Sunday, July 28, 2024

Kathy's Quilts and Stitching - "Flosstube Adjacent" Video

Welcome to the end of July hand stitching party! We encourage you to get out your hand stitching project and put in a few stitches. Don't just think about doing it, or talk about doing it, or plan to do it - just dive in and actually do it! I
t is a guaranteed mood booster for all of us crafty folks!

I made another Flosstube video to show the projects that I worked on in July, to share 2 summer stitching stories, and to talk about the Summer Stitching Olympics which started on July 26th. Pop over to see what's been happening in my summer stitchy adventures. Also, I have an amazing quilty giveaway that I hope you will enter on my youtube channel.

Last weekend was my family's annual camping trip by Lake Huron. We had a wonderful time together and I got a lot of outdoor stitching time. I finished the June Square Dance pattern, and even got the tiny buttons attached.

I also started a new project called Wild Whimsey Bear by Darling and Whimsey Designs, stitched on 14 count tea dyed aida. I loved stitching the bear while camping in the woods! The stain under the bear's front food is because a squirrel attacked my project bag when I went to the washroom.

I stored a bag of mixed nuts in my stitching bag and when I came back, a squirrel had chewed through the bag and helped himself to my snack! **A cautionary tale to not put your snacks in your stitching bag and leave it unattended in the woods! I do hope the stain will come out, but if not, it will add interest to the story of this project! I have no idea how to fix the project bag!

Do you have any "squirrels" you have started working on? Have any squirrels attacked your projects lately? Link up your blog post in the linky party below and share what you are working on.


The Cozy Quilter said...

Wow! That squirrel really did a number on your project bag! Your snacks were obviously irresistible! Cute bear project and those month by month projects are fun too.

Ruth F said...

Kathy, I laughed out loud as I read your squirrel story just now. I grew up in Michigan's UP, and can totally relate! My husband wondered what was going on, His suggestion: don't take the stain out, or you won't have a story to tell. I agree.
Please don't stop writing your blog; so many now are giving up. I so enjoy your thoughts.
Ruth in VA

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I've never watched Flosstube much, but now that you're on there regularly, I'll have to go take a look! Your camping trip and outdoor stitching sound so fun, and I love what you worked on. I did have a squirrel project come visit me this week - couldn't resist it either! Have a wonderful Sunday, Kathy!

Angela said...

Nasty squirrel! They have been at my zucchini plants!

Kate said...

A squirrel attack? That is quite a stain story. Hopefully you can get it out, but it will make a great conversation piece. Happy slow stitching today.

grammajudyb said...

You will have a story to tell about that Bear stitch! Every time I see your Floss Tube title, I think of a book I read in March of 2024. It was Heaven Adjacent by Catherine Ryan Hyde. Have you read it? She’s a favorite author. I recommend it.

CathieJ said...

I love that bear stitching. So sorry about the stain. I rarely stitch outside so I don't have to worry about the squirrels. The June Square Dance is pretty. I will have to check out your Flosstube video.

Deanna W said...

The postal service is always a MYSTERY! You sure are doing alot of cross stitching. I never realized you were so into stitching instead of quilting. You have lots of projects lined up to get some stitches in during the olympics. Lucky you to receive two packages, always a MYSTERY where that first parcel went. But lucky us to get a chance to win, I would love that!! Did I mention the special word MYSTERY!!!
P.S. I think you should patch the squirrel hole in your bag with a cross stitched picture of a squirrel!

Karrin Hurd said...

What a funny squirrel story. Hope you can get the stain out, but as others have said, it makes a great squirrel story.

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

I would leave the stain (or at least not worry much about getting it out) and keep a record of the story with the piece some how.

As for the project bag - put a nut shaped patch on it!
(Cute projects, btw).

scraphappy said...

I love your book of days. The colored pens make everything so happy. Glad you were able to get so much done in July!

MissPat said...

Cheeky squireel. At least he didn't run off with the whole bag, project and all. I've had good luck with Oci-clean in removing stains.

Linda Schiffer said...

As far as mending your project bag ... I'd recommend duct tape, double layer (adhesive to adhesive sides) , cut to shape and hand stitched in place. I'd put the patch on the inside of the bag so it doesn't get scraped off. :)


Rebecca Grace said...

"Don't just think about doing it, or talk about doing it, or plan to do it - just dive in and actually do it!" Those words seem directed right to me, and I'm taking them to heart! Getting started -- or getting back into a project once set aside -- can be so difficult! As for the squirrel chewing through your project bag -- yikes!! Can you patch the hole maybe?

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Kathy, yes those squirrels are determined! The stain, if it doesn't come out will just make you smile as you think of the squirrel!

Bev said...

Hi Kathy, I loved your story of the squirrel, I've had plenty of the little critters here and they sure can make a mess. I hope to make
the Mystery Christmas quilt still waiting on my fabric to come.....hope it's here soon. I really enjoyed your Youtube today.
Maybe I'll make with your bundle??