I am excited to participate in this event to celebrate my favorite season - FALL! But also to celebrate my blog's 4th anniversary! I have written almost 600 blog posts documenting my quilting adventures, had over 20,00 visitors who have left me almost 4,000 comments! What great fun!
This is my Fall giveaway..a charm pack called Butterfly Garden (by Kansas Troubles Quilters for Moda), a roll of 6 batik Fat Quarters in gorgeous fall colours, and my "I love fall" wallhanging...
gourds not included :)
I bought these batiks on my trip to Michigan when I had a quick shopping trip at the Village Quilt Shoppe...aren't they yummy?!?
And the fall wallhanging was inspired by fellow blogger Julie at Quilter Behind the Barn Door. I loved her little pumpkin blocks and asked her if I could make a few. I found out that they are addictive (you can't just make 1) and I have already made a pile of them! This wallhanging uses 3 of my blocks...watch my blog to see how I use up the others! Thanks Julie for the inspiration!
To enter the draw for these fall treats (which will also include some chocolate of course!), leave me a comment and tell me about your favorite fall quilt.
I posted about my favorite fall quilt 3 years ago on this blog post. Here it is hanging on my dining room wall, where is is proudly displayed every year starting on the first day of Fall, and I still love it!
Thanks to Debi for organizing this fun event!
Good luck with the Fall Into Fall Quilt Bloggers Giveaway...have fun!
The lucky winner of my giveaway is Marit from Norway! Thank you to everyone for visiting and hope to "see" you again :)
1 – 200 of 226 Newer› Newest»Hi Kathy,
I love your wall hanging and the fabric in your blog contest.
I have a rag quilt in fall colours with pumpkins that keeps me warm on cool evenings before we turn the furnace on.
I also have a Hallowe'en paper pieced wall hanging made by Andrea that I won at the Guelph quilt guild.
I would really love to win your giveaway.
Have a great weekend.
Dianne in the country.
I just started quilting and I don't have a favorite fall quilt yet! I am looking forward to making one though!
I have a quilt of all Jack-O-Lanterns that is probably my favorite. I appliqued them with glow in the dark thread!!
Happy 4th Blog Anniversary Kathy! I love love your fall quilt! I will be so lucky if I win it!
I just posted on my blog about an Autumn quilted pillow sham I just made, so it's my favourite Fall sewing creation! I also love my halloween Boo quilt, you can check it out I have a link on the right side bar on my blog!
Thank you for the fabulous giveaway Kathy! Happy Fall!
Congrats on your anniversary. My favorite fall item isn't a quilt ... I have a pumpkin garden (fabrics) that I use on my hearth. I need to get them out.
My favorite blog is the selvage blog ... I have started my collection.
Happy Blogversary! I dont have a fall quilt yet but Im working on one, its a Bears Paw, but my favorite fall item would be a table runner I made several years ago, my first one actually and it graces my table every year. Have a good day!! Lisa
I do not have a fall quilt either for the simple reason we do not have fall in my country! But I do love the quilts.
Thank you for being so very generous and sharing such a lot with everyone.
Happy blogaversary! I'm glad you are blogging because I love visiting! :-)
I guess my favorite fall quilt is the one in my photo icon. I traded blocks with a friend to make it. :-)
Happy fall!
What a great giveaway!! Hmmm....I haven't made a fall quilt yet. It's on my to do list. I did make a fall table runner this year with my GO! cutter. So that would have to be my favorite. I would love to make a quilt with tumbling maple leaves. I think that would be gorgeous!! It's on my list. LOL!! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
My favorite fall quilt is one that is a QIAD pattern Quick Trip. Easy and lots of eye candy.
Great giveaway! Thanks for participating in this fun hop!
My favorite and only fall quilt is a wallhanging I made when I took my first quilting class at adult ed. Well, perhaps it was the second class...anyway...teacher was showing a kaliedoscope wallhanging she made and gave general directions on how to do it. It was fall and the blazing colors were just speaking to me, so I did mine in fall colors with gray (for the tree trunks). Took it to the next class for show and tell. It hangs out every year. Someone else in the class had also made one in blues I think, but her's was larger...I found out my 1/4" weren't 1/4". Itwent together fine though in that instance, and I love that wallhanging....
Fav was a miniature in scrappy oranges, browns and blacks that I'd put on the door in the fall.
I don't have a favorite quilt for fall...because I'm just getting started. I did make a table runner this year and was very happy with it! =) I love fall, so pretty much anything makes me smile...however I LOVE your pumpkin wall hanging!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Hi! I hopped over by your comment's link on my blog giveaway... So glad I did! Your fall quilt is beautiful! I would tell you about my favorite fall quilt, but I have never made one. However, I made a paper-pieced pumpkin pillow this year. It's darling and happy on my living room chair. :)
I love the Maple Leaf block for a fall quilt. great giveaway items
I love the Maple Leaf block for a fall quilt. great giveaway items
I love your little fall quilt. My favorite fall quilt is my Halloweenish one. I put out out every year and even though Halloween is over, I keep it out till its time for Christmas decorations.
Hi Kathy
Congrats on your 4th anniversary! I always log onto your blog when I am looking for inspiration and have never left without an idea or two (or more). My favourite fall quilt is one I made a few years ago that I also hang up on the first day of Fall - it is called 'Trick or Treat' -I picked up the pattern at Len's and actually finished it - the thing I love about it is that I am always finding new embellishments to add to it!
Happy Fall everyone!
I've only made one fall quilt and it was for my grandfather. Fall is my favorite season though so I am itching to make one for me. Thanks for the chance.
The closest thing that I have to a fall quilt would be a table runner of pumpkins that are quilted! I made it and I look forward to putting it out every fall! Thanks for the great giveaway!
You've chosen lovely fabrics for your giveaway.
My favorite fall quilt is a very simple Maple Leaf quilt of 12" blocks. It's a favorite because it was only my second quilt, years ago; I still like the fabric even if it looks somewhat dated after so many years.
Thanks very much.
Oh, Kathy, I've looked at lots of giveaways today, but your giveaway is the first one that I'm lusting after :) My favorite Fall quilt is currently my only completed Fall quilt. It's my Autumn Ridge quilt. Thanks for participating in the giveaway! Take care!
Thank you for the chance to win. I just love to decorate with fall colors. When you get a chance check out my giveaway.
My favorite Fall quilt is a Thimbleberries design called "Pine Ridge. I am not sure it is suppose to be a fall quilt, but I used fall colors to make mine feel like it ;) It is still a WIP, but up very high on my list.
I don't have a fall quilt...Yet...someday!! Thanks for the chance to win your GA!
I don;t have a favourite fall quilt because I have yet to make one but your's is nice.
Hi Kathy
Scrappy nanna saying hi from Goderich. Love the fall season, it means winter is on the way, my favorite time of the year. I have a scrappy mad about plaid quilt with paper pieced stars and log cabin houses all made from striped,homespun fabrics and dots. It was made with all the colours of a fall calvacade of leafy colours,and backed with a cuddly warm flannel.It is my favorite quilt for the fall. Enjoy your season as the snow will fly too soon!!!
What a wonderful giveaway, not only a beautiful quilt, but two of my favorite fabrics to make my own with.
My favorite fall quilt is the one I am working on now, it is homespun hexagons with a black around them. I have the main part finished, now to figure out the edging and I can have a nice fall quilt. Being a newbie, I only have some small pieces I made, but plan on making a lot more this year, so I can have seasonal quilts too.
Your Fall quilt is a wonderful row by row! I love the baskets!!
I think my favorite was a Scarecrow named Toby that hangs on my storm door. I got the pattern out of AP & Q several years back. It is a delight to pull it out each season. Wishing you a joyful weekend!
I don't have a favorite fall quilt. But if I won your Butterfly charm pkt I could make one!
I don't have a favorite fall quilt yet, but I'd love anything with leaves!
Thanks for the chance
fsarah09 at gmail dot com
My favorite fall quilt was one I made for my son and DIL. It was a simple pattern but a fun pattern called, Yellow Brick Road. I used all the fall colors and it turned out so good. I was so pleased with it. I had a little bit of fabric left over and I made me a small doll quilt out of it. I just cut down the size of the blocks and strips called for in the pattern and miniaturized the quilt. It was fun to make too. I love your little wall quilt. What a great giveaway prize! Thanks for giving us the chance to win.
Lovely fall quilt. I haven't much finished in the line of fall quilts right now but my favorite one is a kit by Jan Patek. Of course it is still waiting to be started so it won't count............
I just wanted to say hello.....
Great giveaway! Please count me in! I dont have a fall quilt even though I would love to have one.
All of these gorgeous fall colors makes me want to go out and rake leaves. ;) Not really, I'd rather wrap myself up in fall/leaf quilts. :)
Great giveaway.
I don't have a FALL quilt, but I do have a Halloween quilt that I made! The second I finished it, I turned around to check on my baby, and when I turned back around, it was gone!! My 3 year old had dragged it up and made his bed with it! He now will ONLY sleep with his Halloween blanket :)
Thanks for the chance to win a Fall wall-hanging and some rockin' awesome fabric :)
I love fall quilts that have leaves on them. Thanks for the chance to win!
Great giveaway! Please add my name to the drawing. I only have one fall quilt, so I guess is it my favorite! It was a kit that I bought and it has farm animals and fall colors.
My favourite fall quilt is a Bear's Paw quilt I made in fall colours. It has a reverse applique bear's paw on it.
My favorite fall quilt is one where all of the patchwork leaves interlock with one another in all the fall colors.
thanks for the chance to win! My favorite fall quilt has to be Susanah on fire. It was one of my first swap block quilts ever. It is described as firey colors. Love the oranges and black together! I love your quilt too, I love those Row Robins. I only have about 10 row robins awaiting my attention!I have finished a few of them and they can be found on my blog
My favorite fall quilt isn't finished yet, IMAGINE THAT, it is
SuzGuz 2008 BOM, it is hearts, etc.
I did mine in homespuns and osnasburg. LOVE IT, just need to get them all appiqued down and finish it.
Great giveaway, thanks for sharing.
I don't have a favourite fall quilt as such but one made in autumnal colours which I made for my mum's 80th birthday in 1994
I am still new to quilting so I haven't made a fall quilt yet. I have been so wrapped up making my charity quilted lap robes, I get to practice making the blocks with them.and I just haven't made for me yet. But I think i would find some leaf fabric and of course fall colors and make the leaf blocks and surround a basket middle filled with watercolor style mums... might have to work on that one.
Hi Kathy, what great prizes you're offering! I loved Julie's little pumpkins too, so squeezably cute. My favorite fall quilt is one I just hung up today. It is a bit primitive in style, with three pumpkins, an appliqued vine and bordered by appliqued star blocks and half-square triangles. I love all the fabrics I used. It is on my blog header for the season :) Congrats on your blogging accomplishments, thanks so much for the giveaway.
My favorite fall quilt is called Autumn at the Courthouse and has leaves surrounded by log cabin blocks. I made one and helped a friend make another. She gifted hers to her step-mother, who loves it too.
My favorite fall quilt is not yet finished. I've named it "Browns" and there are hundreds of 4" LeMoyne stars (handstitched 24 pieces each) to piece together. Thanks for this lovely prize for the Fall Into Fall giveaway. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com
My favorite fall quilt is not yet finished. I've named it "Browns" and there are hundreds of 4" LeMoyne stars (handstitched 24 pieces each) to piece together. Thanks for this lovely prize for the Fall Into Fall giveaway. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I really do have a favorite fall quilt. It is a split leaf quilt and one of the first quilts I made. I have never shown it on my blog but plan to get a picture of it soon.
My favorite fall quilt is from a Pat Sloan patterns that I made about 5 years agon.
Marie in Oregon
You know I don't have any wall quilts, make the big ones instead. But that's going to change. A recently published quilt mag (I'll have to check which one) had an Advent Calendar wall hanging, with little pockets for goodies for each day leading up to Christmas. I am thinking my grandchildren need one of those. I might even use your fabrics in it if I win!
Great giveaways, Kathy! My favorite fall quilt is one my sister, Connie made from a Piecemaker calendar. It's a scarecrow with a moon behind him. I'll have to post it.
I know it is not really a fall quilt, but in the fall my grandma would get out or have made a new lighter quilt for fall. I loved crawing under them. The winter ones were a lot heavier.
My favorite Fall quilt is a leaf wallhanging I made years ago. It makes me smile every time I get it out. I even hand quilted it, which is rare for me.
Hi Kathy, I haven't made a Fall inspired quilt yet, so winning your giveaway would give me my first! Thanks for the chance to win!!!
I don't have a favorite fall quilt yet, as I have not made it yet! I do have a favorite fall wall hanging of maple leaves in various fall colors :) Thank you for participating in the "Fall into Fall Giveaway"! Not only does it give us the chance to win some pretty great prizes, but we also get to meet some amazing people! Thanks again and take care - Elizabeth
I love Autumn colours so have a few that could be Fall quilts, my favourite is one I did as a "quilt as you go squares" then when I sewed the squares together you could see through the seams, so on the back I added leaves and a branch and that side became my favourite.
Lovely giveaway. My fav fall quilt was one a received in a swap a few years ago. I was delighted to receive it as was not expecting it. It is a lap quilt and gets used often
I'm so sad but my favourite fall quilt is the one that I made and get out every year to hang in the hall...it's just so cute. I made it from a pattern by Kim Diehl.
I have a photo of a fall quilt which is made using the positive/negative image method, it's lovely. Thanks for your generous giveaway!
I don't have a fall quilt yet, I have a kit for a fall quilt that I have just started to sew. I don't remember what it is called, but it has some fabrics with squirrels. I am afraid it will not be finished this fall. The day does not have enough hours! I love fabrics in fall colors. Thank you for your great giveaway!
Happy fall from Marit in Norway
Your wall hanging and your fall quilt are so nice. I love fall too, but I haven't made a fall quilt yet. I think I need to, and I love the pumpkin idea. Congratulations on your 4 year anniversary. I have accounted for some of your 4,000 comments and have enjoyed your blog ever since I discovered it.
My favourite fall wuilt is a small table runner that I have in a magazine and plan to do some day!
thanks for the chance!
Lovely giveaway! My favorite fall quilt is one I made using a bunch of fall colored fabrics that had been hanging around too long...I just made hourglass blocks and set them together block to block. It was really pretty when done...I was pleasantly surprised :)
I don't have any fall quilts as of yet, but I plan on doing an applique quilt, with maple leaves...pumpkins...and embroidered blocks.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
My favourite autumn quilt is called Leaves Around the Cabins. It is currently on my blog header. I designed this quilt and was lucky enough to have the pattern printed in a UK (where I live) P & Q magazine.
I have not finished a full fall quilt, but I have a favorite wallhanging that I just finished with paper pieced turkeys. I love yours! Thanks for the opportunity to win such wonderful goodies.
I have one, that my son helped me make. We went on a leaf walk, and I took them to make patterns. I appliqued them, and it is a very special quilt for us.
I'm just finishing up my favorite fall quilt. It's a leaf pattern and I'm loving it!!
mmmm chocolate!!
I haven't made my own fall quilt yet, but I really love the first one listed on this blog post:
I don't have a favorite fall quilt even though I've quilted for a long time. Always busy making things for others. This is the first year that I've been able to make stuff for us.
HI! Thanks for hosting this great giveaway. You know, I don't think I've ever done a fall quilt, so you've got me thinking that I need to do one. I have Halloween quilts, but nothing strictly fall. Better get working on that one! Nice to meet a fellow Cdn. blogger - I'm in Calgary. Check me out if you have time at www.chatterboxquilts.blogspot.com.
My first quilt was a litle fall quilt, i think i was 12 year then. I still have it:-)
Have a nice week:-)
Hi Kathy, I am still trying to figure out how to send you a photo from blogger to you- I don't think it will work. Anyway,my favorite fall quilt is a queen sized leaf quilt that I made in 2002. It is template pieced and from the Australian Patchwork and Quilting magazine. I love leaf quilts and some day I am going to make another leaf quilt.
I love the wallhanging you are giving away- what a terrific giveaway prize.
Your sunflowers look beautiful too.
Warmest regards,
my favorite fall quilt is at my cousins house. she made a trip around the world quilt out of some fun halloween fabrics and it is great!! i love it!
thanks for the great giveaway!
tracy dawson
my favorite fall quilt is at my cousins house. she made a trip around the world quilt out of some fun halloween fabrics and it is great!! i love it!
thanks for the great giveaway!
tracy dawson
Sadly I do not have a favorite fall quilt since I have never made a fall quilt. However, I have made other quilts and so far my favorite one is a photo memory quilt that I made and gave to various family members for Christmas in 2007. I used photos from my grandma’s photo album. The quilts were a big success and I have my quilt, the proto type, hanging on my living room wall.
Sewsecret (at) gmail (dot) com
I don't have a favourite as i've not made one. Always on my "One Day" list but that is as far as i get. Would love to win your lovely giveaway.
My favorite fall quilt isn't one of my own. It was made by my late-grandmother (and lives at my aunts) it is an applique quilt of little ghosts (one for all her grandchild) In fact I think I need to make one...
Thanks for the great giveaway! My favorite fall quilt is actually the Halloween quilt I made. It was part of a swap so all the blocks in it were made by other people, they did such a wonderful job in their creativity in the quilt. I haven't finished it yet, but once I do it will hang permanently in my house.
Wow, I'd love to win your giveaway!!
My favourite fall quilt is an exchange block quilt I did with our Canadian Sewing Machine collector's group. We exchange maple leaf blocks and I set them together in a lap quilt and handquilted them while visiting our daughter in the Philippines. Lots of great memories in that quilt!
Jacqui in St. Thomas
I'm a new quilter and haven't made a fall quilt yet. My favorite project that I've made was an appliqued wall hanging of a rooster for my mom's kitchen.
Hi Thanks for the chance to win such lovely fabrics, and cute wallhanging. I have not made an Autumn /Fall quilt yet. :-)
My favorite fall quilt is a tumbling leaves quilt that we made at a workshop.
Hi Kathy,
Any quilt with maple leaves and oranges,yellows and rust are my favourites. I love reading your blog and don't know how you get so much done. I would love to win your giveaway!!
I don't have a favorite Fall quilt (yet). I'm working on a Halloween quilt, however, but it might not be ready until next Halloween!
what an awesome giveaway, I would really love to win this.
I love fall colors, and looking at the quilts I have made most of them remind me of fall. My favorite one is the very first quilt I made with quality fabrics, made with all hoffman batiks
thanks for the chance to win
My favourite fall quilt is going to be yours when I win it :) I do have a halloween wall hanging I made last year which I really like. Home dyed fabric - witches and bats. Thanks for a chance to win in your fabulous giveaway.
I love your fall quilt! It's given me some ideas for a little panel I've started that so far has flying geese, pumpkins, and a fence. Perhaps a row of baskets would finish it off.
I'm brand new to quilting, so I don't have a favorite quilt yet, but I do love the log cabin pattern.
My favourite fall quilt is a tiny wallhanging that I made a few years ago - I used thread in variegated fall colors to add pumpkin lines - it was the first time I freemo'd a design without worrying and thinking and planning first. I just sat down and did it, and was so happy and proud of the results!
Hey, Kathy!
Great, great giveaway! :-) Happy Anniversary (WOW -- I've just been going about 4 months!! So 4 years seems HUGE to me! LOL), and glad to know the celebration and give away includes chocolate and not the gourds! :-D Your blog is definitely one of my "inspiration sites" -- Love to see what you are working on and what you have accomplished!!
Mary Lou
wow!! what a great giveaway!!
I haven't made a Fall quilt yet. It's on my to-do list. I have gathered fabrics but just haven't started. I feel like I need to finish up my other projects first.
thanks for sharing your wonderful wall hanging with us. So cute!
loko6 at peak dot org
I haven't made my favorite fall quilt yet. I want to make one with leaf blocks and rail fence blocks. I love your row by row quilt.
Fall-time of year to drag out the very loved quilts that hang around until spring. Used by the family as we are all cudddled together watching TV in the evenings. So there is not just one, but a few.
Thanks for the fun giveaway!
hmm, favourite fall quilt, I think that would be the one I gave my father-in-law. Nothing fallish about the front, but the backing was a lovely fleece with a black background splashed with all sorts of autumn coloured leaves. Very snuggy.
My favorite fall quilt is my log cabin quilt in fall colors with leaves on the edges. Would love to win!!
I have not so far seen anything that I would call my favourite fall quilt .. but if I could make one it would be a huge whirl of different fall colored leaves!!! I love the idea! :-)
Thanks for the giveaway. And if you want to come by my blog and enter my giveaways ... you could win
some custom-made buttons ... or a teacozy ...
Have a lovely week!
I'm so excited. I'm new to blogs and have only been quilting about five years - now I'm addicted to both - quilts and blogs. My favorite fall quilt is the second quilt I made. It has the fall colors and appliqued leaves in great fall colors. It is a keeper and I cherish it although I've improved in my quilting skills. I enjoy your blog very much.
I have many favourtite fall quilts. My current favourite would have to be the wall hanging featured in the newest Quilter's Connection, our only Canadian quilting magazine. It features three 5" 25-patches (5x5)with a maple leaf applique and a tuck border.
I am new to quilting, so I don't have a fall quilt at this time. And when I do, it won't be as awesome as yours. That quilt is really neat. Thanks for having a give a way. Love batiks.
What a great giveaway! I am new to quilting, and I don't have a favorite fall quilt yet...YET. I can't wait to make my first Halloween/fall quilt, not sure if it will be possible for this year, but definitely next! :)
Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway. How exciting!
I keep seeing fall quilts with scattered leaves on them. That will be my favorite fall quilt as soon as I get to it. Right now my favorite is a Halloween wall hanging which I just finished that uses "The Ghastleys" a funky line of fabric that just came out this year.
My favorite fall quilt was my guild's raffle quilt in 2008! Thanks for the chance!
I have a fall table runner .....pumpkins, crows...just the binding to do.
You know what? I have NO fall quilts! Yikes! I need to do something about that. And a great start would be to win your giveaway! Hee hee
My favorite fall quilt is a falling leaf quilt... fall is sooooo my fav!! Polly
My favorite fall quilt is a falling leaf quilt... fall is sooooo my fav!! Polly
I JUST finished binding a fall sampler in the Butterfly Garden line and absolutely LOVE it. Anything in the fall colors is fabulous to me.
Ohhhh, you hit my soft spot with Kansas Troubles!!! The little wall hanging is very cute, and always can use more fat quarters.
My favorite fall quilt is my Harvest Thyme wallhanging that is on the back of my loveseat for the fall months.
Oh my! For last week I have been looking another charm pack of Butterfly Garden to finish a border on my quilt. You have it! Oh I really need to win that charm pack. I love the wall hanging also.
Thanks for the giveaway. ** Please let me win that charm pack***
I don't know if this counts as a quilt but there is anadvent calendar for Halloween that I am dying to make!
I'm working on my first fall quilt. It's a maple leaf inside modified log cabin blocks. I am DYING to get it finished! But it's already my favorite@
I do not yet have a fall quilt, but I have one planned in my head for my sister. It will be a tree of life variation. The fabrics are all batiks (most are picked out already). I plan on doing the tree using machine applique. Leaves will all be fall colored leaves appliqued around the tree. I just have to collect a few more fall colored fabrics...mainly gold and red colors. It is my next project and will be done probably early next year.
My favorite fall quilt is one that is a small one that has a row of pumpkins and a very long black cat that is jumping over the pumpkins. It is one of my first fall ones so that is probably one of the reasons but the cat just makes me smile every time I see it. Thanks for the chance to win.
Your wall hanging is so pretty! And I love Butterfly Garden! My favorite fall quilt is my only one. I had just finished the top last September when my husband was in an accident at work and lost his leg. Needless to say the quilt top was left sitting for a long time. Finally this summer I was able to get it finished and right now it's draped across my treadle sewing machine. Every time I look at it I'm reminded of how lucky we are to still be a complete family. :0)
Unfortunately i haven't yet made an autumn quilt, I'm just making my first halloween wallhanging.
Well, my favorite fall quilt reminds of your banner pic. I love sunflowers and my quilt and brown and gold fabrics with large tall sunflowers appliqued on it. Thanks for the chance to win :-)
neece quilyqueen1@bluemarble.net I love the fall quilt you have posted on this blog. The fabrics for your gift are really nice and thanks for your generosity. My favorite fall quilt is still a work in progress. I have cut out sassafras leaves in reds and yellows and some orange. By using sassafras there are 3 leaf designs so it is developing nicely. On top I am making attic windows to frame out the leaves.
My fav fall quilt is one my daughter made. The motif is not fall. The colors are.
Thanks for the giveaway. My favorite fall quilt is one I just finished - also made with addictive pumpkins!
I don't have a fall quilt...but your I love fall quilt is very nice. I would love to win your giveaway.
I made a fall wallhanging that has different colored leaves on it. I think the pattern was from a Debbie Mumm book. thanks for the giveaway.
Oh Fall is my favorite!
But oddly enough - don't have a fall quilt yet. Better get on that!
Thank you so much for the opportunity
to participate in your Fall giveaway.
I made my first mini quilt this year from a Gooseberry Patch pattern. I love it. Thanks for the great giveaway.
What a fun give away! My favorite fall quilt it the wall hanging I am working on right now! It's just smile by Bloomin' Minds...to cute!!!
What a nice giveaway! My favorite fall quilt is probably the quilt I made for my nephew and wife for their fall wedding. It was scattered with fall leaves in great fall colors! Thanks for a chance to win your giveaway!
I have not yet made my favorite fall quilt. I have been collecting charm packs and fat quarters for 2 years now. It will be a charm quilt but I haven't picked the shape of the template yet. Carpal tunnel surgery has slowed me down or I probably would have started it by now.
I too am a new quilter and haven't yet made a favorite fall quilt. Actually, I'm shocked at my lack of Fall fabrics! Guess I need to step it up! Thanks for the giveaway!
I've got a quilt that's more than one hundred years old and it was put together by the Mother of a friend of my Mother's. It's soft cotton, lots of gently worn color and warm as all get out.
I don't have a favorite fall quilt, because I don't have a single one yet--I'm a new quilter. Love your pumpkin one. Thanks for the chance to win.
What a great giveaway!
My favorite fall quilt was one that I made using Moda's Oak Leaves and Reel collection. I adore oak trees!
A terrific giveaway, thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite fall quilt is one I gave away for a charity auction. I ordered a kit from Keepsake Quilting that had a Thimbleberries pattern called Harvest Goose Chase. I guess I need to make a new fall quilt for myself now! Thanks for the giveaway!
I haven't made my favorite fall quilt yet, but if I win yours it will be my favorite....promise...grin. Wonderful giveaway.
My favorite fall quilt is actually a Halloween quilt. I don't know the pattern name and my daughter has the quilt - but it's the one with black cats on it. I love the colors - I used black and purple in it and I used a really neat color of lime green buttons for the eyes.
Great give a way! I don't have a favorite fall quilt yet, as I am working on my very first quilt EVER! But I have fallen completely in love with it and can't wait to make more!
My favorite fall quilt is one I made a couple of years ago. It was my first attempt at log cabin and incorporated falling maple leaves.
My favorite is my yo yo table topper. It turned out really nice.
I would love to win your giveaway. Really nice.
I love your wallhanging. I don't have a favorite fall quilt. I tend not to make holiday quilts since I never get them done on time. Maybe yours could be my first.
My favourite fall quilt is a wallhanging that I made for Halloween which I spent forever on but my Grand daughters have it now so it was worth it!
I do not have an entire full fall quilt, but I do have a lovely table runner which I love w/ pumpkins. I have been inspired on the hop to make one though!
i love the variation of leaves on quilts...i think it makes for a great fall quilt. thanks for a chance.
I don't have a fall quilt yet that I truly love but I keep looking and maybe I will find one. Love your wallhanging though maybe that could be it. I am starting to work on Hocaspocasville by Crabtree Hill so maybe that will be it until I find a November quilt. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Hi Kathy Love your wedding quilt what a wonderful gift.
I just finished a tablerunner for my sister-in-law.She was staying over night and I finished it after she went to bed.
I also have a Hallowen'en quilt that we love to hang at this time of year.
Love this giveaway! My favorite fall quilt is actually a Halloween wallhanging...my first attempt at applique that I made about 4 years ago...I hang it every year!
I just made my new fall favorite quilt. It is a pattern from a magazine with 4 witches whose hats intertwine in the center. It is so cute and fun. Perfect for halloween.
I have a fall wall hanging that I made that has a pumpkin, acorns and I hand quilted it with leaf patterns.
I haven't really made any fall quilts yet. Last year for Thanksgiving I made my mom a HUGE tablerunner - pillowcase style to protect her kitchen counter where we sit all the potluck dishes. I made one side with thanksgiving fabric and the other with Christmas fabric. She didn't use it. She was more exctied about this silly cornocopia I made using chickenwire and tied on strips of fabric.
Hm. I don't really have a favorite fall quilt, but I do have some favorite fall candles in the shape of butternut squash. Does that count?
My favorite fall quilt is a Halloween quilt that was a row by row quilt. I love it.
I have only been quilting for 7 months. I do not have a fall quilt, YET! I will have one soon though. I am working on my second Schnibble, Paganini. I am doing it in Fall colors. Thank you for the chance to win.
Since I'm a new quilter (July '10) I don't have a favourite Fall quilt ... yet. I know it will be one that I am so very proud of and like you, will hang it every year and enjoy the daylights out of it! I can't wait to create it and I can't wait to enjoy hanging it every year, staring at it while enjoying a good cup of Chai and wearing my comfy sweater, jeans and wooly socks!
Thanks for the great giveaway. I too am rather new to quilting and don't have a favorite fall quilt, but I did recently get some material to make a fall wall hanging and my favorite of the bunch is of indian corn.
My favourite quilt is the first BOM sampler that I ever made. It's in russets, reds, yellows and orange - I asked for autumn colours and it's perfect. Thanks for the chance to win those lovely fabrics.
Your fall quilt is marvelous, beautiful colors. I am a novice quilter so don't yet have a favorite fall quilt.
Here is my iveaway:
I'm a relatively new quilter as well, and haven't made a fall quilt yet.
My favorite quilt would be the one that sat at my friend's grandmother's house. It was just the most gorgeous, with the most straight lines quilt I have ever seen. Surprisingly enough, it had no pumpkins! Just fall leaves, sunsets and pies.
The quilt my great-Grandma made... knowing her hands touched every stitch is magical!
Fabulous give away , my favorite fall quilt is one I made last year from Fon's and Porter and has two pumpkins , a ghost and a bat ,really cute and was fun to make . Thanks for the chance to win
My favorite fall quilt is a plaid, flannel quilt that my parents made for me. It's my favorite quilt to cuddle under when I'm sick or even just feeling blue.
Thank you for a very thoughtful giveaway (read "to include chocolate"). Congrats on all your milestones. Bloggers like yourself, inspire me to share my passions and hobbies, so hopefully the first of the year I'll start (it's my goal anyway). My favorite fall quilt as a child was my parent's quilt they recieved as a wedding gift. They've been married 51 years now, so the quilt has seen better days. Basic basket design, not really a fall motif to it, but when it came out of the hall closet, you knew Fall had arrived!
Nsue21702 at gmail dot com
Chocolate did someone say chocolate. Your quilts are beautiful. I love the pumpkin wall hanging.Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway.
Everyone got excited when you mentioned chocolate! heehee! I don't have a Fall quilt...I know I NEED one! And I have been looking on ETSY and also learning! Your Fall quilt is lovely! I love the colors of Fall...they make the most beautiful quilt! Thanks! ♥
Don't have a favorite fall quilt just a fall table runner. Need to make a quilt. Thanks for your great giveaway.
my favorite quilt is all yellow leaves with one green apple.
The only fall quilt I've made was for my sister. It was a Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. pattern called Fly Away Home (I think.) There were, of course, lots of flying geese in it. My sister picked most of the fabrics and the pattern. I kind of hated to give it up! This is a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance.
Leslie S. in MN
esclante at comcast dot net
Great giveaway! Thanks!
lovely fabrics and the hanging is great!! my favorite fall "quilts" are a set of table toppers that I made for our church - lots of color play and they turned out rather well for being a rather complicated pattern. Thank you for the chance to win!
Nice give away. My favorite fall quilt is one with many colored leaves that has a hint of turquoise running through it.
I think my favorite fall quilt is one that appeared on Stash Manicure this week - it looks like fallen maple leaves all over the bed! Gorgeous thing..... Thanks for the giveaway!
10 years ago my father had a massive stroke, when I went to visit, I began a fall wall hanging. It has embroidered leaves and fall fabric. My father passed three years after his stroke. When I look at the quilt I think of my father. I leave it up all year long.
Thank you for the opporunity to win some great prizes.
I love your giveaway. I am a brand new quilter(just finished piecing my first lap quilt yesterday) so I don't have any fall quilts YET. But after seeing so many I am going to have to change that.
Thank you for the chance to win. I don't have a fall quilt yet, but I have been rolling around some ideas in my head and hope to have one in the near future.
What a fun giveaway!
My favorite fall quilt is a little wallhanging with fall leaves and a pumpkin. But I'd like to make more fall quilts as the colors also work well in my house!
Hi Kathy!
My favorite fall quilt is one my grandmother made many years ago...she gave it to my parents for Christmas, and they still use it on their California King sized bed!!!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I just love fal leaf quilts. Please enter me in your give a way. Thanks Sandy sandybun43@gmail.com
Thank you so much for the beautiful possibilities in this giveaway!
I have not ever made a fall quilt, but I have a close friend who recently made a leaf quilt with snowballs inbetween. Oh it is just exquisite. Definetly has inspired me to try that block.
Oh, what scrumptious fabrics you are giving away! And that pumpkin wall hanging is aDORAble. But your fall quilt has to be my absolute favorite! I have not made any myself, so I'll just have to love up on yours for now! You could fix that, ya know, by picking ME as your winner! Thanks so much for participating in the blog hop!
Oh, btw - that field of sunflowers that is your banner? STUNNING!
What a fabulous giveaway. I love the fabrics and the little wall hanging. Thanks for your generosity.
My favorite fall quilt that I've made is one I did many years ago called harvest time. It has a center appliqued bushel type basket filled with fall vegetables surrounded by a patchwork border in fall colors.
my favorite fall quilt is a charm quilt my grandmother made, with very tiny squares.
nblexp at gmail dot com
I made a wall quilt for fall for my living room 2 years ago - random falling leaves on a cream background & a bright fall multi-colored leaf border - LOVE it! Thanks for the chance to win.
Batiks are my favorites, Kathy! Thanks for counting me in. I don't have a fall quilt. Yet! Some time ago, I made two embroideries with fall colored trees and collect fabrics to go with it, to make a wall hanging. One day I will make it!
Hi Kathy, I don't have a fall wall hanging. I have made a fall tablerunner that I have just about worn out. Thanks for this really super giveaway. You have a great blog. :)
As I'm a new quilter, I'm doing a fall tablerunner first. Lovely fabric you've chosen for the giveaway. I'm on a borrowed computer so becoming a follower will have to wait.
I love fall colours and fall quilts but sadly I don't have one yet. The blogs are so inspiring that I want to make one. Thank you for this opportunity. rpshandATnsDOTsympaticoDOTca
I'm new to quilting and do not have a favorite fall quilt...Yet! I hope to have one by next year this time. Thanks for being a part of the Falloween fun! Happy quilting!
I haven't made a fall quilt yet, so my favourite fall quilt is a denim and flannel quilt my mom made a while ago. It's not fancy, but it's so cozy.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
I have a YBR done in fall flannels that is great for snuggling under. Wonderful giveaway.
Susan in NC
My favorite fall quilt is a wallhanging that has a jack o'lantern with flowers appliqued around him. One of the must-dos on my to-do list is a fall leaf quilt. Your row quilt is beautiful.
What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for a fun contest.
My favorite Fall quilt, is my only one. I made it when I first started a few years ago. A Scrappy Jack kit from my LQS. I added wool leaves and stem for texture and didn't do a "face". I totally love it!
I recently made a quilt I call Charming Pumpkin. It is made using green, yellow, red and orange charm squares.
I lived in Africa and now Australia and we don't celebrate Fall in such style - so I have never had a Fall quilt - it would be great to have one and celebrate with this ever enlarging blogging community.....
I have not made a fall quilt, but I like the idea. Maybe by next fall I will have one. Thanks for the Idea!
I love your give away, beautiful wallhangin and nice fabrics !!
My favorite quilt can be seen here at my Dutch blog because i didn't posted on my English blog at that time http://cazwa.punt.nl/?id=421410&r=1&tbl_archief=1&
I called it Autumn Joy and it hangs all the year in my house.
Hi Kathy, Love your quilts. My favourite fall quilt adorns my kitchen table. Pumpkins...
I have made several wall hangings and tabletoppers over the years and they are all in my daughters homes. I love the rush I get when a quilt is completed and given away.
Oh I have become a new follower.
My favorite fall quilt is one I made last year called "When the Frost is on the Pumpkin" from the book "Country Quilts for Friends". Love your header...sunflowers are my favorite flowers! Happy Fall!
I love autumn, so it seems strange that I haven't got a single fall quilt. It's on my "list" though... I suppose when you think that I hand-quilt everything and have "only" been quilting for six years... still, it's an oversight! *grin-sigh* I haven't done a Christmas/winter quilt either, yet.
thanks for the opportunity to win ~
sarita0818 at comcast dot net
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