I threw my pumpkin seed blocks up on the design wall in no particular order.
I was disappointed because:
a) I thought I had sewn way more blocks than this, and
b) it looks kind of blah.
I think it needs more light, more orange, and gold/yellow blocks.
So I really got to work on some orange blocks, and have a few in various stages of completion.
They will really help to boost this project.
To see more scrappy posts of bloggers who are probably following the rules and working on the proper coloured scraps, hop over to SoScrappy.
Great peels, and I can see that a few more orange ones will add more pizazz!
I wouldn't say blah at all, but more yellow is sure to brighten up any quilt. Enjoy!
they look great ah yes more cheddars will help :)
I do agree too. Some more ♪♫ orange ♪♪ will jazz up the picture. I understand why you would think you did more than only 35 blocks. You actually did 140 peels. That's a lot Kathy. Since it takes 4 to make one block and they are so small, it takes a lot to do a large quilt. But you are getting somewhere. Hang in there. It will be so beautiful. Great work.
I love you blocks! Some orange peels will add just the right spark!
Love it, really! I think the orange will be a good touch...maybe a few with lighter backgrounds too?
I don't think your blocks on the design wall look blah. But if making more orange makes you happy.....go for it.
I know! The oranges were so happy! The browns, not so much. Guess they'll work in... LeeAnna at not afraid of color
Not blah at all! Work on it until you're happy :)
Looking good to me! Yummy orange fabrics.
Looks good to me too. I do like the Orange ones though. Will certainly add more color.
I actually like it as is, but if you think it needs something, go for it! Those orange peel blocks look so good. Nice work!
I agree the orange and some yellow or gold ones would add a bit more sparkle. Looks great so far!
I agree the orange and some yellow or gold ones would add a bit more sparkle. Looks great so far!
The orange is a great addition! Lookin' good!
Yes, more orange--great idea!
What is the fun of seeing the ones who are following the rules? : )
Remember there is not rule this must be finished this year! The dark browns might make the other brighter colors pop a bit.... when you get to them. Oranges are looking good. You make me want to shoo everyone out of the house so I can pin mine for hand quilting.
The orange will definitely perk up the design wall. Have fun stitching.
The orange will add a little zing and light to it, however I'm just loving what you have so far.
I'm amazed you think you haven't done many, given these are hand sewn--that represents a lot of stitching time! The orange will look great too :)
This is looking lovely! So bright and cheerful.
Your blocks are moving right along... And orange will be lovely!
looks good to me but yes I can se lots more orange will work well
Rules? Schmules . . . Listen to your quilt and give it what it needs! Angela didn't mind a bit when I went off-road and used blue green instead of whatever the color was for that month.
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