In my recent online wanderings I came across the Japanese word "Shinrin-yoku" which means "forest bathing". Doesn't that sound wonderful?!? That is exactly what I was doing last weekend and it was indeed wonderful!
The health benefits are listed here and include decreased stress hormones and blood pressure, and increased immune system functioning. Yes please, give me some of that!
The forest is a magical, relaxing and healing place, and if you add hand stitching activity while in the forest, you double up the relaxation effects.
And the forest teaches the lesson of perspective... just look at how tiny and insignificant my embroidery block looks in the forest. And did you notice that huge mushroom on the left of the stump at the bottom of the photo? The forest was full of them.
While forest bathing, I finished this Life Is Beautiful block...
"Love is the greatest refreshment in life". I would add that nature is another of the greatest refreshments in life.
What are you working on today? We love to encourage you in your slow stitching endeavours and see what you're working on. Link up your hand stitching blog post below.
And if you haven't already signed up for my 10th blogiversary fabric giveaway, hop over here and leave a comment to win some Good Neighbours fabric.
What a delightful post! I'll be sewing binding today. I'm in migraine mode, so won't be good for much else.
Love the pineapples!
It looks like you had a great holiday...time by the lake, in the forest...hand stitching...what could be better? I love seeing your Life is Beautiful blocks! I posted two links this week...one for a hand stitching finish this past week and one for what I'm working on today! Hope this is ok!
I spend much time outdoors in a screened in room ... I have a water bubbler going and can hear nature in the trees that surround my Florida room... LOVE IT! VERY REFRESHING TOO!!! Just like this post is :) so happy to be linking with you today also!!! Have a good one and glad you got in a good dose of outdoor time! Kathi
I love that block. I have always been partial to pineapples. What a pretty forest picture.
Your block is so sweet. I love it!!
Love seeing your work in the hoop in the forest :)
Oh I love hiking thru the woods and finding a quiet place to sit and just listen. Adding some hand quilting to the experience must really be marvelous
Forest bathing sounds great as long as the mosquitoes leave me alone! :-) I like your stitchery!
It would be so nice to be able to sit and applique in such a setting
Love the pineapple stitchery and I did notice the large mushroom right away. I have been forest bathing most of my life and find it extremely calming, I am fortunate to live in an area that has National Forest trails nearby and many lovely short hikes and nature trails. This year I made it my goal to walk one new trail every month so far I have.
"forest bathing" I love that term and your piece looks so nice resting on that stump. Nothing better then sitting outside with some stitchery of any kind and enjoying the air!
Love your shots in the Forrest, what an awesome place to relax and stitch in
Great staging for a darling block!! Very creative! :)
I must admit it has been a while since I've had the privilege to play in a forest! I used to love it as a child, I remember. And I always have to have trees around our home or it's just not a home. Love your latest block - those pineapples are adorable!
oh that sounds so wonderful, beautiful stitching
I know that feeling, it is why I live in the forest on the mountainside. I can feel myself relaxing every time I walk outside. I just wish it would cool off. Beautiful pictures!
I slow stitched last Sunday, I just didn't get a chance to blog about it. No slow stitching today, since I'm supposed to have 14 people over for dinner tonight.
What a gorgeous place to stitch! Hope you get your stitching "refreshment" this weekend too.
Nothing so majestic here as your forest Kathy. It sounds like a wonderful place to just 'be me' - and with sewing thrown into the mix, well there's no way it could fail!
Forest bathing--LOVE it!!
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