After a long summer of bearing witness to my brother's excruciating pain and his struggle to live, followed by watching him die and delivering the news of his death to his parents, followed by a week of hosting visitors in his home and sharing memories with friends and loved ones, followed by his memorial service on Thursday, I am exhausted.
My hand and my brother's hand |
I am now trying to re-enter my own life, picking up with things where I left off, organizing the chaos, cleaning away the clutter and the dust, and thinking about what I need to do to carry on. I know I need to re-connect to myself, to tune into my own heartbeat and my intuition, and do things to keep myself stitched together. Healing takes lots of time, and love, and rest, and I intend to give that gift to myself in conscious and deliberate steps.
Healing requires bandages for each of the emotional wounds that have occurred (both intentionally from other people, and unintentionally from life experiences) and I intend to cover my wounds with the healing power of 100% cotton fabric... and lots of it!! LOL
Quilting is my sanity, my way to meditate and self soothe, and it will help me become stronger and healthier.
I'm getting out my fabric and thread, and plan to stitch until my hands are unable to hold the needle (wait, that sounds a little self abusive) I will stitch until I am tired, and then I will rest!
I am really enjoying these peel blocks, and am finishing up the red peels I started last month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I am hoping to make this project a true charm quilt, which means each background and each peel fabric will only be used once. These blocks seem to be plotting to become a full sized quilt, but I don't know if I am enjoying the applique quite that much yet!
Thank you to all my friends for your encouraging and uplifting comments left on my blog, and thank you to those of you who linked up last week. I haven't visited your posts yet, but plan to do that today and look forward to seeing what you having been working on. Link up your blog post below and share what you are hand stitching today.
Your peels are looking great Kathy. Mourning takes time - so glad you have something you love that will help you along in the process. Hugs.
I agree that you do need time to heal and I think spending time quilting is a perfect way to do it!
I love your little applique peels! Such beautiful designs from that simple shape.
I know the past several months and especially this past week have been incredibly difficult. Hang on to your memories of the good times with your brother as you heal.
Slow hand work does help so much when you are in mourning. When my dad died, many years ago, I knitted the entire time we were sitting shiva. Kept my sanity and gave me peace.
Wishing you healing, love, and peace.
I am so very sorry for your loss...I know that he has had quite the battle from earlier posts that I have read.
I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry about your brother. I am bad about reading blogs...but you were a rock for him and your family.
It will take a while to get in full swing and there will always feel like something is missing. Much love to you.
You have verbalized your sorrow eloquently and know the path you must go to heal. Missing him will continue and that's a good thing.
When my father passed away, quilting helped me through my grief also. Remember that Jesus is always there for you to lean on and He will carry your burdens for you.
I pray for your healing daily.
I'm lifting you and your family up in prayer Kathy! Healing takes time, and it certainly sounds like you have a good plan for handling it!
i am sorry for your loss Kathy.
it's good to hear that you are taking good care of yourself and such a good example for others who have to find some way throught their grief and fatigue.
i love the idea of doing a 'peel' quilt out of scraps in this way. it's going to beautiful~!
you inspire me.
I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your brother. I hadn't read your previous post. Do take care of yourself, and allow yourself plenty of time for the grieving process. Sewing will certainly help. Hugs.....
One day at a time works for those of us who aren't dealing with alcoholism, too. Sometimes it's one hour at a time. Sewing has been my comfort through many a trial. It's a good reason to have a stash. Sometimes I just don't want to go out! Love your peels. Your curves look so nice and smooth.
You had a long and hard battle, looking after your brother, and your family. Now,it's your turn. Take care of yourself.
Kathy, you display great wisdom here (along with a bit of your trademark humor). You seem to be on the right track and know what you need to do to get back to "normalcy", whatever that is.
I love the photo of your hand with your brother's hand.
I'm sorry your brother has passed. How special he was and how precious the time you spent with him. It is so important to recharge your mojo...and isn't it great that something so simple as stitching can do that for you! Thank you for all the sharing and giving you do...good or bad times...I enjoy being part of your world.
Healing will take a lot of T-I-M-E. Use it quilting as you see fit. My Prayers are with you.
your stitching will help I am sure get through this sad time and soon you will be looking back and remembering the good times you shared when younger.
To bad you couldn't gather all these folks together for one big group hug. Just to know that there are others out there who share you joy and pain. Keep trucking girl you will get there, but your brother will always be along for the ride too!
Remember to just take it one day at a time.
I'm sure you're worn out -- mentally and physically. Still sending hugs your way -- and stitching is good therapy. :)
I'm sure you are emotionally drained. Take care of yourself, dear.
Hi Kathy. Just wish I could be there to give you a big hug and let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Your peel quilts is so pretty - love the red which is becoming my new favorite color, for the moment anyway.
I received my charm pack and pretty scissor fob. Thank you so much and you were so sweet to do that midst all that was going on in your life. I hope to post tonight.
Hi Kathy. Just wish I could be there to give you a big hug and let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Your peel quilts is so pretty - love the red which is becoming my new favorite color, for the moment anyway.
I received my charm pack and pretty scissor fob. Thank you so much and you were so sweet to do that midst all that was going on in your life. I hope to post tonight.
I'm just catching up on your news about your brother and I'm so sorry to read of his death. My thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time.
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