Sunday, December 04, 2022

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party! Sunday is our day to slow down and rest, to be thankful... and to stitch to our heart's content!

I have been embroidering some tiny Christmas designs called the Hugs and Kisses mystery advent stitch-along. It was a previous mystery and is now a pattern for purchase. Maybe it was from last year, or the year before, but I found these designs traced and half finished, and since it's the perfect December project, I'll put more stitches in today!

I have recently become smitten with Flosstube videos on YouTube. I know I am very late to the party, and for the life of me I can't figure out why I am interested in listening to stitchers describe their many, many ongoing projects. Maybe it makes me feel better about mine?! Anyway, do you watch Flosstube and have recommendations for videos that are not to be missed? Any if any of you have a channel, please let us know in the comments so we can visit.

What are you hand stitching today?  Link up your photo, instagram or blog post below and show us your slow progress.


Linda said...

I haven't heard of floss stitching, perhaps I had better check it out. I'm working on some felt snowflakes and started a new snowflake project plus working on my afghan, 1 or 2 rows nightly due to my arthritis.

Cathy said...

My laptop is so old that it takes forever for Youtube videos to load so I don't watch videos. Maybe that's a good thing???? Or maybe I miss out on a lot????

Sarah said...

They are sweet little red work stitches. No never heard of flosstube. My instinct is to jump right in NOW.....but I fear i might be jumping down the rabbit hole so will try to resist LOL.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I've read a couple bloggers who enjoy Floss Tube, but haven't tried watching it myself. Maybe I should?! Have you found any in particular that you like? Enjoy your tiny designs today, Kathy!

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

I am rather appalled by some of the WiP lists on Flosstube to be sure! I break out in hives if I get more than around a dozen. And some of those folks have HUNDREDS!

I do like getting introduced to new designers and see pieces 'in person and in progress'. I also know how motivating it is to report on progress periodically. You all are that motivation for me. I don't think I would have been so productive without our weekly check in - so thank you.

I follow handworkmaniac (nice mix of projects), Highway Stitcher Colette Kingsley (stitching and lace), elizabethanncanstitch (stitching and quilts)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have not watched Floss Tube it sounds like one more thing that one would get addicted to LOL.
I will work on my knitting scarf today, decorated the tree and watch Xmas movies

ChrisDeeCaregeiver said...

I love flosstube I have learned so much and it's fun to see what others are working on. Here are some of my absolute favorites: Jens stitching niche, Mischievous stitcher, Vonna Pfeieffer- the twisted sister, stitching with the housewives, handworkmaniac. Just to name a few. Hope this gets you interested. The camaraderie is great!

Kate said...

Enjoy your slow stitching today. Looks like you found a great project to work on for this holiday month.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

That does look like the perfect December project! I have not heard of flosstube, so you are ahead of me. I'm scared to watch, like I don't have enough crafting/sewing/quilting/stamping/cooking projects, LOL!!

Karrin Hurd said...

I have never listened to those flosstube videos. Great project for December!

CathieJ said...

I like the little Christmas motifs that you are stitching. I haven't started watching flosstube videos yet.

The Cozy Quilter said...

I've never watched a Flosstube video...
Enjoy your stitching today!
I'm off to write my Christmas letter...

Miaismine said...

Such cute Christmas designs! I’ve heard about Flosstube videos. I’ll have to check them out. I’m still working on my Pretty Kitty tea towel as well as the Bee Humble BOM. Happy stitching!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Kathy, good luck with your stitching. It's great to pick up small stitching projects, especially those that weren't finished for last (or any other) Christmas. I haven't dared go into my Christmas fabric stash - if Christmas stitching happens, it will probably by between Christmas and New Year!

Deanna W said...

Spent Saturday cleaning up my sewing room...deep cleaning! OMG I found so many finished tops that need sandwiching and turning into quilts. Even if I did one a day(if that were possible) it would still take me 6 months to a year to get them all done along with the other ideas I want to make!! Help!!

Jackie at Adirondack Urban said...

Hi Kathy, a couple of your readers mentioned Handworkmaniac Flosstube channel. A few that are not to be missed are: Brenda and the Serial Starter, The Sew and Sews, Running with Scissors, and Stitchin Mommy. There are many others I follow, but that will get you started!!