Sunday, February 07, 2021

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party! We hope you will get out one of your own projects and put a few stitches in today.

Apparently February is National Embroidery Month! I have no idea who decides these things, but I love embroidery in many forms, so I thought it would be fun to post a couple of my favourite embroidery projects this month.

One of my favourite projects over the past year has been embroidered tea towels using a Stitcher's Revolution pattern. These are my 4  finished towels from last year.

This is the one I am stitching this week. I am grateful indeed that no one I love has contracted covid so far, and that I have my stitching to keep me sane throughout the lockdown order that we have been under since Dec. 26th. We are hopeful that lockdown will be lifted soon since the case numbers are finally going down.

What are you hand stitching today? Do you have an embroidery project that you can share with us this month? Link up your blog or instagram post below and show us what you are stitching.


Kim said...

How nice to have a month dedicated to National Embroidery Month. You have embroidered some lovely projects over the last year, Kathy. I love the "Be Grateful" one you are working on at the moment. No embroidery here, just hand piecing and hand quilting. I must find me some embroidery to delight my days.

linda said...

Your embroidery is lovely and I will be working on mine today along with knitting my second sock. How nice to have a month dedicated to embroidery. Have a peaceful Sunday.

CathieJ said...

Your embroidery projects are very pretty. I have a project that has been sitting half done for years. I am hoping to get back to it sometime in the future, but I have so many cross-stitch projects to complete first. I may try to root around and find it again. Stay safe.

Ivani said...

Lovely towels and pretty project. I am cross-stitching and this is also helping me beeing sane along the Pandemic. Have fun celebrating the National Embroidery Month and happy stitching.

julieQ said...

Your towels are so darling! My mother made two sets of tea towels, for the days of the week. I treasure them!!!

Sarah said...

I wondered the same! Who decides its national embroidery month? Still I'm not complaining it's fun to have something I enjoy so much have a month dedicated to it LOL. those tea towels are great fun. Take care.

Carolyn said...

Love your "Be Greatful" dish towel!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I swear I need to find a place where every day is listed of all these "national" days - I never know when any of them are. Love the quilt on your header and all your embroidery

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

I am grateful for the same, only two people I know have had covid and neither was a serious case. We are waiting for our turn on the list for vaccines, and will be very happy when we can get it.

The Cozy Quilter said...

Your current embroidery project is a good reminder for all of us. My daughter’s coffee pot embroidery is a stitch along for embroidery month. I hope my cross stitch counts for the celebration!

Angela said...

My husband commented that he doesn't know anyone better suited for lockdown than me. I replied all my stitching friends are also perfectly suited. We are never bored! Mind you, I would be very happy to see my family again! said...

I LOVE those towels!! I have been stitching sooo much since March. I haven't been able to open my studio - so no teaching. Today is the super bowl and I will be hand quilting. Stitching everyday has really been a life saver during this time.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I need to get with the embroidery projects then if this is the month! Your towels are lovely Kathy as is all of your work! I admire you for doing Bonnie Hunter's each year. Just not my bag, but you always come up with some beauties.
Have a wonderful Sunday! Hugs

Little Penpen said...

I love that February is Embroidery month... who knew? Pretty projects you have there!

SandraC said...

I always love updates on your embroidered towels!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your tea towels have such fun designs! Love the new one, too! Enjoy your embroidery today, Kathy.

MissPat said...

So my question is, Do you actually use the tea towels or are they just for decoration? I have been given several by a friend, but I'm reluctant to use them, so they sit in a drawer. The Covid numbers are going down here, as well, but I fear there will be another surge after all the Super Bowl parties that people say they just can't not go to. With vaccine supplies so limited it will be months before the vaccine can make any difference. oh, well, more time to quilt and I don't lack for fabric.

Karrin Hurd said...

That is one I haven't done yet, Be Grateful! I love embroidery in all forms too! Happy Stitching!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Yes, isn't it wonderful to have these hobbies involving needles and threads. Have I said already how much I like that piece in your heading?

Birthe Marie said...

I love these kitchen towels. Beautiful stitching! I have been to the link several times. Happy stitching!

Anonymous said...

The embroidered tea towels are such a delight! So clever. And your embroidery is gorgeous.


Lyndsey said...

I love the pretty tea towels you embroidered. They do make fabulous gifts.

Jenny said...

Such beautiful embroidered tea towels, seem to remember that you were making them for gifts? Hope you keep one for yourself.