Ten years ago on this day of September 15, I created my first quilt blog post! TEN years people! That's longer than most people commit to doing anything these days!
Probably the reason for my long term commitment is simply that I really enjoy it. Blogging combines a few of my favourite things - writing, quilting (of course!) photography, and social connections to like-minded people.

Over the years I have learned so many techniques, read thousands of blog posts written by other bloggers, and started way too many projects because of the enticement of the beautiful projects I've seen. I have seen lots of bloggers come and go over the years and I've seen a lot of trending - hot new things that are here today and gone tomorrow. Everything is in a state of growth and change, including each of us as quilters, and the internet as a tool in our quilting adventures.
What I love about blogging:
*Socializing - the opportunity to meet quilters from around the world, take a peek inside their studio and see what they are creating in their lives. I have met so many wonderful humans over the years, and some I have even had the privilege to meet in real life! I also really love my Slow Sunday Stitching weekly party and virtual visits with like-minded stitchers.
*Beauty - I love to see beautiful photographs of quilting activities, fabric, quilters, and quilting adventures.
*Learning - about the "must see" places in the quilting world, including the most inspiring quilt shows, and amazing quilting stores.
*Quiltalongs - I am a social quilter, and I really enjoy working on projects with other people, whether in real life or in cyberspace. It's fun to see many variations on a theme, and to watch projects develop that are similar yet so very different. I thrive on the positive energy that is generated by a group of creative people working on the same goal.
What I don't love about blogging:
*Overwhelm - I don't like feeling overwhelmed, but I have a tendency to overcommit my personal resources, and to underestimate how long a task will take to complete. At my quilt guild meeting this week Elaine Theriault called this "Delusional Doability"! SO true! This can make my life stressful at times, and I have been working on being more realistic about my time and energy. The blogging world presents endless enticement for creative endeavours, which forces me to set healthier boundaries for my own enjoyment, and to reduce feelings of overwhelm. (**Janet I can see you rolling your eyes and saying "Oh sure you are cutting back"!! I am... starting next week!)
*Advertising - there is definitely an increasing trend of "blogging as marketing tool/advertising". I pay money each month for the use of linky services for Slow Sunday Stitching, and have never made a cent from my blog. I blog because it enriches my life, not for profit. I dislike most kinds of advertising (although I do enjoy some of those creative Budweiser commercials!) and believe that most people don't comprehend the power and influence that advertising has in their lives. Most of the blogs I frequently read are written by regular quilters, ordinary people like myself, who quilt and blog for pure enjoyment.
To celebrate my 10th blogiversary, I am happy to share some of my most recent fabric purchase with one of my blog readers. I bought the entire collection of Amanda Jean's new fabric line called "Good Neighbours". Yep... bought the whole thing!
I have never done this before but I just love it and can't wait to start putting little bits in my Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks. This is a terrible photo of part of the fabrics and trust me... they are much prettier in real life!
I also bought one huge hunk of this lovely fabric for a backing. Don't you just love the selvage edges?!? See the little cups??
If you want your name in the draw for the "Good Neighbours" (Canadians have to spell neighbours with a 'u'!) charm pack, leave me a comment below. I'll draw the winner in 10 days... good luck everyone!
Happy Anniversary!
Congratulations and thank you for all the effort in making your quilts and writing about them.
Congrats! I enjoy reading your blog EVERYDAY! Hugs.
Wow...ten years! I am glad I found your blog and had a chance to meet you in real life as well. Hope to get a chance to sew together soon! Thanks for hosting slow Sunday stitching each week. I look forward to seeing everyone's projects on Sundays.
I'm sew Happy to follow your BLOG! I can see Janet Rolling her eyes, too. She gives me a nudge when I start something NEW. This fabric would be Perfect for the "Be My Neighbor" SAL with MODA. It started last Friday, LOL
That's a long time to blog, I don't think I even knew what a blog was 10 years ago. maybe there's a correlation with the amount of work I don't get done now that I love to view blogs. I was feeling guilty about the time spent here until one of my friends said she was impressed at how I study new quilting designs. Studying!! that's what I'm doing!
Joyeux anniversaire ! I love your blog Kathy.
Congrats on your anniversary! 10 years is very impressive. I love seeing your projects and reading about how they are coming along.
Thanks for the giveaway--I love that line of fabrics!
Happy blogging anniversary! I enjoy coming to your blog and seeing what you are up to.
I am so with you about the blogs that advertise. They are hard to read with the ads coming up all the time. Takes away the blogging experience
Wow, 10 years. Technology has changed so much in that time. Keep on quilting and blogging and enjoying it. I can relate to over committing, I have enough fabric and kits to last 20 years, but it is so hard to resist shopping. Something to work on. Happy anniversary.
I'm not sure how I came across your blog but I certainly enjoy it! I often wonder how you get so much done!!! I tend to over commit too! I rarely buy new fabric-I up cycle clothes! I would love the charm pack to play with!
Congrats on your 10 years.
happy blog anniversary - you have me beat by a half a year. I blog for a lot of the same reasons you do.
Congratulations on 10 years of blogging!! You have an amazing blog. I have loved following you and seeing all projects. Thanks so much for all you share!
Happy Anniversary! I'll take this opportunity to tell you that I enjoy your blog very much. I smiled when you wrote how overwhelming it can be as a blogger to be exposed to so many cool projects. I've fallen into that trap and just realised lately that it's a problem related to blogging. I think in the future I have to be more aware of this and try to hold off a bit on new projects. I really like the phrase "delusional doability" as I think it hits the nail right on the head. Also, thanks for the opportunity to win some fabric!
oh Kathy... Happy Bloggiversary!!! Your post made me realize I just missed my own 5 th anniversary of blogging!!! lol I love to blog just to keep up the memories of the way things happened ... I can always go back and see positive things and progress no matter what I was sharing! I hope my kids will enjoy reading my words here long after I am gone too! :) Kathi
Happy blogging Anniversary!! Your blogs are always interesting to read.
Ten years?!? Congratulations and happy bloggiversary! So many projects and ideas in the last ten years - thanks for sharing so much!
Congratulations on 10 years! I do so agree with your comments about advertising, some are just obnoxious with flashing pictures and moving video, so distracting with little content. I am very happy to have made internet friends like you!!
Kathy, Happy Bloggiversary! I've just started reading your blog in the last month or two, and I enjoy your posts very much. This post was especially good for me to hear as a new blogger. You've encouraged me to keep at it. I blog mainly to keep myself accountable and get those projects done! Good for you on the purchase of the Good Neighbors line! How fun that will be to play with!! Wendy at piecefulthoughts@gmail.com
Congratulations on your 10th year Blog Anniversary!
Always fun to read your posts... wishing you many more years of happy blogging!
Agree with you 10 years is a great milestone for blogging. Congrats. I also enjoy Amanda Jeans fabric. Always enjoy your blog.
Congratulations on this milestone! And, thank you for this blog, and for the Slow Sunday Stitching link-up. I always enjoy looking at what you're up to. (lynnstck[at]yahoo.com)
Hey Kathy!!!! Happy blogaversary to you!!! What a milestone!! I'm happy to have found your blog and I enjoy following you!! Keep up the great work!!!
Happy Blog Anniversary! I, too, am so impressed that you have been here for 10 years. I'm glad to have found you! Blogging, and blog-reading, have definitely been a big source of inspiration for me as a quilter since I discovered it all.
A very big congrats! 10 yrs. Is huge! Love your enthusiasm and non-commercial blogging.😊 Like you I can get overwhelmed with it and have been trying to set better boundaries for myself. Love your Sunday slow stitching linky esp. But decided to give up any imagined pressure (from myself) to blog on the weekends & therefore have more time to create. Keep up the great work!
Ten Years and counting...congratulations. While I have never been tempted to write a "blog" I do so enjoy my perusal of quilting goodness with a cup of tea each morning
Congrats on the anniversary. I'm glad to have been in your world all this time!
Blogging for ten years is an accomplishment. I read your post with interest and can say that I feel the same way about having a quilt blog. It has certainly enabled me to "meet" many quilters around the world and to learn new techniques and about new quilt products. It also encourages me to try some of the new ideas I come across. May you have many, many more blogging years to come.
Congratulations on a wonderful milestone! I enjoy reading your blog and getting inspiration from all you do. Keep up the great work!
I am glad you decided to write a blog...I enjoy reading every new post! I recently read your adventure into treadle sewing, as I was given my Grama's treadle this summer. It needs a bit of attention before I can use it. Are you still using your treadle?
Talking and writing must come naturally to you. It has been a pleasure to follow your quilting journey. Haven't selvages come along way? Some of the old ones didn't even give you the strip of white. Now we collect them for special projects.
Happy 10th!! That is an accomplishment worthy of praise. I enjoy your posts and espcially enjoy Slow Sunday - it takes away some of that overwhelming. Slow down and enjoy the day with the feel of thread, fabric, and needle. I don't like the advertising blogs either and I will never put that on my blog (even though approached) - I like an open door come on in sit down and join me in some social quilty fun type blog.
I love your blog! I love that you write on a fairly consistent basis--even if just a few words. I especially love the encouragement to 'slow sew' on Sundays. Keep it going! Thanks
Thankyou Kathy, how exciting! I know the time demans of blogging, which is why I reluctantly gave up, but I stilll enjoy yours as you know. If I am lucky enough to win, please let me pay the postage to the UK.
Happy Anniversary, Kathy. You are an inspiration to so many - new projects, road trips, quilting time with friends, and Slow Sunday Stitching. I find myself visiting some of your links and meeting new bloggers that I want to follow or new projects to try. When I read your blog it's like having a conversation with you. Keep blogging.
Happy, Happy Ten years, Kathy!!
I did NOT roll my eyes, but will admit that I was snickering as I read that part.
Hey, I love the term Delusional Doability! I'm getting ready to do a wool applique trunk show for a guild this evening and I think that term applies to what I thought I would get finished before tonight's meeting. : )
Really enjoy your blog, Kathy. Your sense of humor always keeps me chuckling and I have learned so much from you! I still credit you as one of two bloggers that pushed--okay, encouraged--me to pursue machine quilting. SO glad you did!
Happy 10th Anniversary! It is a mile stone-I love blogging for the same reasons you do-I had tried to start a business related blog and gave up on it-I think most people feel like they are bombarded with ads and business's all day long and are just sick of it-lol
Congrats on 10 years. I'm only at 5 years. I agree with the advertising part. Don't put me in for fabric, I have tons already.
Congratulation on reaching such a wonderful milestone. I'm a quiet follower so don't comment often but do keep up with your quilting adventures. Keep up the great work! Rina
Congratulations Kathy!
Congrats--that's a lot of blogging! I agree that the most fun blogs are those without advertising--I'm not sure how much the blogger profits, but it is so annoying that I've pretty much stopping visiting those sites.
Happy anniversary! Thank you so much for sharing your quilting adventures with us! I enjoy reading about them. vickise at gmail dot com
Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! I am a fairly new follower and enjoy your blog. Thanks!
Congratulation Kathy. Love your blog. Read it every day. Keep up the good work. Dianne
Great work....enjoy your blog & your support of ontario fall fairs.
Great work....enjoy your blog & your support of ontario fall fairs.
Happy blogaversary, Kathy. I blog for the same reasons as you do.
Happy 10 years! Here's hoping there will be many more. I love that Good Neighbor backing, too. I really should buy some before it's no longer available. I share your feelings about blog advertising. It's really become disruptive on some sites.
Happy Blogaversary!!!You are the one that got me hooked on blogging and encouraged me to do it.I too have learned so much and enjoy the experience.There will never be enough time to do all we want to do...so enjoy what you like now!!! Loving that new line of fabric too. Can't wait to see what you do with it.
Congratulations on your first decade of blogging! Double digits! I love reading your blog, and have followed some of the Quilt-alongs that you have done. It's fun to see what fabrics you choose. In addition, I'm trying to adopted Slow Stitching Sunday. Handwork is soothing, but a low priority. Thanks for taking time to remedy that, and for creating a lovely, creative space in the blogosphere.
I love this fabric! Congrats on your anniversary!
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Congrats on 10 years of blogging. I love your Slow Stitching posts and appreciate the time and energy it takes to keep posting. BTW, that is a great backing fabric.
Congratulations! and we are all the better for it ! Thank you. This fabric reminds me of sand dollars. Very pretty.
Congratulations! I am so encouraged to see that you are still committed to blogging after 10 years. I agree with all your points! My 5 year anniversary is coming up, and I have been thinking a lot about that too. All the best!
Congratulations--10 years is a long time to continue but since you obviously enjoy blogging, it's your labor of love, I'm sure. Thanks for the chance to win such lovely fabric.
Congratulations on this anniversary! I have been enjoying going back in time on your blog and catching up with all that you've written.
Thanks for the chance to win something so nice!
Congrats on 10 years! Really it is lucky for us...
congrats on 10 years and great fabric
Congrats on your 10 years of blogging. I've been reading your blog for 3 years now and enjoy following all your quilting adventures. Thanks for this lovely give-away.
congratulations on 10 yrs!! isn't blogging fun!??? just keep blogging, just keep swimming, swimming swimming ;)-Dory - right.
Happy blog-aversary! Just started my own blog too.
Wow ! Congratulations on your ten years blogging ! I enjoy reading your blog and sometimes join in for Slow Sunday Stitching. Thank you for the giveaway.
Congratulations! That really is an impressive commitment!! I echo everything you said about blogging. I will probably not ever make a dime doing it, but it sure is fun! I just learned how to quilt this year and am having a ball doing this. I really enjoy your blog, Kathy!
Happy blogoversary, Kathy! I will celebrate 10 years blogging later this year!
Congratulations Kathy! Wow! Ten years is a long time. I really enjoyed reading your post and hearing your thoughts on the aspects of blogging and quilting. So glad to have you as a bloggy buddy!
Happy Deca-anniversary to Kathy's Quilts and to its author, Kathy! May you have many, many more years because I do enjoy your blog (even though I don't comment that often.) I too suffer from "delusional doability" and I am trying a different approach to my craft in the hope that I might become more realistic with my time. (Time will tell if I can grow wise.) Hope you celebrate this milestone with some fun sewing. Enjoy! ;^)
Congratulations Kathy on your 10 year blogoversary. I would love to win the charm pack.
Congratulations of you blog anniversary. Thanks for sharing for all those years.
Happy blog anniversary! I enjoy reading your blog post so I hope you are around for many more years to come. Thank you for the giveaway.
Wow 10 years of inspiring others to sew sew sew ! Can't imagine life without sewing. I Enjoy seeing your creativity. Amanda's fabric is very fun. I one piece of her Red oval yardage. Love it. Thanks for a chance to win. Janita
Happy Blogoversary!! I have learned so much from you. Thank you!
Cngratulations! Doesn't time fly especially when you are having fun. I must thank you for Slow stitching Sunday. I don't always get a chance to link up, but because of you I set aside at least part of Sunday to just sit and hand stitch every Sunday. It might be EPP or sewing a binding or a bit of embroidery. The whole gamut. And it truly replenishes my soul. I loved watching the progress of Life is beautiful so much that I tracked it down on the Internet and can hardly wait to work on that on SSS. Absolutely love following your blog💕
congrats on 10 years of sewing pleasure and inspiring others...lovely giveaway and yes, i love the little cups!
Congratulations on 10 years Kathy that is a long time.
Happy 10th Blogging Anniversary, with many more to come. To share like you do, spreads the joy to us piecers. Lol
Aka kingcooper0001@aol.com
Big congratulations on 10 years! That really is a milestone. Don't they say that one internet years equals 2 regular years so, really, you've been blogging for 20 internet years. Even bigger congratulations!
I've only been blogging a few years but I've also noticed trends in the quilting world and the ebb and flow of interests.
I'm so glad to have discovered your blog and especially the Slow Stitching Sunday posts.
Here's to 20 more internet years of great blog posts!
--Nancy. (ndmessier @ aol.com, joyforgrace.blogspot.com)
Hey congratulations on 10years blogging, I don't blog myself as I wouldn't have much to write about but I do love your slow stitch Sunday's and always think of you when I'm putting a few stitches in my work on a Sunday.
Here in the uk the u in neighbours is also in colour lol
Regards Sue .....
Congrats on ten years blogging! What an accomplishment! Can you remember any of the trends? I think rabbits and foxes on fabric is a big trend at the moment, what will be next?! I'd love to see some cheeky badgers! Or were you thinking of qal trends or modern trends??! My favourite blogs to follow are written by everyday people in chatty formats, the photos are often just the best they could manage! I love that type of authenticity, just blogging to share and inspire and to be included. I love the genuine joy shared for sewing, quilting, embroidery etc I love the warts and all attitude to some quilt/ sewing blogs. I've happily made some friends with some blog authors I follow. Keep on keeping on Kathy :) emilyste7ens at gmail dot com
Ten years is a long time to blog-CONGRATS! And thanks for the chance to win fabric!!!
jlpfeffer at gmail dot com
I love your Slow Sunday stitching posts....first post I checked out when I recently came back to blogging again. Your 10th anniversary post stated it all perfectly...enjoying cyberspace with folks of the quilting world!
Congratulations on your ten years anniversary! I did the same, so exciting!!
And keep going ;)
Happy Anniversary, Kathy. I love forward to each and every one of your posts but my favourite are the Slow Sunday Stitching posts. Take care and enjoy the journey.
Congratulations on your Blogiversary! I would love to have my name put in the drawing!
Congratulations Kathy! Ten years-WOW. Love your blog and thank you for your generous giveaway.
Congratulations on 10 years of inspiration and sharing. Glad you're a good neighbour!
I really enjoy your blog. I have become a total fan of Slow Sunday stitching. I actually think ahead to make sure I have something lined up that would qualify as "slow". Congratulations on 10 years of blogging.
Congratulations! This is a great post. The pure joy of making a quilt shines through every post. I thank you for staying true to your original purpose!
Happy bloganniversary.Great post,I enjoy reading it and mke me think which was my first post .
10 years of blogging. Wow! WTG! Congratulations!
Ahh Kathy.. I will have to throw my name in the mix too. Woo Hoo 10 years of blogging. I love stopping by to catch up with what you are doing... and I am such a bad (inconsistent) blogger myself...
10 Years - Happy Bloggiversary. There have been some changes to the bloggy world in that time, but the things you love remain the great things.
That Good Neighbours line is really cute. I've only bought a whole line once and I was nearly paralysed by how best to use it. Silly the things we do to ourselves.
Wow! Congratulations to you! XO
Happy blogiversary Kathy! Love following your posts, very insparational, Margriet
Happy Anniversary! I check your blog daily and am amazed at all you accomplish! Thank you for the inspiration and the glimpse into your quilting life!
Happy 10th Anniversary Kathy. Keep on blogging, it interesting reading about all your adventures.
Happy blog anniversary! Your Sunday slow stitching link party is one of my favorite reads. Thanks for all the inspiration you provide.
Very happy you have continued this journey in blog land! So many of my blog friends have stopped and I miss them a lot. You're prolific sewing brings joy to the world! I hope you continue to inspire us with your stitching enthusiasm! Happy 10th!
i dunno if i will keep up the blog i write for ten years - sometimes i just don't have anything worth sharing ... but YOU - now YOU are another story all together! congratulations and thank you for the inspiration!
Happy Anniversary! I so enjoy following along as you share your quilting journey with us.
Lovely musings re why you blog....and actually pretty dead on for me, too!
Congrats on 10 years blogiversary!!
Love this fabric - I am thrilled by the coffee cups as well.
Congratulations on your 10 year Blogiversary! I agree with you about the blogging advertising and I enjoy your blog partly because it is ad-free. That fabric is gorgeous.
I enjoyed your list of likes and dislikes; it resonated with me! Congrats on ten years -- a major milestone! Here's to TEN more! :)
Congratulations. This is year one for me. My sister Paula recommended your blog to me. We are avid followers.
Congratulations on 10 years. I am always amazed at how much you accomplish.
Happy 10th Blogging Anniversary! I really enjoyed this post, you hit some of my favorite things about blogging and some of my pet peeves. Wishing you another 10 years of fun blogs and quilting adventures.
Congratulations. I enjoy reading your blog. It keeps me inspired.
Congratulations on your tenth year of blogging. You are an inspiration.
I read your blog with a cup of coffee,and it is like chatting with a friend.May we have many Sunday morning chats.
Wow ten years is impressive, congratulations and best wishes
10 years is certainly worth celebrating! Congratulations! I may be older than you, but I didn't even know blogs existed 10 years ago! I was slow jumping on the wagon, I guess! Happy to be a new follower of yours! (We Kathy people have to stick together!)
Congrats new to sewing found your blog to be really helpful thank you for the chance. Continue to learn all I can be safe and healthy mj
How wonderful to celebrate 10 years blogging, I feel fortunate to have found your blog and love taking part in Slow Sunday Stitching too. Here's to the next 10 years of stitching, quilting, photos and more.
You are so impressive, 10 years is a commitment. I hope to make it to 10. You said it so well the good and bad of blogging. I too do it cause of the same reasons and I too do not go for the advertising. All I can say is say congratulations and thank you very much.
Congratulations! 10 years is hardcore! X
Happy Anniversary! You have a great list of reasons why to blog -
I always enjoy a visit here.
count me in for the Friends and Neighbors giveaway - what cute fabric
My husband and I had the privilege of visiting Japan about 5 years ago to visit out daughter and we thought the bamboo forests were beautiful. How fast the years go! I like the look of the Good Neighbors collection.
I thank you for blogging. You frequently provide me with great food for thought. Congrats on ten years.
Way to go! 10 years is quite a milestone. Congrats and may you have many many more.
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