Sunday, October 31, 2021

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to Slow Stitching Sunday where we make time to slow down our lives, to breathe deeply, to pick up a needle and thread, and take some slow stitches. 

Here are some reminders of how to enjoy the lovely autumn season.
Today we are celebrating  Halloween, so the trick and treaters will be coming around tonight. Last year was pretty quiet, so hopefully there will be more activity this year. 

I finished my  Halloween quilt this week and enjoyed sitting outdoors to hand stitch the binding on (probably) the last nice day of the season.

I just have to show you the next door  neighbour's beautiful tree that I was looking at while hand stitching the binding. Magnificent!
The wind will blow these leaves away within days, so it is a reminder to get outside and enjoy the glorious colours of nature while we can!

Pretty paisley border fabric

It's time once again to get to work on my oldest UFO. It's cold enough to have a large heavy quilt on my lap while stitching, and I'm enjoying quilting the straight line border design. I remember when I hemmed and hawed over the decision because I wanted to quilt the lines, but thought it was too simple, and I "should" stitch a feather design or a cable or a more complex design. 
I'm SOOO happy that I went with something easy so this quilt can be finished within my lifetime (hopefully!) 

This is a terrible late night photo of the back of the quilt showing the stitching design along the edge. No one will notice the slightly wobbly "straight" line quilting.

What are you hand stitching today? Link up your blog post below and share your project with us!

Happy Halloween!


Ivani said...

WOW that tree is so beautiful. Enjoy the warm and sunny days as much as possible.
Happy hand quilting. Happy Halloween!

Denise :) said...

Yay for the Halloween finish! I like the reminders for enjoying the season; good ideas! Hope you get lots of Trick or Treaters! Happy stitching! :)

Angela said...

Oh, that tree is gorgeous! So great to have a nice day to stitch outside!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

stitching the last of the binding will keep you busy - I love that tree - I won't have a pretty one like that this year the two that are normally really pretty lost a lot of their leaves in the dry September that we had but I know I will see other pretty trees in the neighborhood this year

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your Halloween quilt - such a fun design! And that tree is beautiful, too. Happy slow stitching today, Kathy!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I am right behind you on the Bats and Boos! Love the picture of the beautiful golden tree. Ours are still green with leaves and grass to boot! Happy Halloween! Hugs

CathieJ said...

That tree is gorgeous. I am so glad that you are finishing your oldest UFO. That will definitely feel like an accomplishment.

Karrin Hurd said...

Your neighbor's tree is gorgeous! That will be nice to get your oldest UFO finished! Happy Halloween!

The Cozy Quilter said...

Nice view as you stitch outside! Lovely sunny day here today. Happy slow stitching!

Sarah said...

We've had gale force winds so I don't think we will have many autumn leaves left! Your neighbours tree is stunning. Always nice to finish a quilt and just in time for Halloween.

AnnieO said...

Very Pretty tree! That kind of color isn't common in this California Beach town I live in. Glad you're spending plenty of time with needle and thread. Good on you for working on your oldest UFO! Happy Halloween--my husband went overboard with candy buying so I sure hope the crowds reappear this year. We had a bout 4 trick or treaters last year...

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Kathy, with all of those paisleys on the front of your fabric, those lines won't really show anyway! Enjoy the fall. Trees here are slowly turning colours - some more than other of course. The two huge trees in our front yard will shed their leaves over the next month - they take their time. Happy fall.

Flickenstichlerin said...

Nice finished quilt. Congratulations.