Sunday, October 03, 2021

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party!

The temperatures here are cooling down for the beginning of autumn and the leaves are just starting to turn colour. It's my most favourite time of the year!

If you didn't read about our Slow Sunday Stitching friend Deanna's quilt finish - click here. I took it to the flower clock for a photo. Soon it will be too cold for the flowers, but Deanna's Daisies will last all winter long!

This week I enjoyed hand stitching the binding on my monthly placemat. September's colour was orange and I did some of the stitching outside under the light of the setting sun. The sunset colours on the orange fabric were very pretty. 

I took a photo of my Clover needle threader which I adore and take with me everywhere I go. I cannot thread most needles these days, even with my magnifying glasses on. This needle threader can thread most of the needles that I use for quilting, but it can be finicky. The thread has to be taut when laying across the threader, and sometimes it takes 2 or 3 tries to get a tiny needle threaded. 

I have also been doing some secret hand stitching on a round robin project that I don't write about on my blog because the big reveal won't be until February. I used my Sewline air erasing marker (love it!) to mark some stitching designs and embroidered with perle cotton.

I think it's cool enough to get out my oldest UFO and get it ready for another winter of slow stitching! I have been quilting it off and on for 6 years now! What will you be hand stitching today?


Gretchen Weaver said...

Maybe this will be the winter you finish the slow quilting on your winter quilt! I'll be hand quilting Welsh Beauty this afternoon. Happy stitching!

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

My grandmother had one of those needle threaders. I'm getting to the bi-focal years and would not mind getting one for myself!

Your projects are lovely as always and thank you for hosting us!

Ivani said...

Deannas's quilt is beautiful, and it models so well near the flower clock.
Enjoy your Slow Sunday Stitching, Kathy. Today I will be cross-stitching.

Deb A said...

Sew exciting to see the winter quilt come out for some play again! Enjoy your Sunday Kathy.

Birthe Marie said...

So nice autumnal place mat you have made. I think it's nice to have seasonal colors on place mats and runners inside. I also have orange on my table. Happy Sunday stitching!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your photo of Deanna's Daisy's by the clock and also enjoyed seeing your monthly placemat in orange! I have a Clover Needle Threader, too, but its finicky-ness made me kind of frustrated. Have you ever you used it for embroidery floss? I wonder if it would work for two strands. Have a wonderful Sunday, Kathy!

The Cozy Quilter said...

Beautiful orange placemat! The weather has been warm enough lately to eat our lunch and supper outside. Perfect weather for stitching outside too. Can’t wait to see what you do with your lime green scraps!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I've got the clover threader but must admit I don't use it most of the time - it is so finicky on what thread works for what needle.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Looks like you have been very busy and enjoying this fall weather. I have never tried one of the threaders. I just might have to get me one. Happy quilting.

Karrin Hurd said...

Congratulations on your beautiful finish. We are cooling a bit but still in the hotter temperatures. Happy stitching!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Kathy, I also love fall but right now it's just wet and cold. I do hope that we have at least one more nice week before winter comes. It won't be snowing that soon, but it will get colder! I've finally started using a needle threader. Even the cheap ones are better than my eyes. Have a great week. Take care

Barb said...

lovely finish and hooray for fall temperatures. Autumn seems to be everyone's favorite including me.
great orange placemat.
fun to see what everyone is working on

Jill said...

A Clover needle threader is a major player when I hand stitch. I thread several needles at a time. It helps to have it placed on a hard flat surface. The directions suggest that it does not work well with round eye needles.