Sunday, April 09, 2017

Slow Sunday Stitching - DO IT!

Welcome to the weekly celebration of the practice of hand stitching! We are happy you have joined us today and encourage you to get out your needles, your thread or wool, and get to work on your stitching project. 
This is your opportunity to carve a few minutes out of your busy life to unplug, to sit still, to breathe deeply, and take a few stitches.
I have been thinking this week about how we talk a lot about what we want to do, or have, or be, but many of us stop at the talking stage, and don't actually do it. We want to be relaxed and less stressed, but we don't do what it takes to make that happen. We want to be healthier, but we don't actually put on some sneakers and go for a walk. We want to have loving and supportive relationships, but we don't take the time to be loving, thoughtful and supportive of those we want to love. Thinking and talking is the first step, but then we have to actually do something.
My friend Sandy went to the home of a suddenly deceased quilter where the family was sorting out her quilting room, and they found mountains of unused, unopened project kits. That made me feel sad for all the fun the quilter had missed out on. Maybe the best part for her was the purchasing of these items, but all these wonderful treasures spent years and years stored in bins and never became anything. She loved the kits enough to buy them, but then they went into storage. She never saw them in her home as finished items to enjoy every day. There was so much lost potential in that room.

I know many stitchers who buy patterns and supplies, and dream about things they'd like to create. They think about how fun it might be to make projects they admire, or take classes to learn more skills to make the projects, but they don't do it. 

This is what I'm doing today... putting a few more embroidery stitches in the last block of my Life is Beautiful project!  I'm doing it, not just thinking about it or talking about it. The only way to reap the benefits of slow stitching is to actually DO it.
Just go ahead and DO some stitching!
If you have a project you have already purchased, that you loved enough to pay your hard earned money for, go right now and get it. Open up the package, put in a few stitches, make a start and savour the process of creating something with your own two hands. 
And then link up your blog post below and share your hand stitching journey with us. 

    An InLinkz Link-up


The Cozy Quilter said...

Wow..the last does not seem that long since you started this project. Slow and steady progress each week leads to a finished project.

Created by Kathi said...

Hey Kathy... Congrats on embroidering your LAST block on this project... I can't wait to see your quilt top all together!!! :) Thanks for reminding us all how important not just saying but doing slow stitching really is... I am sooo ready for the slowing down part and enjoying the journey of making a quilt complete with MY stitches :) Kathi

BizarreQuilter said...

Lovely heartfelt post. Yes, I will start that block. Thank you. xo

Quilting Babcia said...

Wise words. Taking stock is necessary, in so many aspects of life.

Ivani said...

The last block says it all: Life is the gift. Great post Kathy! Happy slow stitiching.

Kathy S. said...

A quilt on the bed is worth two in the head -- Just do it!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it is sad to hear of so many unused kits sitting in plastic tubs waiting for a time the quilter will finally start them. I had just read a story recently where a 77 year old quilter died and the family rented a small shop so they could sell all of her quilting supplies which included 15,000 yards of fabric, kits, notions - you name it she had it - but apparently either didn't make much or bought way more than she could ever make - the store stayed open several months before all was sold! Yes please use what you buy - I'm working on!!

SandraC said...

Last block, woohoo! Although I think you will miss these sweet blocks to work on.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Also working on the stash, whittling it down is hard! I got out a beading kit last week, but the beads are so small that I am not having the fun I thought I'd have.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

What a statement! Dealing with this with my Mom. Congratulations on the last block - this will be stunning when put together.

julieQ said...

I love that you said this...stitching a little bit each day can get some of those kits made!!! Maybe this quilter that you mentioned got to sew a lot, too, as well leave behind kits. Hugs to you, and enjoy your slow stitching moments today!!!

CathieJ said...

Oh my goodness, you are on the last block! I am looking forward to seeing all those pretty blocks assembled together. Enjoy your stitching!

Sarah said...

Wise words Kathy! I'm thrilled for you to be on your last block. I love this project so much I really want to make it but have resisted. I would get a huge amount of pleasure from owning the kit.....which of course goes totally against what you've said in your post today! LOL

Deb A said...

Ok... I'll just do some sewing today! In between cuddling the sick little girl. Thanks for the reminder to get off the computer finding more things to sew and just go and sew!

Sarah said...

I've just gone back and started looking at the link photos today. There are some really talented people out there!

Sally Trude said...

Then there is the story of the Merkley quilts--115 finished quilts safely stored waiting for the marriages of 12 children. (Only one daughter of 9 married, boys died young.) The 115 quilts were found after the youngest (unmarried) daughter died at the age of 98.

So enjoy fabric in all its forms from thread to's all good.

Laura said...

You are one heck of a cheerleader, Kathy!

Dona said...

Thanks for these great words today Kathy. I started cleaning out my sewing room. I am donating anything I don't think I am going to finish. I am cutting small fabric into strips and squares so that I can use them. I am planning to throw out or donate 1 to 2 bags a week. I don't want to die with with a pile of quilt tops and fabric not done.

Val's Quilting Studio said...

I love this quote...and couldn't resist adding it to a future post I'm working on. Thank you for a wonderful reminder to experience experience and enjoy our projects. (Congrats on being on your final block!!)

Julierose said...

I hand appliqued one plate yesterday and my left hand/thumb refused to hold anything in place...aaargh!! so, am not slow sunday-ing today...does yesterday count?? LOL hugs julierose

Denise :) said...

What a sad story...and it made me realize how many kits *I* have stored up...for retirement days. Hmmmmm. Perhaps I need to just get busy. Your current "Life is Beautiful" block is fun -- enjoy stitching on it today!! :)

Deanna W said...

So true Kathy...we think we have lots of time...but that clock keeps ticking!! Working away on my hand quilting, hoping to get to a blog post today.

AnnieO said...

Truth! It's easy to talk and wish and much harder to plan and execute. I'm working on it! Thanks for the reminder that "follow through" gives endorphins!

Bonniedoo said...

Thank you. That was the pep talk I have been needing. I immediately sat and ripped out the stitches of a pair of crocheted pot holders that I just finished but don't like....I will start them again tonight in front of the tube. I do quilt as well and I have many ufos.....I will get busy!

Shelina said...

I just love the quote at the top of the post. Thanks for the pep talk. Definitely need to take heed. Your Life is Beautiful quilt is coming along so nicely. Love all of these blocks. I do have lots of unopened kits. My problem is that there is always something new that catches my eye so I don't look back to see what I already have!

Janet O. said...

Great post, Kathy!

Kate said...

A good post, but it's sad that there is so much truth about not following through on things. Hope your week is full of good things.

Lyndsey said...

Great post and I can't wait to see all the blocks for Your life is beautiful as one quilt. they are beautiful blocks. I try not to buy too many kits as I hate to have them sat around waiting to be done but sometimes other people buy me kits and they have to wait until I have time. I think that's why I start projects as I'd rather be working on them than just have the pattern or kit sat waiting.

Carolyn said...

Thanks for this! I have had chronic, excruciating pain for the last 5 years which has limited what I can do and I have opted to do very little. Yesterday I decided to start some pillows for my daughters and DIL for Christmas with embroidered designs on them. This is just the push I need to keep them going...I don't want my family to have to deal with my mess of a sewing room and find all of the unfinished kits, unused fabric, patterns and yarns...and now that baseball season has started it's a perfect time to be hand sewing or knitting in front of the Phillies games on Sunday afternoons!

Kaelyn Angelfoot said...

What a poignant reminder that you can't take anything with you! push aside the housework and enjoy the stitching. I did get some little slow stitching done yesterday but didn't get a chance to post as I was tending to a sick niece. Hopefully I'll chime in next week.