Sunday, June 30, 2019

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching celebration!  Last week was the 7th birthday of the Slow Sunday Stitching link up and I posted on Thursday that Sandra was the winner of the draw for the quilter's prize package. Congrats to Sandra!

Who knew that the inspiration of a turtle seen on a random walk by the river would result in a weekly event for years to come!  At this point I have written at least 364 times Sunday blog posts about the benefits of slowing down with hand stitching.
And today is no exception.

It's time to slow down your life and relax with some hand stitching. This means you sit and relax, with your project in your lap, and your hands slowly taking stitches.
One at a time. 
There is no machine involved. 
Just you and your hands, your needles and threads. 

This is the embroidery block I finished this weekend. A little bird/sheep stack of cuteness! This is a Gail Pan pattern from the "I Stitch Club" last year, which is now called "Send my Love" and is available as a BOM. I have my next pattern traced out and today I'll be stitching a chicken!

And I also wanted to show you a stitchery that my friend Janet worked on while we enjoyed a relaxing visit last Sunday at the park. 
She is stitching a family joke/riddle using a variegated crochet cotton. She doesn't like the way the title "Riddle" turned out, so she is removing those stitches and trying something else. Eventually it will become a pillow for a wedding shower gift.

What are you hand stitching today?

Link up your blog post below and share your project with us. Last week we had our first instagram link up and thanks to Stephanie from Simcoe, I now have an instagram account! Woo hoo! You can tag me (whatever that means!) at SSSKat7.
Thanks Stephanie for the encouragement to take the next social media step... now I just need to learn how to use it!
Let's stitch! 


CathieJ said...

Kathy, I love joining your link party, but it is telling me that it won't be open for another 11 hours. I love that sweet little sheep.

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

Absolutely darling embroidery!

Created by Kathi said...

Congrats to your winner of last weeks drawing and thanks for your link ups.. they keep me motivated to post about my slowly stitched goals among other things that happen in my week.
I have Instagram and figured out how to like and comment and post but not how to interact beyond that... if you find out how to go beyond the basics please share a tutorial on this as you learn!!!

Jacqui's Quilts said...

I've been resisting the instagram thing because I've been on face book for a long time and have that pretty well figured out...too much to keep up and don't get to stitching if I'm on the internet all the time LOL. Maybe I'll take the plunge someday. I still have to figure out why I can't add my link to your link party! I've done it in the past but last week it wouldn't let me add my slow stitching post :-(. Hope to do some hand stitching this afternoon!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Starting a hand project today, and I hope to be able to share it soon.

MissPat said...

I don't blog or do Facebook, so I signed up for an Instagram account thinking it would be a way to participate in link-ups (I've seen other Instagram links at some link parties). Unfortunately, I haven't been able to make it work despite following tutorials on two different blogs. So my work remains unknown (probably a good thing), but I enjoy visiting everyone else. I'll check back later to see if you get today's link-up straightened out.

Little Penpen said...

I love coming here on Sunday's to see what others are working on... I Love hand work.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That Gail Pan design is such a sweet one! I'm hoping to find myself one of her books soon and get started on some more of her stitching projects, too. Have a wonderful Sunday, Kathy!

Karrin Hurd said...

Love your little embroidery! Thanks so much for this link-up. It was one of my very favorites and I look forward to it each week!

Deb said...

Love the stitched sheep piece you completed and your friend Janet's Riddle is lovely. After moving house for the past month I am finally going to sit down today and pick up my needle and get in some much needed slow Sunday stitching.

Sarah said...

That is a very cute little embroidery! Your friends riddle stitching is turning out well. I'm trying to remember how it ends but for the life of me I can't remember. Oh well that's why we have google!

AnnieO said...

7 years--that's a feat! Glad you're still slow stitching among friends :)

Miaismine said...

Hello there! After all this time, I've finally started embroidering again - thanks to this fabulous link-up! It's quite exciting for me! Take good care and thank you for hosting!

Kate said...

Wow, seven years? Congratulations on keeping it up every weekend since then (that is a commitment!) Love your little sheep. Hope you were able to get in some good stitching today. Happy Canada Day!

Miaismine said...

Thanks to your lovely link up I am back embroidering again and thoroughly enjoying it! Your project is absolutely lovely! Thank you for hosting and sharing!