And I'm thinking of starting a new project because that's what we do when we finish something, right? We just go ahead and start something new!?!
Is anyone stitching the Little Band Sampler from Aurifil? It's so cute and I am tempted to start it, but I'm worried that I wouldn't finish it. I would be happier if one of YOU Slow Stitchers out there made it and I could watch over your shoulder!
What are you hand stitching today? Link up your blog post below and share your project with us.
Closing edges are nice to sew, and so nice with warm thoughts and prayers for those who will receive the quilt. Little Band Sampler looks lovely. Have a nice hand stitching Sunday!
I checked out the Band Sampler. It's lovely but not for me. I've never gotten into counted cross stitch so I will also watch someone else's progress. Enjoy relaxing while binding the baby quilt. Happy Stitching!
I agree between binding and sewing long rows of hexies together I will have some mindless hand stitching time today
Like Gretchen, I checked out the Little Band Sampler, and it's not for me either! Enjoy your slow sunday stitching!
You look so happy, Kathy! Thanks for that link...I've checked it out too. Very cute.
Oh dear you are definitely a bad influence Kathy! I love cross stitch but I've just started another project so must resist!!! Have a nice relaxing day slow stitching your binding.
I've seen that band sampler, and I'm resisting. I have done something similar with Sharon Boggan on Pintangle, she gives a stitch a week. I love to do binding too!
Hello There! The Little Band Sampler is gorgeous! I'm being tempted by the 12 days ornaments at https://mmmcrafts.blogspot.com/p/twelve-days.html. I saw it on the Quilting by the Sea blog....so pretty! Thank you for hosting another great link up!
You are right...a finish deserves a new start (or two or...).
Oh darn I missed another slow sunday. Not a very good blog stalker am I!?!?! I will promise to do better in the future!
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