In writing my mystery review post last week I realized that I only have 2 1/2 Bonnie mysteries to finish up, which is pretty darn awesome! I want to work on these in the month of November. One project (RRCB) needs a border and quilting, one quilt top (Easy Street) is just waiting for quilting, and then ...
there is one other "problem child" - Carolina Christmas mystery.
There were two sets of blocks to make for this quilt, but with my colour selections (which were way way "off the beaten path"!) the finished blocks did not play well together. So I separated the blocks and used half of them in the green and pink quilt, which was finished in 2011.
This week I went in search of (and happily located) the other half of the blocks.
These blocks just didn't fit together in the same quilt as the other half.
Now... what can I do with these?
Any ideas?!?
Wouldn't it be great if I finished this quilt in November before the new mystery started?!?
Linking up to the Challenge Checkin....
I like them just as they are. Do a straight set and use a pink & white striped fabric, on the diagonal, for an inner border and black and white fabric for the outer border?
That is funny...that is the one Bonnie Mystery that is still in pieces!!! Well...Easy street is in blocks, so I guess that makes two. Loving what you are doing here!!
It is a shame to have 4 white squares meeting at the block cornets, so I woul definitely add cornerstones, maybe dark squares like the ones in the blocks? Have you tried it on point? That can perk up a quilt in a hurry. Whatever you decide, just take a deep breath and GO.
I agree with some sashing, or what happens when you set them on point?
Depending on the size of those blocks - no sashing but fiddle with the straight set blocks so the corner joins are scrappy to the eye (not too much of the same 'tonal feel ' together)'. Then I would see them together, add a narrow stop border in a fun color, find border fabric in the stash and finish yourself a happy quilt top!
Make that SEW them together ...
2 quilts out of the one pattern look pretty good to me - as someone else suggested "sashing" in the pink one maybe? I don't know what the sizes are for the two quilts but you should be able to turn the pink one into a twin size maybe? or baby
I like the first commentor's suggestion - was so my thoughts, too. No sashing - just border it .
They looks pretty as is, to me. My mind always goes to the dark side and I was wondering if dark sashing with light cornerstones would create a kind of chain effect, but it would darken the quilt considerably. Pink sashing sounds fun.
I'll be interested to see what you end up doing with the blocks--lots of possibilities. : )
I love your two "separated at birth" quilts"! I need to dig out my last two mysteries and see what I can do with them--you have two lovely finishes!
I'm doing the mystery quilt this year, too! I wish I had done last years one, but I was pretty new and didn't know what a mystery quilt was. Now that I've seen it finished, I regret not trying. I hope this year's is as nice. I have the fabrics all pulled and ready to go in advance since I'll be busy with NaNoWriMo in November.
Ah yes! That is always a concern for me when trying to think of colors other than what BH uses! I have a hard time choosing colors for a quilt without knowing the pattern or how they will sit next to each other. You are well disciplined - you'll get it done!
I see light coloured sashes with triangle corners of the ends that would form stars when it was all put together.
I like both of your quilts the way you have them on the design wall. I think the layouts are great...quite procrastinating and get them done!!
Good on you!! The other thought I had was to sew a small square across each corner of each block in a snowball type way so that where the 4 white squares meet, you have a diamond effect, adding a little extra interest. Sorry if that doesn't make total sense! I do think it's going to be a lovely quilt however you finish it!
Put them on-point! Use a pretty Pink to set them together. I didnt' do theis Mystery. I am on my 3rd this year. I started doing the Double Delight, but haven't done much on it.
I think the blocks look great just the way you have them right now! It's a win/win...two quilts instead of one.
In my humble opinion, I would try a small sashing ending with a green HST and a green cornerstone, to make a small friendship star I think it would separate the blocks but unify the whole. Well, it looks good in my head anyway. Good luck. ;^)
I like your blocks - I might add sashing and dark cornerstones to create a chain with the dark squares. Whatever you decide to do, it's going to look great!
I sure like the green and pink quilt. BH Carolina Christmas is on my list. I like the other one the way it is. Maybe red for a sashing?
Do you have any of the green left? What about a flange of green and then a simple black and white print border?
the only suggestion I can come up with is to have 2 smaller quilts, have never done a Bonnie challenge and will pas on this next one too
I like the idea of sashing with darker corner stones and maybe an on point setting.
What size it is?
Those look like a teenage girl would like them - if it isn't twin size maybe add dark (white on black - like in the blocks) sashing & a hot pink border (to get it up to twin) & donate it to a group looking for teen donations.
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