Sunday, December 11, 2022

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party! Make yourself a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate and visit the links below for some creative inspiration. 

It's a busy time of year and there is a lot to be done for Christmas, but for a few minutes today, just breathe and stitch, and take a break from all your planning, list making, and worrying.

I did finally get the Christmas tree up and my favourite decoration (that my friend Gail made for me) is hung with care. I will add a few more ornaments as I feel inspired. My Grinchyness is really about the consumerism and  resisting the pressure of expectations that surround us. 

In my heart I am a Christmas elf with not enough time to fulfill my handmade gift fantasies!

I spent a lot of time this week removing paper from the back of a Swan round robin quilt top that I unearthed. It was a mindless task and seemed to be the perfect hand work task to focus on.

As I mentioned last week, I have recently become fascinated by Flosstube. Thank you to each person who made some channel  recommendations in the comments, and I hope to try to visit those channels over the Christmas break. 

So far it seems to be mostly cross stitchers and it has given me the inspiration I need to finish my old project from 1991 (pre-quilting). I love how these stitchers  celebrate even the smallest bit of progress on projects - a few stitches here and there really do add up! I need to finish the grass in that open space, and then work on lettering.

My current challenge is how small the stitching charts have become since 1991! Even with my glasses, I can't read it. I have been taking photos of the pattern, transferring and enlarging the photo and reading it on my laptop. I have asked Santa for a magnifier lamp for Christmas and hope that will also be helpful.

What are you hand stitching today? Will you be able to make time for some relaxing slow stitches?
Link up your photo, instagram or blog post below.


Sarah said...

Your comment about the size of charts back in 1991 made me smile because I totally agree! If I'm struggling I colour my charts in, it does help. Have a great day.

Cathy said...

I had to give up on cross stitch a long time ago because I could not read the chart or see where to stitch on the aida any longer even with a magnifier. I'm not sure if I have any cross stitch UFOs but I do think I have a few crewel embroidery and embroidery and crazy quilting UFOs I should dig out and finish up. I can see those! It's kind of fun to revisit really old projects and move them forward. I even think I have a little box of old thrift store finds -- other people's unfinished projects I thought I might finish someday.

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

A good magnifying light will be a game changer. I even use mine when I can see the threads just to make it as easy on my eyes as possible. Good luck with your project.

CathieJ said...

I have a magnifier, but I find that I am better off with 2.0 readers when stitching. I like the piece that you have picked back up. Enjoy your stitching and decorating at your own pace. Thanks for hosting the link-up. I look forward to it each Sunday.

Linda said...

Pulling paper away sure is slow tedious work, I've got some to do today. But as it is a snowy day with a weather warning, it is the perfect day to work on it.

maggie fellow said...

I am afraid my eyes would complain, now, too. great idea

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I used to cross-stitch back in the 80s-90s, too, and trying it again now, I'm having the same problem. It's so tiny! This kind of stitching does make beautiful designs, and yours looks lovely. Enjoy!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

my daughter will take a photo of some of the needle work charts and put them on her Ipad and then when working she can zoom in on the screen to make the pattern larger - maybe you could try that?

Angela said...

Well, I guess I am a grinch too then. I love that ornament!

Linda said...

Yes what has happened to stitching charts? I refuse to blame my eyes - lol! I bought a magnifying light that hangs on my neck and still have to have an Ott light next to me at night and sometimes put my readers on. Sigh.

Deanna W said...

I have a cross stitch that I started before 2007 when we moved. I have been moving it around the house thinking if it is where I can see it I might work on it. 2023 might be the year before I can't see the stitches or read the chart!!! haha
Time is running out for Christmas for me too. I have no desire to go shopping and don't have time to make things...what's a girl to do!! said...

I also recently discovered Flosstube. It was recommended by a couple of people in my local chapter of the EGA. I am enjoying watching those channels so much!!

I just learned to paper piece and am having a great time!

In regards to the cross stitch patterns being small. I copy them at 150% and that seems to work for me.

Have a great holiday!

JustGail said...

I've not gotten pulled into Flosstube. Yet. I have plenty of un-started and unfinished projects as it is.
I have to use readers over my bifocals for close or tiny work now. And sometimes resorting to using another magnifier on top of that, especially on black or high count linen. And a daylight lamp set close.
Sometimes I enlarge the chart while printing a working copy, but if the print wasn't clear on the original, it ends up being a bigger blurry version.
For as much as I hated being so near sighted all my life, I miss being able to simply take of my glasses to see tiny things.
Love the Grinch ornament!

loulee said...

You and I share the same Grinchiness.

liz said...

Working on my small black sampler I started in November for Black Sampler November. I'm a slow serial cross stitcher. I've been at it about 2 years. I'm really a quilter with huge stash. When I started cross stitching I made a promise to myself to only buy for one project a time. And only buy if the previous project is done or has gone to Goodwill. It's sort of work.....
What helps is I'm not a great cross stitcher : )

ButterZ said...

Great work. I used to do cross stitch many years ago too. I would photocopy and enlarge the pattern so I could read it.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

There is so much inspiration on Flosstube that is for sure. So glad that you are enjoying it and that you are enjoying stitching on some WIPS. That is a great idea on how to enlarge the patterns. Have a wonderful week Kathy . By the way, your Grinch ornie made me smile.Love it.

Cathy B. said...

You can also print off pdf charts at home larger than 100%. Use the "poster" option and just put in how much larger you want it to be. It will print out on multiple pages with a narrow overlap. You'll have to tape the pages together then, but at least you can see them!
Cathy in Port Perry

The Cozy Quilter said...

I love to cross stitch but I have to enlarge the patterns to see them. We all need a chance to slow down and enjoy the moment this time of year.

Miaismine said...

I totally agree with your Grinchyness! It seems that the older I get, the more I crave the simplicity of a family gathering and sharing handmade gifts all around! Yes! A few stitches here and there do add up! I’m always amazed when I finish a project that was stitched as my husband “chauffeured” me about on errands! I love my LED magnifying glasses…..oh oh….I think I’m getting old! But that’s better than the alternative! 😊