I was able to confidently applique these four blocks for my Votes For Women quilt last year.
I only had one more block (block #49) to finish for that quilt so I thought I'd work on that for Slow Sunday Stitching this week.
It was a simple block really, and I just had to construct the wedges, then applique the curve. It went so quickly, it's already done, so I had to look for something else to applique today!
I came across a beautiful free applique block of the month pattern. If you like applique, maybe you will be enticed to start this one - Sycamore Rose. I was able to exercise restraint (*snort*) and haven't started it (yet!)

It's back to my pumpkin seed blocks for more applique practice today.
What are you hand stitching for Slow Sunday Stitching?! I hope you will slow down today and make some time for stitching! Link up your post below and share your hand work project with us.
Love the applique work. I've got some in the near future and I'm not really looking forward to it xx
La aplicacion a puntada escondida solo es practica y mas practica...
Feliz domingo!!!!
pretty applique, Kathy! :)
I agree about applique, when you look back all of a sudden the things you found hard are now doable without much thought.
Love the two colors you are using to sash the blocks. I found my group of blocks this week in the drawer - I think they might need to get stitched together next month =). Love how your fan block came out. I was thinking a whole quilt of them would look nice.
I've finally finished my hand appliqued and hand quilted butterfly quilt. I want to thank the folks I've met up with here on Sundays for their inspiration, encouragement and tips!
Looks like you will have a lovely day - love the quote, too. I have a baby shower today, but hope to join in later.
I am also making a pumpkin seed quilt using needle turn applique! Only I call mine an orange peel quilt. I've been working on it for a couple of years now. Maybe I will do a blog post on it today and link up :)
I'm loving your applique...I may have to try doing some for a pillow one day...not sure I could handle an entire quilt!
I have admired your consistency with your pumpkin seed blocks. You put me to shame. I also admire applique, but have managed to avoid learning to do it well. Where you make a point of practicing to get better, I make a point of avoiding to never improve. Both of our approaches appear to be working! Nice job! : )
I still haven't tackled applique although I know I will someday. The blocks you've completed are very pretty.
I really like the Sycamore Rose pattern! Thank you for the link!
Your blocks are so nice. I've not worked a lot with application, but would like to do more of it.
oh WOW! I love the free applique BOM! Guess I need to get those patterns for a future quilt!
Thanks for the linky on Sundays. I enjoy seeing everyones work every chance I have.
Thanks for stopping by my blog also!
Great job. Appliqué is not my favorite thing to do. I so admire those that enjoy it
I too simply enjoy applique as well. Yours looks great Kathy!
Love your applique work! looks great.I have appliqued 4 blocks I think so I have lots of room for improvement. Just need a few more hours in the day!
xo jan
Beautiful blocks. Applique is one of the few quilting techniques that I've just not developed a fondness for. I love to look at applique quilts, but have little desire to make one.
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