Saturday, September 28, 2013

Scrappy Saturday - pastel blue

I cannot believe this is the last Saturday in September. This month just flew by in a blur, and I'm glad the colour of the month for the rainbow challenge scrappers was pastel blue. Yuck :( I don't like pastels much, so it worked out well for me that a quick/short month was a colour I don't enjoy as much.

I have been forcing myself to work with some light blue because I have scraps laying around to use up, and because I know that the light blocks will provide nice contrast to the  darker, richer colours in the finished quilt. I made a few more peel blocks to improve my applique stitches. 

And I have finished up a few more Alamo Star blocks left from the red month.
I am cutting some light blues to make a few more of these this week. This is my favorite way to make a quilt...
a few blocks at a time with no colour plan, using up scraps, and wondering how it's all going to work out in the end. Oh yah, and hoping it won't end up in the UFO closet!
To see what other scrap quilters are sewing today, hop over to SoScrappy and check out the links.


scraphappy said...

Your applique has gotten quite professional. Glad you had a reason to use up some pesky pastels. Nothing pastel about those Alamo stars though. WOW! Great bright happy colors.

*kd. said...

What a treat to see those gorgeous Alamo stars!

Teresa in Music City said...

I am not crazy about pastels either but at least our color was still blue LOL! I love the soft petals, and you are right - they will bring out the color in your more vibrant petals nicely!

Katie Z. said...

Your alamo stars are as beautiful as always!

Angie said...

"This is my favorite way to make a quilt...
a few blocks at a time with no colour plan, using up scraps, and wondering how it's all going to work out in the end." -- This is me to a "T"! Nice to know we're in that quilting sisterhood together!

Julierose said...

Gotta love "the peel"; sooo pretty with that light blue and white...hugs, Julierose

Cathy Tomm said...

Great blocks. Sweet little blue peels. The month has been flying by fast.

Plum Cox said...

What beautifully worked peels! Lovely!

margaret said...

all looking good to me, but like you I am not a blue lover, especially pale blue as it is so cold looking

Ellen said...

Your applique peels look perfect...great job. I think your Alamo Stars are adorable!

Kate said...

Love your Alamo Star blocks. They are so vibrant!