Woke up to brown water coming out of the tap due to a broken water main. Okay, no shower this morning.
The weather was cold and snowy... about minus 12 or so. So the furnace decided to break down. Okay, no shower AND no heat.
I was on call for work, and had to go in before the furnace repair man came. You can imagine what a sight I was going to work today!
That's okay... at least it was warm there!
So no sewing today.
Just work and shoveling snow.
I did make a big pot of vegetable soup... peppers, celery, spinach, squash, onions, zucchini, and sweet potatoes. Best part of my day!
Meal supervision provided by Rudolph.
You poor thing, seems to be appropriate. Thank God the stove works and for space heaters.
Hope things get better soon.
I'm sorry but you had me chuckling by the fifth sentence. Shame on me - it's not nice.
Gee I hope the furnace is OK now and you have hot water.
Aweful cold to have a furnace go out! Hope things turned out ok.
Sounds like an expensive Saturday too! Those are 2 major things to have to deal with. But homemade soup helps I guess.
Wow, what a bummer day!
A pot of good soup eases all kinds of frustrations. Hope tomorrow is better!
Boo! We've had our share of water interruptions lately, so I feel for you. I hope your day improved.
just reading about no hot water or heat makes me shiver and your temperature is much colder than we ever get here. Trust all is in working order again now and you are warm and clean!
Good old Rudolph to the rescue - well, sort of! I hope he and the soup raised your spirits a little.
I hope today is a better day. Must have been "break Down day" yesterday. My washing machine died in the middle of a load of wash.... I think I know what I will be asking Santa to bring....
Oh no! Never good when the furnace decides to quit in the winter. Hope everything is restored and working and you are nice and toasty warm in your house today with clean running water - probably a boil water notice after a break though =(.
UGH crappy Saturday is right :(
It never rains but...oops nevermind that old saying! Hope all is well after your day at work and things are fixed.
Good heavens going out in -12???? Crazy. Hope all problems have been ironed out *wink* by now. The soup looks yummy :)
That was are really crappy Saturday. I hope Sunday was much less crappy.
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