It has been really cold here this year so far with record breaking low temperatures. It's too cold to go outside, so the best thing to do is stay indoors and do some stitching! As I am writing this blog post it is minus 25 degrees Celsius. Along with this type of weather comes cold and flu season, and I have finally succumbed. I was so happy to be healthy through the holidays, but my good luck has run out and I am in bed this weekend with a fever, a rattly chest cold, and achy bones.
And meanwhile Mr. Max has been refusing to go outside to do his business because it's too cold! But he's only too happy to cuddle up in a quilt! As soon as I got this quilt out earlier in the week to figure out where to move the hoop to next, he was sooo happy! He was rolling around and delighted to snuggle up to my side while I put in a few stitches.
I won't be doing any hand stitching today, but I will enjoy reading what you are working on. Link up your blog post below and share your first project of 2018.
An InLinkz Link-up
Just take it easy today, rest and drink plenty of hot tea.
Aw.....sorry you got the bug. Rest and liquids are the best. Hope you feel better soon at least to be up to hand stitching.
Sorry to hear that you are sick ! :(
I hope you are feeling better soon! Being sick is no fun. I’m happy to see your quilting buddy again. Max always makes me smile. Stay warm!
Hope you are feeling better soon, and that the temps warm up. So thankful for warm houses at this time of year! Take care!
Time to rest and drink hot ginger tea with cinnamon and lemon. Take care.
I can hardly imagine how is living under such low temperatures. Stay safe and warm. Hugs
So sorry to hear that the flu has found you. Staying in bed and resting sounds like a great plan. Feel better soon.
Who can blame the little chap I wouldn't want to go outside in -25*! Hope you get well soon.
I do not know if my post went thru. But I had the flu and I am just now getting over it but the cough lasts and lasts. Went to Doc and they gave us Tamiflu - hubby came down with it 2 days after me and he took it - He was down about 4 days but some fatigue for a week. The flu shot is not working this year so if you can get some Tamiflu it will help but you have to start it within 48 hours of getting sick. Take care and hoping that you bounce back quickly! REST
Oh no! I hope you stay warm and feel better soon.
hope you start to feel better soon, the flu can just wipe you out and make you feel sick for such awhile. Everyone here always says to go to the doctor and get Tamiflu within two days of symptoms that it really helps. Get well soon - I would hate having it be that cold and be sick.
So sorry you are ill....a good day to stay snuggled up! Hopefully your readers will give you lots of lovely stitching to read about today.
I hope you start feeling better soon. My mom and son have had nagging colds, but so far no flu. Fingers crossed that I don't get either. We too have bitter cold, but nothing like what you are experiencing. I did have two unexpected snow days. Take care.
Max is a very smart dog! Get well soon. Max will keep you company. :)
I am so sorry that you caught a bug and I wish you a very quick recovery.
Last year I got the flu and it knocked the wind out of my sails for a month so this year I broke down and got a flu shot. Now we find out it isn't going to be very effective anyway. :(
Oh no! So sorry to hear you are under the weather. If you lived closer I'd bring home some homemade chicken noodle soup. Get well soon!
Sorry to hear you are under the weather. Hope you get to feeling better soon. We got down to 11F earlier this week which is very cold for N Texas. I remember negative degree weather when I lived up in Wisconsin. So glad you have your quilting to get you thru the extreme cold weather.
Oh, I do hope you are feeling better soon. Curl up under your quilts and take the time that you need. p.s. My sister's dog is the same with quilts/quilt blocks laid out on the floor. As soon as a quilt is on the floor Baylea is there to roll in it. Funny :).
I hope you feel better soon. I made it threw the holidays healthy, but came down with a sinus infection last week. It’s made for a long week but I’m on the mend. I’m going to do a little cross stitching today. Hugs,
Get plenty of rest and Feel better soon.
We didn't get as cold as that, thank goodness. I don't think we got as cold last night as was predicted (near Rochester NY) and today is supposed to warm up to the 20's s hopefully that will come your way soon. Sorry you are sick and hope it passes soon. Good thing you like hot tea.
Before I forget, I must say how much I like your header with all those pretty blues...I have a thing for indigo colours.
Sorry you are under the weather, but what weather we've been enduring. And with no end in sight.
Do hope you get on top of it soon.
Hi Kathy!! Oh man I'm sorry your got the flu. IK!!!!! You guys got hit sooooo bad. It reminds me of our winter last year....so I'm terribly empathetic at the misery is causes. HANG IN THERE!!!
Sure hate to hear that you are suffering so! Take good care and get back to good health soon! Looking forward to lots of fun sewing in 2018!
Sorry to hear you're unwell. Take care and hope you recover quickly and I'm sure Mr Max will help by cuddling up with you.
Hugs my friend. Hope you’re feeling better soon.
So sorry the flu bug caught you. Feel better soon and stay warm!!
Sorry to hear you are sick and that it is so very cold. It is really going around.
I would love to link up but there is no handwork at my house this week. I will start hand binding soon though.
Get better soon!
Sorry you are sick. Never fun. We were lots warmer than you, but, we had freezing rain and snow. Slick roads. I'd prefer snow any day over ice. Hope you feel better soon.
So sorry you got the Bad Bug, as I call it. I began hand quilting on a little quilt, made with 2" finished 4-patches set on point. It has been a long time since I hand quilted and is so comforting. Love the look and feel of something hand quilted! I can only do it for about 2 hours at a time, due to thumb and hand begin to ache. Want to do more, but if I do then I cannot do any for a couple days. Get well soon!
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