at least get a flimsy top!!
This is so funny. Just yesterday I paged through your WIP posts and followed the saga of this project (I wasn't a blg follower at the time). So it was a jolt this morning to see this post. I agree with the other commenters that you need to finish this. Just decide to work on it for 15 minutes or finish one block. If you do something to get started, it may motivate you to get back on track.
What's holding you back? Work on it in bites. Get all the blocks made in January. Sew all the rows together in February and so on. You can do it!
Or you could put it in a box, shove it in the back of the closet and walk away. ;) Not that I've ever done that before. ;)
It's such an intricate project and you've come so far! Assemble it. The blocks provide sufficient interest so you only need a slab border. You'll git 'er dun and wonder why you waited so long. Go for it!
Sometimes the idea is not to finish the quilt or the project but to learn the technique and move on.... Instead of punishing yourself and hating the wall why not repurpose some of those pieces into jacket applique or tote bags or?......
I think your orange peel is amazing and will be beautiful when it's finished. If you are totally not in love with it though, I would let it go. Donate it, give it away in a drawing, sell it, or just pack it up. It's not worth the stress of seeing it everyday in it's unfinished condition--lol!!
Such beautiful colors and pattern, it should be finished for sure.
Eh. I'd say if it doesn't sing for you, dump it. At least get it off your wall. Right now when you look at it all you feel is negative. Put it in a box where you can't see it. Do something else. Then, when you feel good, take out the box and decide if you want to continue or not.
Sure it's cool. But so what? I hung on to an unfinished flimsy for over 10 years because I felt I should finish it. Quilting shouldn't be work unless it's work you like.
Get it off the wall.
Oh, Kathy. You just have to finish it. Jacqui's is beautiful and yours will be too once it's off the wall and done. Make it January's project and get 'er done.
Jacqui's is gorgeous. Yours will be, too, when you decide to sew it together. I believe you were working on this when I first started following your blog. It makes me feel at home whenever you post about it. *LOL*
But... but... but it's so gorgeous!
(Maybe its function isn't to be a quilt. Maybe it's just meant to hang on the wall in its present state and be pretty.)
Kathy, I'm sorry but I actually laughed out loud!! I love the way you've even tried covering up your guilt with the embroidered blocks, hahaha! Classic :D I notice that Jacqui's got her backing and binding fabric sorted too now...you should make it a race as an incentive. It's going to be an awesome quilt when you do get it done (literally awesome that is!), so much painstaking work, a fabulous colour scheme - it really is beautiful. If you can't face making it any bigger you could just finish it up as a cot quilt (crib quilt - is that what you'd call it???) and pass it on to a little one :) I hope all these positive comments from everyone will encourage you to finish her up soon!
Ask yourself... "What is the next step" Even if it is a baby step do it : ) Do that once a week and before you know it it will be finished. It is hard to get a stuck rock in motion again. I have a lot of unfinished projects because I am so easily swayed to start something new. Slowly I am getting them done by asking that simple question. When I have these kind of projects I feel like I'm carrying a big bag of bricks around my sewing room every time I shift it from place to place ( No design wall here just boxes of projects )
There is always option B... If you don't love it, tis the season to gift it : ) to another quilter and say Merry Christmas!!!! Will be on the look out for your 2016 Miracle : ) if you decide you want to finish it. Looks like it would be a lovely fall table top quilt. We know you can do it! Janita
Whatever you decide to do (put it away, give it away, leave it or sew it up), you can do it! I didn't realize it's been so long since we've heard about it!
would be a shame not to finish it especially as you have seen your friend`s done and you really like it, maybe make it a resolution for the new year
What a beauty, please do finish it!!!
It looks like you could set a modest goal to make one block a month in 2016 and the blocks would be done. Surely there would be one day in each month that you would feel calm and patient, sit down and get a block constructed. If you get a few more blocks made, you'd be more enthusiastic about the top because most of the blocks would be done. Does Erica need a quilt in the near future? High school graduation maybe? lol
How funny. I read Treadle Quilts, but didn't realize ya'll are close to each other (knew you both were in Canada, but, it's a big country). One of these days....you'll finish that.
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