It's the last Sunday of the year, which means the last Slow Sunday Stitching linky party for 2015. Thanks for dropping by and thanks to each of you for your participation over the past year!
I decided that in 2016 I would like to keep better track of my hand quilting efforts. The star in a star quilt I am currently working on is quite large, and it's easy to lose steam on such a big project like this. There are 83 blocks to quilt, which does not include the border quilting. This is the diamond quilting design between the blocks.
Here's the update of the quilted blocks so far:
*3 of 20 large 12" stars (quilted 1/4" inside the seams)
*6 of 32 small 6" stars (also quilted 1/4" inside the seams)
*6 of 31 diamonds which are quilted with a square in a square design
I plan to document as I complete the quilting in each of the three different blocks in the quilt. This is the very complex and high tech coloured chart I made for this purpose! Hopefully this will help me to stay motivated.
What are you working on today and how are you planning to keep track of your progress in 2016? Link up your blog post below and share your project with us.
I'm a list person so when I make a quilt with lots of blocks, I have a list and check off each block as it is completed. I enjoy writing in the date beside the block #. Same way with quilting. I've enjoyed sharing the progress on my Jane week by week. I don't know if I would have quilted her as fast if I hadn't shared my progress on line. Sometimes hand quilting seems like it is taking forever, but stitch by stitch, the quilting is slowly completed. And when she is finished, what a treasure! Thanks for sharing with us all. I enjoy watching your progress and it is nice to know that I'm not the only person who hand quilts. Blessings, Gretchen
I am making a list of the items I want to work during 2016 and all the steps to keep them in progress or finished. And of course reserving space to include new projects that will get my attention along the way. Good Luck with your plan, your hand quilting is wonderful. Thanks so much for the SSS. Happy New Year
It's all I can do to keep up with stash usage -- you're a better woman than I to keep up with handwork like that!! I will look forward to seeing how that works in the coming year! Thank you so much for the inspiration you provide in SSS! It keeps me on my toes in and handwork! Blessings to you for 2016!! :)
I think your chart is going to be very helpful! I've been doing a similar thing this year, and on a big project, it really helps to be able to check off a little bit every week. Happy stitching!
I like your high tech ways....and I think it will work, especially with such a big project. Heck, the second grade teacher in me would be putting a sticker on every block finsihed! LOL!! Thanks for the sunday linky!! off to visit and see what everyone is up to. :)
Thanks for a year of fun link-ups! I have absolutely no plans yet for next year--other than finishing the things I wanted to get done this year!
I am going to use a notebook to record starts and progress on my quilting and knitting this year. I am doing the Sue Spargo BOM so there will be some progress to track!
Hand quilting is always preferable to machine quilting, in my opinion... and yours is lovely...I enjoy just seeing it... No doubt your enthusiasm and well written SSS site encourages many.. Thanks.
A lot of work ahead of you, but rewarding work. Your hand quilting is beautiful.
A lot of work ahead of you, but rewarding work. Your hand quilting is beautiful.
I like the way you are keeping track of your quilting. I think that should keep you motivated because you can always see progress. I may use that "high-tech" idea in the future. That is my kind of speed.
I'm headed in to watch a movie with the family (visiting) and get some binding stitched, but, no pictures this time. Hope you had a Merry Christmas. We'll be celebrating on Tuesday.
Enjoy your slow stitching time. Hope your chart helps you keep track. It certainly looks pretty.
I keep track of all my quilt tops that are ready to be quilted and I keep track of all my quilt projects in progress. Other than that, a quilt goes in the hoop and stays there until it's done.:) I tend to gauge my progress by how many pins are left in the quilt!
Thanks for hosting. Looking forward to another year of slow stitching projects from everyone.
I don't keep track of anything!!!!! Maybe that's why there's so many things to do!
Thanks for hosting. Looking forward to another year of slow stitching projects from everyone.
I don't keep track of anything!!!!! Maybe that's why there's so many things to do!
I look forward to joining you more in 2016. I had planned to start a big wholecloth hand quilting project then so if I can keep it on track, I expect to be posting regularly. Your idea about keeping track has got me thinking and I'm going to keep in mind what you've done as I set up the projects I do. Since hand work is not my "native tongue" I'll need all the motivational techniques I can get!
I like the high-tech chart. : )
This is similar to what my Mom always did on the quilts she hand quilted. She would draw out the quilt on grid paper and as she quilted an area she would color it in on the chart using a red pencil.
Good thing about our software is is never needs charging,no online glitches or running too slow. We don't have to worry about it getting broken or stolen. And just incase that should happen we aren't losing a bundle.
I too am hoping to make regular posting for SSS on a quilt I have to design for a sons 2016 Christmas. Animal print noless, definitely not my thing. Thinking about modern style. Never tried it.
Have a safe and Happy New Year
For 2016, my plan is to set goals for every week. This year, I work on things and put them away and forget about them, so not only do they not get finished, I lose track of my progress and even how I did the stitching or placements.
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