Sunday, September 29, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly celebration of all hand stitched crafts! We hope you will join us in setting aside a few moments each Sunday for some relaxing stitching on your favourite project. Pick up a needle and thread, breathe deeply, and enjoy a little vacation from the responsibilities of your life. 

You won't believe it, but I have not taken one single stitch since last Sunday. Not one! 

But I have a good reason!

I have a new responsibility now... I have become a Grandma! This little bundle of joy weighed in at 8 lbs 1 oz and has brought so much love and joy to the world! I am soaking up every minute of being part of his sweet life, especially since I never thought I would have this privilege of being a grandparent!

I must get working on his birth sampler and his quilt. I have lots of plans, patterns and fabrics but haven't settled down to start anything. I was waiting to make sure he arrived safely and was well, and he is! My friend Louise crocheted the beautiful blanket (behind us on the chair) and little guy's great grandma has already made him a baby quilt. But every baby needs lots of quilts don't you think?

I do hope I can tear my eyes away from this amazing creation, and get back to some stitching. I have a comfort quilt to bind, and some samplers that I wanted to start in September but it's almost over! 

Have you met your September goals? Share with us your slow progress by linking up your blog post below.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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